SRE Pasaportes - Rioverde

2.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact SRE Pasaportes

Address :

79610, C. Lic. Benito Juárez Garcia 101, Zona Centro, Rioverde, S.L.P., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8877
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City : S.L.P.

79610, C. Lic. Benito Juárez Garcia 101, Zona Centro, Rioverde, S.L.P., Mexico
Aracely Gamez on Google

Alguien sabe del numero para hablar si lla esta my pasaporte por que el # que me dieron no entra la llamada
Anyone know the number to speak if you call this my passport because the # they gave me does not enter the call
Misa Ruiz on Google

Aparte de qe es tardado el personal cero amistosos todos amargados las viejas casi le gritan a uno si saben de otro lugar donde los puedan sacar porfabor ballan a el no lo recomiendo
Apart from that it is slow the staff zero friendly all embittered the old women almost shout at one if they know of another place where they can get them out please balla to him I do not recommend it
Alfonso Padron on Google

Muy buen servicio muy amables todas ( yo tenia cita alas 8am entre como 8:15 y para las 8:45 ya avia acabado) lo q si se tarda mucho es en llegar el pasaporte
Very good service very friendly all (I had appointment at 8am between 8:15 and 8:45 and avia finished) what if it takes a long time to get the passport
Rocio Reyes on Google

Pesimo trabajo recuerden que de ese trabajo viven nadien les esta pidiendo un favor es su trabajo atender al cliente y con respeto educacion y profesionalismo si no saven que significada cada palabra es mejor q se dedique a otra cosa que falta de respeto .viene uno hacer su tramite y ustedes en el chisme degen eso para su hora d lunche ,aqui estan para trabajar no agan perder el tiempo ala gente organisense bien digan exactamente lo que se requiere para los tramites y degen d traer ala gente vuelta y vuelta NUNCA avia estado en un lugar tan mas corriente con tanta falta de etica profesional como en este y vaya que e visitado varios lugares de govierno y este es el mas desorganizado y corriente q e visto entrenen a sus trabajadores para que aprendan a como tratar ala gente ya que no saven como dirigirse SONRIAN no les cuesta nada sino les gusta su trabajo que hacen hay?? Contraten gente preparada que sepa lo que hacen y como hacerlo verdaderamente una verguenza d lugar degen de estar en sus telefonos y agan su trabajo x eso hay tanta linea no respetan citas ni gente de tercera edad NO SE QUIEN SE ENCANRGA DE LAS CONTRATACIONES DE TRABAJO HAY PERO NO HACE BIEN SU TRABAJO cada persona tab corriente y con tan poca etica profecional que digo poca nada verdaderamente es un asco
Terrible work, remember that nobody is asking you for a favor from that job, it is your job to attend to the client and with respect, education and professionalism, if you do not know what each word means, it is better to dedicate yourself to something other than lack of respect. process and you in the gossip leave that for your hour of lunche, here you are to work do not waste time to organize people well say exactly what is required for the paperwork and stop bringing people back and forth NEVER been in a A more common place with so much lack of professional ethics as this one and I have visited several government places and this is the most disorganized and common place that I have seen their workers train so that they learn how to treat people since they do not know how to address They smile, it doesn't cost them anything if they don't like their work. Hire prepared people who know what they do and how to do it truly a shame instead of being on their phones and doing their job because there are so many lines they do not respect appointments or seniors I DO NOT KNOW WHO IS ENGAGED WITH JOB HIRING THERE IS BUT DOESN'T DO THEIR JOB WELL, every ordinary person with so little professional ethics that I say little at all is really disgusting.
Ameyali Guerrero on Google

pésimo servicio yo puse varias quejas, ya que es muy tardado, las señoras super mal educadas! y tuvieron un error en el pasaporte al hacer el llenado de mis datos y me salio mas caro. no recomiendo este sitio para realizar algún tipo de tramite PESÍMOOOO!!
Terrible service I made several complaints, since it is very late, the super rude ladies! and they had an error in the passport when filling in my data and it was more expensive. I do not recommend this site to carry out any kind of paperwork. PESÍMOOOO !!
Isabel Martinez on Google

Muy mal servicio primero te hacen hacer los pagos y hasta que regresas te hacen saber que la credencial que llevas no funcina x que esta en tramite la otra(esta bien, es aseptable) total que se va uno a esperar la nueva credencial, ya cuando vuelves te dicen que un dato de tu acta esta mal( como puede ser posible si antes de irse aparar uno ahi el acta se mando a slp precisamnte acorroborar antes para evitar este tipo de detalles y no habia nada mal, todo estaba correcto) Regresas nuevamente y ahora salen conque la numeracion del pago del banco le falta un numero. Esto suena a escusas, aponerte "peros" o que onda. Ahora ese dinero esta perdido, decian que lo podia ir alevantar a slp. Si voy ir hasta alla por 1300 y gastarme en pasaje mas de eso, porfavor!!! Consejo, antes de hacer ala gente hacer sus pagos corroboren que sus datos esten bien sino no hagan perder el tiempo ni el dinero!!! Hagan su trabajo bien, sean consientes con la gente y dejen de poner pretextos para poder dar el pasaporte, si se puede dar denlo y si no digan no y dejen d traer ala gente como mensos. Desde febrero y hasta la fecha no se apodido tramitar por una cosa u otra...que decepcion deveras!!
Very bad service first make you make the payments and until you return they let you know that the credential you are carrying does not work x that is in process the other one (it is ok, it is aseptable) total that one is going to wait for the new credential, already when come back you say that a fact of your record is wrong (as it may be possible if before going to apara one there the record was sent to slp precisamnte corroborar before to avoid this kind of details and there was nothing wrong, everything was correct) You come back again and now they leave so that the bank payment number is missing a number. This sounds like excuses, betting "buts" or that wave. Now that money is lost, they said that it could go to alevantar to slp. If I go up there for 1300 and spend more money on that, please! Advice, before making people make their payments corroborate that their data is good but do not waste time or money! Do your job well, be conscientious with people and stop giving pretexts to be able to give your passport, if you can give it and if you do not say no and let people be brought to you as if they were not. Since February and up to date, it has not been possible to process for one thing or another ... what a disappointment you will find !!
Daro He. on Google

Al realizar la cita por teléfono (Sin costo), se presentan en la oficina de enlace de Rioverde, (placita santa Elena) con los documentos que les requieren y con la cita impresa, el tiempo de espera depende del número de personas que tengan, por lo general hay bastante gente, así que vayan con tiempo. No se dejen engañar por la gente que trabaja en las visas las cita es gratuita no tienen porque exigirles que les den dinero por ello.
When making the appointment by phone (No cost), they appear at the Rioverde liaison office (placita santa Elena) with the documents they require and with the printed appointment, the waiting time depends on the number of people they have, there are usually quite a few people, so go early. Do not be fooled by the people who work on visas, the appointment is free, they do not have to demand that they give you money for it.
Diego Sifuentes on Google

Pesimo servicio,fui como todos con cita para renovarpasaporte de mi hija,todo muy bien realise los pagos y mandaron la informacion a los 3 dias me llaman que rechasaron el tramite que por mal uso del pasaporte vencido,estaba roto,que tenia que volver a agendar cita solo para firmar una carta de mal uso,que no podian hacer nada siendo error de ellos de no revisar el pasaporte vensido y firmar esa arta el mismo dia que se realiso todo el tramite
Terrible service, I went like everyone else with an appointment to renew my daughter's passport, all very well, I made the payments and they sent the information after 3 days they call me that they rejected the process that due to misuse of the expired passport, it was broken, that I had to go back to schedule an appointment just to sign a letter of misuse, that they could not do anything being their mistake of not checking the issued passport and signing that letter the same day that the entire process was carried out

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