Subdirección de Protección Civil y Bomberos - 55780 Jaltenco

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Contact Subdirección de Protección Civil y Bomberos

Address :

C. Melecio Marquez, San Andres, 55780 Jaltenco, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Méx.

C. Melecio Marquez, San Andres, 55780 Jaltenco, Méx., Mexico
Antonio P.Z. on Google

Cuídense de los policías de este municipio nos tocó que prácticamente nos extorcionaran y en el lugar que nos detuvieron no era su municipio rateros con uniforme nos inventaron una falta a su reglamento de tránsito que no pudieron comprobar que estuviera escrita en su reglamento
Beware of the police in this municipality we had to practically extort and in the place they arrested us was not their municipality pickpockets with uniform we invented a lack of their traffic regulations that could not verify that it was written in its regulations
eduardo “Bigboss” lopez on Google

Visita el GPS para que veas que no puedes entrar a este pueblo pichurriento son corruptos eviten pasar por este pueblo corran la voz compañeros de transporte alguien que pueda documentar está estafa de la policía
Visit the GPS to see that you cannot enter this pichurriento town, they are corrupt, avoid going through this town, spread the word, fellow transporters, someone who can document this police scam.
Juan on Google

Son unos rateros dicen que te pueden acusar de lo que les de la gana porque ellos son la ley te extorsionan como quieren tienen su teatro bien montado cuidado con esas lacras
They are thieves, they say they can accuse you of whatever they want because they are the law, they extort you as they want, they have their theater well set up, be careful with those blemishes
Yolanda Martinez on Google

Tenga mucho cuidado ,sus policías son unos corruptos ,te marcan faltas administrativas ,el cual no proceden y por lo cual incurren a la extorcion el cual su juez calificador es un gran ratero quedo sin ganas de volver a ese lugar tan corrupto!!!!
Be very careful, your policemen are corrupt, they mark you administrative offenses, which do not proceed and for which they incur extortion which their qualifying judge is a great thief ... I am left without wanting to return to that corrupt place! !!!
Juan Saucedo on Google

Los policías y su juez calificador son unos corruptos, me detuvieron por una falta administrativa de tránsito en la cual yo no incurri ya en los separós me extorsionaron argumentando que ellos me podían acusar de cualquier delito,
The policemen and their qualifying judge are corrupt, they detained me for an administrative traffic offense in which I did not incur any longer in the separós, they extorted me arguing that they could accuse me of any crime,

Te incimuñinican y te extorcionan para dejarte salir, y antes de entregarte tus pertenencias te hacen firmar una carta donde tú indicas que no entregaste dinero o dádivas a cambio de tu libertad.
They incimuñinize you and extort you to let you leave, and before giving you your belongings they make you sign a letter where you indicate that you did not give money or gifts in exchange for your freedom.
Evander Rentería on Google

Mucho cuidado con esas lacras de policías de Jaltenco, delincuentes con uniforme. Te detienen por faltas administrativas falsas y en los separos se te avientan como 7 u 8 puercos, argumentando que si no coperas te meterán más cargos ( falsos )
Be very careful with those marks of Jaltenco police officers, criminals in uniform. They arrest you for false administrative offenses and in the separations they throw like 7 or 8 pigs at you, arguing that if you don't drink they will put more charges on you (false)
Octavio López Abundis on Google

Rateros de m1erda, se la sacan con sus supuestas faltas administrativas, se molestan cuando no les quieres dar mordida y sus multas fantasmas solo se pueden pagar en efectivo y al momento. Nunca te expiden algún papel y entre 4 o más te amedrentan y gritan.
Shitty thieves, they get away with their alleged administrative offenses, they get upset when you don't want to bite them and their phantom fines can only be paid in cash and at the moment. They never issue you any paper and between 4 or more they intimidate you and yell.

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