Tacos Doña Mary - 45750 Zacoalco de Torres

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tacos Doña Mary

Address :

Zacoalco de Torres Centro, 45750 Zacoalco de Torres, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Categories :
City : Jal.

Zacoalco de Torres Centro, 45750 Zacoalco de Torres, Jal., Mexico
Guillermo Guzmán on Google

Me salio un pelo largo en un taco, falta de higiene
I grew long hair in a taco, lack of hygiene
Pris on Google

Los tacos están sabor normal, ni nada extraordinario, pero tampoco malos.
The tacos are normal taste, nothing extraordinary, but not bad either.
Armando Bucio López on Google

Un sabor sin igual, evocan recuerdos en mi paladar con esas tortillas torteadas a mano con sus guisos y ese sabor a leña
A flavor without equal, evokes memories on my palate with those tortillas hand-to-hand with their stews and that wood flavor
Aracely Marcial on Google

Al parecer si lo les caes bien no te dan torrtillas torteadas a mano, algunos reciben puras tortillas torteadas a mano, algunos reciben una combinación de torteadas a mano y torteadas en maquina, y si corres con la misma suerte que yo te tocan puras torteadas en maquina y al reclamar se molestan, tuercen las jetas y te dicen que tocan los tacos que tocan.
Apparently if they like you they don't give you hand-tortened tortillas, some receive pure hand-tortened tortillas, some receive a combination of hand-torte and machine-tortened tortillas, and if you run with the same luck as me they get pure tortened tortillas in machine and when you claim they get upset, twist their heads and tell you that they touch the studs they touch.
Robert Navarro on Google

Doña Mary se hechó a dormir. Hace 10 - 15 años era una buena opción, pero últimamente la la calidad de los tacos y la actitud de las que atienden han empeorado tanto que me propuse a nunca volver
Dona Mary went to sleep. 10-15 years ago it was a good option, but lately the quality of the tacos and the attitude of those who serve have gotten so bad that I decided to never go back.
Miguel Angel on Google

Excelente lugar para desayunar
Excellent place for breakfast
Alberto Macias on Google

Uno sabe que un taco económico no es bien servido, pero esto es pasarse, creo que por ganarse unos pesos y ahorrar un poco de carne pierden clientes, es mi segunda vez que vengo a Zacoalco de torres y me los recomendaron como segunda opción pero porque los originales de las vías estaban cerrados. Debut y despedida con Doña Mary.
One knows that a cheap taco is not well served, but this is to spend, I think that by earning a few pesos and saving some meat they lose customers, it is my second time that I come to Zacoalco de torres and they recommended them to me as a second option but because the originals of the tracks were closed. Debut and farewell with Doña Mary.
Mari Tere on Google

En primera los tacos están malísimos, son pura grasa, masa cruda y casi nada de carne. Tratan mal a los clientes y tratan peor a las empleadas!!! Me tocó ver como le gritaban super horrible a la que me estaba despachando sin razón nomas hostigandola. Y nisiquiera tenían trabajo, para que quieran justificarse con el estrés, estaban sentadas todas.
At first the tacos are terrible, they are pure fat, raw dough and almost no meat. They treat customers badly and treat employees worse!!! I had to see how they shouted super horrible at the one who was dispatching me for no reason, just harassing her. And they didn't even have a job, so that they want to justify themselves with stress, they were all sitting down.

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