Soclinic - 54434 Villa Nicolás Romero

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Soclinic

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Av. Hidalgo 82, Hidalgo, 54434 Villa Nicolás Romero, Méx., Mexico

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City : Méx.

Av. Hidalgo 82, Hidalgo, 54434 Villa Nicolás Romero, Méx., Mexico
Jocelyn Martínez Cortés on Google

Ayer acudí hacerme un estudio y comienzan a laborar después de que entra el personal y hacen sus quehaceres. Osea 7:30... Y hoy acudí por los resultados impresos y no los tienen porque no tienen Internet
Yesterday I went to do a study and they start working after the staff comes in and they do their chores. I mean 7:30... And today I went for the printed results and they don't have them because they don't have Internet
Terion Hernández on Google

Tiene un excelente servicio por parte de todo el personal, y la atención es muy buena, resuelven cualquier duda hasta esclarecer la. ?
It has an excellent service by all the staff, and the attention is very good, they solve any doubt until it is clarified. ?
Janette Aguirre on Google

Mal servicio de nada sirve llegar temprano te tienen esperando más de 2 horas para unos simples estudios y se molestan si preguntas si tardas y cuando pides que te canselen la dorden te hacen esperar y al final no te canselan nada y quiere que regrese después hacerlos
Bad service it is useless to arrive early they keep you waiting more than 2 hours for some simple studies and they get annoyed if you ask if you are late and when you ask them to cancel the order they make you wait and in the end they do not bother you at all and they want you to come back after doing them
Fernando GL on Google

El trato muy amable e intalaciones limpias, lo unico malo que no se puede comunicar tan facilmente, entra la grabadora y esperas mucho tiempo y nunca te contestan, ojo
The very friendly treatment and clean facilities, the only bad thing is that you cannot communicate so easily, the recorder comes in and you wait a long time and they never answer you, eye
Judith Ramirez on Google

Pésimo servicio nos ofrecen un horario el cual no cumplen me párese una falta de respeto jugar con el tiempo de la gente que va confiado a su horario y no nos atiendan porque ya están platicando las enfermeras como de costumbre el personal de enfermería y recepción asen quedar a los médicos mal solo porque a ellos les da flojera atender para irse a su casa no lo recomiendo en lo absoluto
Terrible service they offer us a schedule that they do not comply with, it seems disrespectful to me to play with the time of the people who are entrusted to their schedule and do not attend to us because the nurses are already talking as usual, the nursing and reception staff agree to stay doctors badly just because they are lazy to attend to go home I do not recommend it at all
Evelyn Ximenez on Google

Me parece mal servicio hice una cita a las 11 para los estudios que me iban a realizar, a la 1 de la tarde no me atendían y la unica explicación que me dieron fue. - "seguro a las 2 de la tarde ya pasa" - Me parece que es mucho tiempo de espera, si no tiene suficiente personal, no deberia de tener tanta gente formada y claro muy ambles para que pagues y despues te tienen esperando y ni te pelan. Muy mal
It seems to me bad service I made an appointment at 11 for the studies that were going to be done, at 1 in the afternoon they did not attend me and the only explanation they gave me was. - "surely at 2 in the afternoon it already passes" - It seems to me that it is a long waiting time, if it does not have enough personnel, it should not have so many trained people and of course they are very friendly so that you pay and then they have you waiting and they do not even fight you. Very badly
Nataly Ivon Cosio Chávez on Google

He tenido muchos temas con el servicio, los equipos para ultrasonido son buenos al igual que los radiólogos, así como los laboratoristas que te toman muestras. El problema son las personas que te reciben, no tienen formas de atender, no se organizan y no son capaces de dar soluciones, solo se aferran a que no se pueden las cosas y todavía tratan de hacerte responsable con cualquier excusa aún cuando tú prevengas las posibles situaciones. es increíble que uno llame con anticipación, porque vienes de lejos y recién salida del hospital, te confirmen que si hay servicio y cuando llegas en horario de atención te niegue el servicio y aún cuando es por su mala comunicación y falta de profesionalismo te traten de manera pedante y su única respuesta sea venga más temprano.
I have had many issues with the service, the ultrasound equipment is good, as are the radiologists, as well as the laboratory technicians who take samples. The problem is the people who receive you, they have no way of attending, they are not organized and they are not capable of giving solutions, they only cling to the fact that things cannot be done and they still try to make you responsible with any excuse even when you prevent the possible situations. It is incredible that one calls in advance, because you come from far away and just got out of the hospital, they confirm that there is service and when you arrive during office hours they deny you the service and even when it is due to their poor communication and lack of professionalism they treat you pedantic manner and your only response is to come earlier.
José luis Alvares on Google

Una experiencia muy desagradable la q yo sufri con ese laboratorio, un dia anterior mande a mi hijo con receta en mano a preguntar por el estudio a realizar y le dieron precio de 620 pesos, al dia siguiente yo acudo a realizarme dicho estudio, y la persona que estaba en recepcion me cobro 530 pesos y al pasar con el laboratorista me dice q tengo q pagar la diferiencia q eran todabia 569 pesos y mi enojo es que por que las personas q estan en recepcion no ponen atencion a su trabajo, si se supone que es un laboratorio serio, despues les comente que no llebaba el suficiente dinero para cubrir el costo, que si me lo podian realizar y cuando recogiera yo los resultados les liquidaba, a lo que me contestaron que el laboratorio no trabaja de esa manera, vuelvo a reiterar que yo pregunte y hasta pague prebio al estudio pero si querian que yo les dejara mi receta y los 530 que ya habia yo pagado y que regresara al dia siguiente con el faltante y a realizarme el estudio, una experiencia muy desagradable y son una bola de ineptos por no poner una bola de p.......
A very unpleasant experience that I suffered with that laboratory, the day before I sent my son with a prescription in hand to ask about the study to be carried out and they gave him a price of 620 pesos, the next day I went to carry out said study, and the The person who was at the reception charged me 530 pesos and when I went to the laboratory technician he told me that I had to pay the difference, which was still 569 pesos, and my anger is that the people who are at the reception do not pay attention to their work, yes. I suppose that it is a serious laboratory, then I told them that I did not have enough money to cover the cost, that if they could do it for me and when I collected the results I would liquidate them, to which they replied that the laboratory does not work that way, I reiterate that I asked and even paid in advance for the study but if they wanted me to leave them my prescription and the 530 that I had already paid and that I would return the next day with the missing one and to carry out the study, a wonderful experience uy unpleasant and they are a ball of inept for not putting a ball of p.......

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