Sushi Itto - 07700 Ciudad de México

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sushi Itto

Address :

Av. Miguel Othón de Mendizábal Ote. 343, Nueva Industrial Vallejo, Gustavo A. Madero, 07700 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +97
Website :
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City : CDMX

Laura Esmeralda Campos Hernandez on Google

PESIMO SERVICIOS, son extremadamente lentos para pedidos por aplicación y tratan de forma muy déspota a los repartidores, a quienes los hacen esperar. Lo malo es que en DIDI si cancelas el pedido no te reembolsan tu dinero así que no es una opción y por ello tienes que esperar sus malos tratos y demora en la entrega.
AWFUL SERVICES, they are extremely slow for orders by application and they treat delivery men in a very despotic way, who make them wait. The bad thing is that in DIDI if you cancel the order they do not refund your money so it is not an option and therefore you have to wait for their mistreatment and delay in delivery.
Iván G on Google

Es curioso lo que pasa allí dentro. La comida no es mala lo que hace mediocre el lugar es su personal. Si pides una entrada te llega después del postre (por cierto quitaron los postres) no te dan un plato para salsear tu rollo y los meseros no tienen idea de lo que se sirve allí ni a qué sabe y la comunicación que tienen con la cocina es nula. No hay alguien que coordine meseros con cocina. Ésta sucursal va de mediocre a mala pero como dije No por la comida.
It's funny what happens in there. The food is not bad, what makes the place mediocre is its staff. If you ask for an appetizer, it arrives after dessert (by the way they removed the desserts) they don't give you a plate to sauce your roll and the waiters have no idea what is served there or what it tastes like and the communication they have with the kitchen is null. There is no one to coordinate waiters with the kitchen. This branch goes from mediocre to bad but as I said Not because of the food.
Alejandro Del Castillo on Google

Es increíble que una marca como sushito lindavista, tenga este servicio, platos rotos para servir, y adicional a pedí un mojito, y al pedir el segundo me dan un vaso de menor tamaño
It is incredible that a brand like Sushito Lindavista has this service, broken plates to serve, and additionally I asked for a mojito, and when I ask for the second they give me a smaller glass
Elba Diaz Valdes on Google

Que pero que preocupante El día de hoy 9 de mayo 13:20 pm me senté cerca de un personal administrativo de su sucursal Se acerco a él el "gerente" y le mencionó que estaba preocupado dando a entender de la sintomatología que presentaba y le pidió unos chicles, me imagino que para disminuir sus molestias de garganta. Uno inmediatamente piensa en covid, le mencioné al "gerente" que no quería estar cerca de esa persona y su respuesta fue tan simple y evidenciando la situación, cambiarme de lugar o pedir para llevar. Ante la pandemia considero que esa NO ES LA SOLUCIÓN, como que le pensara uno regresar al lugar.OJO OJO
What but how worrying Today, May 9, 1:20 p.m. I sat near an administrative staff of your branch The "manager" approached him and mentioned that he was worried about the symptoms he presented and asked him for some gum, I imagine to reduce his throat discomfort. One immediately thinks of covid, I mentioned to the "manager" that I didn't want to be near that person and his response was so simple and evidencing the situation, move me or order take out. In the face of the pandemic, I consider that this IS NOT THE SOLUTION, as if one were thinking of returning to the place. EYE EYE
Guadalupe De Paz on Google

Me tocó llegar hoy a Sushi-Itto a las 8:45 pm,hay poco personal para el movimiento que tienen con apps.El servicio es pésimo en el lugar .Bien nos podemos ir pero pasa que ordenamos en restaurante en lo que esperaba mi orden para llevar.Son las 22:24 y se supone ya estaría cerrado,apenas llega mi orden a pesar de que pedí la cuenta desde hace ya más de una hora.- Por fin me trajeron lo que faltaba en la mesa que por cierto eran las entradas y ensaladas .Veo como la mesera que va y viene de mesa en mesa sin lavarse las manos pone en el recipiente para llevar mi orden y así sin más con sus deditos termina de poner lo que queda de salsa Tampico para llevar,la llaman de otra mesa y se va sin lavarse la manos medio limpiándose lo pegajoso,pero bueno no le sigo porque de que desde que me trajeron la cuenta no vienen a cobrarme y hasta tiempo me da de observar cómo le piden a la mesera cambiar el vaso y este solo lo limpian con un trapo que ocupa seguido el chico que prepara las bebidas,también el resto de comensales se notan desesperados ya.De paso me ha dado tanto tiempo como para escribir este mi tipo recital acerca de porque no me gusta venir a Sushi-Tito de Torres Lindavista y porque no lo recomiendo.Hoy a terceras personas se les antojó y a pesar de yo decirles del pésimo servicio vinieron a vivir la experiencia ??‍♀️??
I had to arrive today at Sushi-Itto at 8:45 pm, there are few personnel for the movement they have with apps. The service is terrible in the place. It's 10:24 p.m. and it's supposed to be closed by now, my order barely arrived even though I asked for the bill for more than an hour.- At last they brought me what was missing from the table, which by the way was the I see how the waitress who comes and goes from table to table without washing her hands puts in the container to take my order and just like that with her little fingers she finishes putting what is left of the Tampico sauce to take away. Another table and he leaves without washing his hands, half wiping the sticky stuff, but hey I don't follow him because since they brought me the bill they haven't come to charge me and even time I have to observe how they ask the waitress to change the glass and this They only clean it with a cloth that the boy who prepares the drinks often uses Yes, also the rest of the diners already feel desperate. By the way, it has given me so much time to write this my kind recital about why I do not like coming to Sushi-Tito de Torres Lindavista and why I do not recommend it. Today to third parties They wanted to and despite me telling them about the terrible service they came to live the experience ??‍♀️??
Kelly Zenteno on Google

Yummi Yummi
Victoria Sanchez on Google

Andrea Gregor on Google

What can I say mmm the food is good, but when I asked for the bill they put a wrong food that was not, we talked to the waiter and he said it was correct, we showed him the menu and he realized that it was wrong, and we waited for him He brought us the bill to pay but it took more than 30 minutes and we stopped to tell them that it had already taken a long time to bring us the bill and in the end they already gave it, but that's where I didn't like the restaurant ?

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