Sweet Home Contemporaneo - 45400 Tonalá

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Contact Sweet Home Contemporaneo

Address :

Av. Benito Juárez 270A, Tonalá Centro, 45400 Tonalá, Jal., Mexico

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Categories :
City : Jal.

Av. Benito Juárez 270A, Tonalá Centro, 45400 Tonalá, Jal., Mexico
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Es una pésima empresa , compre una sala la cuál a los 15 días que la entregaron reporte que estaban rechinando la carcasa de madera, lo tuvo que llevar nuevamente disque para garantía me lo tardaron otro mes en entregará al revisarlo nuevamente nos percatamos que seguia rechinando , puer volvimos a ir a la tienda y al nunca poder checarlo con el encargado o disque gerente porque nunca está, no da la cara, nos dijo que lo teníamos que llevar pero ahora al taller donde los fabrican( y solo por decir taller ya que es un gallinero y hay es donde los fabrican ensima de todo eso) solo cambiaron un sillón y el otro no , al destapizarlo para disque repararlo nos damos cuenta que está en pésimas condiciones las maderas están ya ocotadas a nada de romper y lo que disque ya habían reparado es con pedacera rota de madera no hacen nada con calidad y aún viendo en que condiciones estaba el sillón no lo cambiaron lo tuve que dejar y después de dos semanas me lo entregan pues igual rechinando con detalles porque al parecer ya lo hicieron al aventón con grapas salidas con mil detalles, para esto todas veces que llevamos la sala teníamos que pagar flete osea que pagamos más de fletes que de sala. Da tanta impotencia toparte con este tipo de negocios que parece que ellos son los afectados y que uno fue a qué le regalaran las cosa,una pésima experiencia ese disque gerente es una pésima persona que no tiene pantalones para dar la cara y respetar sus garantías . Cuando me entregaron mi sillón la primera vez aparte un comedor con 500.00 pesos pero ya cuando lleve a garantía el mueble le dije a la muchacha que no quería el comedor porque no sabíamos cómo iba a salir y que si me entregaban mi dinero de apartado me dijo que si, pues el gerente no quiso darmelos sabiendo que se estaba llevando el mueble a garantía por tantos problemas y se los quedo .
It is a lousy company, I bought a room which 15 days after it was delivered, I reported that the wooden casing was grinding, I had to bring it again, dial for guarantee, it took me another month to deliver it, when we checked it again, we realized that it was still grinding, Well, we went back to the store and never being able to check it with the manager or dial manager because it's never there, it doesn't show its face, it told us that we had to take it but now to the workshop where they are made (and just to say workshop since it is a chicken coop and there is where they make them on top of all that) they only changed one chair and not the other, when we uncovered it to repair it we realize that it is in terrible condition the wood is already limited to nothing to break and what they had already said repaired is with a broken piece of wood they don't do anything with quality and even seeing what condition the chair was in they didn't change it I had to leave it and after two weeks they give it to me because it's still grinding with details lles because apparently they already did it to the hitch with staples left with a thousand details, for this every time we take the room we had to pay freight, that is, we pay more for freight than for the room. It is so helpless to come across this type of business that it seems that they are the ones affected and that one went to get things for free, a terrible experience, that manager is a terrible person who does not have pants to show his face and respect his guarantees. When they gave me my chair the first time I set aside a dining room with 500.00 pesos but when I took the furniture under guarantee I told the girl that I did not want the dining room because we did not know how it was going to turn out and that if they gave me my money from the section, she told me yes, well, the manager did not want to give them to me knowing that he was taking the furniture to guarantee for so many problems and he kept them.

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