Smart Trampoline - 37745 San Miguel de Allende

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Smart Trampoline

Address :

Plaza La Luciérnaga Local L1, 37745 San Miguel de Allende, Gto., Mexico

Categories :
City : Gto.

Plaza La Luciérnaga Local L1, 37745 San Miguel de Allende, Gto., Mexico
Diego Cinematografo on Google

Divertido, hasta que le preguntas sobre la seguridad para los niños. Ahí se pierde el encantó.
Funny, until you ask about child safety. There the enchantment is lost.
alejandra morales on Google

Muy divertido y sobre todo están al pendiente de los niños que no se lastimen
Very funny and above all they are aware of children who do not get hurt
Janna Jmz on Google

No lo recomiendo para hacer fiestas, no son claros con sus promociones y te cobran cosas aun teniendo la información en el recibo que ellos generan. El gerente Jose Manuel Ramirez Chavez fue el que me atendió para llevar a cabo la fiesta de mi hija. Yo pague el paquete plus que me dijeron que incluía una piñata si apartaba ese mismo día, lo cual hice, me dijo de la promoción de si pagas 15 niños te regalan 5 niños y mas todo lo que incluye el paquete plus. El día de la fiesta me dijo la novia del gerente (que trabaja ahi) que como me híban a regalar las dos cosas, que era ¡¡OBVIO QUE NO!!, en tono burlon. Llegó el tal gerente y me dice que puede ser que si, que la información no estuvo clara pero que así son las cosas, que ellos no pueden regalar dos cosas, "Su sistema no lo permite" pero si permite en el ticket regalar piñata y cobrarla al final, no?. Le dije que yo quería lo que se me había ofrecido desde un princípio las dos promociones, y la novia aún así se voltea con su compañero a reírse. Al final su solución, fue que me escogiera de las dos promociones. Me hicieron pagar la piñata en $600 pesos, los 5 niños de regalo, me hicieron pagar las calcetas de 4 aun así cuando 2 de ellos ya traían sus propias calcetas. Y al final no había sistema por que a chuchita la bolsearon, que el pago era forzosamente en efectivo. Para mi SUENA A ROBO! QUE MAL QUE SE QUEMEN POR 600 PESOS!. Por otra parte los baños super sucios, no cambian las bolsas de la basura, no te ayudan a recoger lo sucio de las mesas, la botana que te incluye son 4 platitos con totopos y unos churros. Obvio se la pasaron bien los niños, pero yo no vuelvo ni si quiera a que vayan a bricar! te la hacen de emoción que no pueden entrar ni 5 min antes de la hora a brincar que porque hay cámaras y te revisan desde el espacio casi casi.
I do not recommend it for parties, they are not clear about their promotions and they charge you for things even if they have the information in the receipt that they generate. The manager Jose Manuel Ramirez Chavez was the one who assisted me to carry out my daughter's party. I paid the extra package that they told me included a piñata if I set aside that same day, which I did, he told me about the promotion if you pay 15 children give you 5 children and more everything included in the plus package. The day of the party the manager's girlfriend (who works there) told me how they were going to give me both, which was OBVIOUS NO!, In a mocking tone. The manager came and told me that it could be that, if the information was not clear but that's the way things are, that they can not give two things, "Your system does not allow it" but if you allow in the ticket to give piñata and collect it at the end, no ?. I told him that I wanted what I had been offered from the beginning of the two promotions, and the girlfriend still turns around with her partner to laugh. In the end, his solution was to choose me from the two promotions. They made me pay the piñata at $ 600 pesos, the 5 children as a gift, they made me pay for the 4 socks, even though 2 of them already brought their own socks. And in the end, there was no system because a little girl was bagged, that the payment was necessarily in cash. For me it SOUNDS A ROBBERY! THAT BAD THAT BURN FOR 600 PESOS !. On the other hand super dirty bathrooms, do not change the garbage bags, do not help you to pick up the dirty of the tables, the snack that includes you are 4 plates with chips and some churros. Obviously the children had a good time, but I do not even want to go back to school! they do it to you of emotion that they can not enter nor 5 min before the hour to jump that because there are cameras and they check you from the space almost almost.
Banding on Google

Horrible servicio le hice un fatality a un niño y no revivió para el segundo round.
Horrible serve I fatally hit a kid and he didn't come back for the second round.
Carlos Casanova on Google

Buen lugar, limpio, a buen precio
Good place, clean, good price
Nadi SP on Google

Terrible la parte de higiene, los encargados no respetan las reglas y se meten con zapatos a visar a la gente que debe salirse, es totalmente inadecuado y antihigiénico, tampoco llevan control del tiempo ni del límite de personas, los encargados no se preocupan por nada (obvio) les tuve que decir que ya había muchos adentro para que dejaran de meter a mas. Super mal...mal
The hygiene part is terrible, the managers do not respect the rules and they mess with shoes to visa people who must leave, it is totally inappropriate and unhygienic, they do not keep track of time or the limit of people, the managers do not worry about anything (obviously) I had to tell them that there were already many inside so that they would stop bringing in more. super bad...bad
Esteban Cecilio on Google

Very funny...
Christy Marquis on Google

There is a big sign in front of the San Miguel de Allende Smart Trampoline that says "Martes y Jueves 2 Horas de Salto $99 pesos por persona," and so I took my children in today (Tuesday). The clerk asked how long we wanted to jump for. It was getting close to lunch, so I said just one hour, thinking that up to 2 hours was $99 pesos per person. But it was not for UP TO 2 hours, apparently that price is only for EXACTLY 2 hours. If you ask for one hour, they charge the full price of $140 pesos. Because we also bought socks and snacks, I didn't realize that he had charged me $140 per person until after I had paid. When I asked why it wasn't $99 pesos per person, he said it was because I had only requested 1 hour, and the Tuesday promotion is only if you request 2 hours. I said fine, that's kind of silly, but ok then I'll take 2 hours--just refund me and ring it up again. He said the manager won't let him do that, that once he rang up the transaction it was too late. I (politely) pressed my point for over half an hour, and then gave up and accepted that I had just paid $41 pesos MORE per person to use LESS time.

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