Subete Al Chile 2 - 46400 Tequila

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Subete Al Chile 2

Address :

Jesús Rodríguez de Hijar 27 B, Centro, 46400 Tequila, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Categories :
City : Jal.

Jesús Rodríguez de Hijar 27 B, Centro, 46400 Tequila, Jal., Mexico
Tere Velázquez on Google

Una experiencia única. En dos horas de recorrido conoces parte del bello pueblo de Tequila y tambien conoces el proceso de la bebida. Incluye dos degustaciones una de tequila y otra de licores de sabores. El recorrido es muy atractivo y muy recomendable.
A unique experience. In two hours of tour you know part of the beautiful town of Tequila and you also know the process of the drink. It includes two tastings, one of tequila and the other of flavored liqueurs. The tour is very attractive and highly recommended.
Jose Reyes Franco Bravo on Google

Bien recomendado el mejor tour excelente servicio los guias son los mejores desde que tome este tour con esta empresa no me voy a ninguna otra con mis grupos, los camiones son los mas bonitos y originales !
Well recommended the best tour excellent service the guides are the best since I take this tour with this company I do not go to any other with my groups, the trucks are the most beautiful and original!
LIL “liljorge928” JORGEVISSION on Google

Les comento qué como coordinador de una Agencia de Zacatecas (Econuviajes Tour) ya son algunos años qué hemos trabajado de la mano con ésta Agencia (Subete al Chile) y hasta el día de hoy nuestaras experiencias han sido excelentes ya qué viajamos con grupos de 15 a 19 personas varias veces al año y siempre hemos recibido el mejor trato de su personal, los felicito por su gran desempeño, se qué habrá personas qué puedan opinar lo contrario aserca del día de su tour, pero tomemos en cuenta varias cosas , estamos en tiempos de pandemia, pensemos en nuestro estado de ánimo, pensemos en la tmporada en qué viajamos, pensemos en el tráfico de la ciudad, en la disponibilidad de las demas personas con las qué compartimos el tour, habrá veces qué tengamos qué esperar un poco para la salida del tour por la demanda del tráfico en la ciudad pero creo es entendible, mi mejor consejo para todos los qué buscan recomendaciones es qué tomen el tour ya sea con esta o con otra agencia de la ciudad y vivanlo por si mismos ...
I tell you that as coordinator of an Agency of Zacatecas (Econuviajes Tour) we have worked hand in hand with this Agency (Subete al Chile) for some years and until today our experiences have been excellent since we travel with groups of 15 to 19 people several times a year and we have always received the best treatment from your staff, I congratulate you for your great performance, I know there will be people who may say otherwise about the day of your tour, but let's take into account several things, we are in times of pandemic, let's think about our state of mind, let's think about the season in which we travel, let's think about the traffic in the city, about the availability of the other people with whom we share the tour, there will be times when we have to wait a bit to the departure of the tour due to the demand of traffic in the city but I think it is understandable, my best advice for all those who are looking for recommendations is to take the tour either with this or with another agency in the city and live it for yourself...
claudia eneida gómez castellanos on Google

Recomiendo al mil este paseo muy ordenado , campirano ,ventas y guìas ....mas que amables . La destiladora enorme ,limpia ...todo el.paseo fue con reglas sanitarias. Perdi mi cel ...y que llamo lo rescataron del tren ...honrados hasta el cielo .muchas gracias Honradez y calidad los distingue. Claudia Gómez
I highly recommend this tour, very organized, rural, sales and guides .... more than friendly. The huge distiller, clean ... the whole walk was with sanitary rules. I lost my cell phone...and what did I call...they rescued me from the train...honorable to heaven. thank you very much Honesty and quality distinguishes them. claudia gomez
Rob Der Meister on Google

Es una buena experiencia. Si no conoces el proceso de elaboración del tequila, vale la pena. Aunque debido a las medidas de seguridad debido a la contingencia estuvo algo limitado.
It is a good experience. If you do not know the process of making tequila, it is worth it. Although due to security measures due to the contingency it was somewhat limited.
Carla Susana Rosales Barajas on Google

❌❌❌????Pésimo servicio, espero que las personas que lean esto, tomen en cuenta mi comentario, pagas demasiado por un Tour súper básico, desde el momento que lo contratamos, solo fueron mentiras, por la pandemia tuvimos que separarnos toda la familia cuando según su protocolo de seguridad era 15 personas, perdona por asiento pero en el del final podían ir 5, muy tonta su lógica, las personas que nos atendieron súper mala onda, pésima atención se expresaron de una manera muy grosera si quieres conocer una destiladora y degustar varios tequilas definitivamente no es la correcta, es una estafa! ????❌❌❌❌❌ ?????? En su respuesta ?????? Dice que no pagamos por 12 niños ni si quiera llevábamos esos niños, además de que ellos establecieron una tarifa de 100 pesos por Niño los cuales se pagaron, pero realmente solo una degustación de 10 ml, robó total
❌❌❌???? Terrible service, I hope that the people who read this take my comment into account, you pay too much for a super basic Tour, from the moment we hired it, they were just lies, due to the pandemic we had to separate everything the family when according to their security protocol there were 15 people, sorry for the seat but at the end 5 could go, their logic was very silly, the people who attended us were super rude, terrible attention they expressed themselves in a very rude way if you want to know a distiller and tasting several tequilas is definitely not the right one, it's a scam! ????❌❌❌❌❌ ?????? In his answer ?????? He says that we did not pay for 12 children nor did we even take those children, in addition to the fact that they established a fee of 100 pesos per Child which was paid, but really only a 10 ml tasting, he stole total
Oscar Cuevas on Google

Once overbook they take off
leah m. on Google

tour was pricey for what it consisted of. they said we would be visiting a few factories and trying a variety of drinks on and off the bus, but that wasn't true. after leaving us in the sun for a while, we visited one factory for the equivalent of two shots and were taken back to our starting point. you'd be better off spending the money with a risk of getting lost but more alcohol :)

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