Tarjeta amiga - 64000 Monterrey

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Contact Tarjeta amiga

Address :

C. Padre Mier 249, Centro, 64000 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +888
Website : https://www.tarjetaamiga.com.mx/
Categories :
City : N.L.

C. Padre Mier 249, Centro, 64000 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Ana Sofía Vázquez on Google

Una porquería marcan y marcan de diferentes números que por una deuda que ni existe , no conozco al deudor y la señorita que me atendió todavía se pone a gritar que ocultar información y lo que yo hago es ilegal no mame ?
A piece of crap they dial and dial from different numbers because of a debt that doesn't even exist, I don't know the debtor and the lady who attended me still starts yelling that hiding information and what I do is illegal, don't suck ?
Alkon Blanko on Google

Esta compañía se aprovecha, de la desgracia de las personas. Las personas que la tramitan son de bajos recursos y aún así , impone un altísimo interés. A una amiga le otorgaron un crédito de solo $750.00 pesos, (para compras en tiendas). Tendrá que pagar en 3 meses (6 quincenas). La primer quincena tiene que pagar $211.00 pesos, las otras 5 de $176.00 pesos. Si se atrasa solo un día. Tiene que pagar el 30% más de la mensualidad, y además $20.00 "por gastos de cobranza". A quien no tiene problemas de crédito, ni se meta en "broncas", con compañías de está, más que beneficiarte te perjudicas rapidísimo.
This company takes advantage of people's misfortune. The people who process it are of low income and even so, it imposes a very high interest. A friend was granted a credit of only $ 750.00 pesos, (for purchases in stores). You will have to pay in 3 months (6 fortnights). The first fortnight has to pay $ 211.00 pesos, the other 5 $ 176.00 pesos. If you are only one day late. You have to pay 30% more of the monthly payment, and also $ 20.00 "for collection expenses." To those who do not have credit problems, or get into "fights", with companies of this, rather than benefit, you hurt yourself very quickly.
Abi Fran on Google

Vine a buscar que es esto por qué me acosan demasiado por que me pusieron de referencia cosa que yo no di permiso ya que hoy en día no le hablo a la persona que me puso de referencia pero no entienden razones, asco de tarjeta no la usen si no van a tener con que pagar
I came to look for what is this why they harass me so much because they gave me a reference, which I did not give permission for, because today I do not speak to the person who gave me a reference, but they do not understand the reasons, disgusting card, do not use it if they are not going to have to pay
Estrella Soto on Google

Se la pasan acosando a las personas que ni siquiera tienen esa tarjeta solo para sacar dinero, molestan demasiado con amenazas constantes, deberían investigar ese lugar. Yo no tengo esa tarjeta y me amenazan diciendo que soy una persona con otro nombre y que debo mucho, ya no sé si me quieren extorsionar o si alguien puso mi número al azar, pero casos como el mío ya he visto mucho y parece más que extorsionan a la gente.
They spend their time harassing people who don't even have that card just to get money, they annoy too much with constant threats, they should investigate that place. I don't have that card and they threaten me saying that I am a person with another name and that I owe a lot, I don't know if they want to extort money from me or if someone put my number at random, but I have seen a lot of cases like mine and it seems more than they extort people.
Mary Medina on Google

Pésimo servicio llevo 4 días queriendo hablar con un asesor y nada, después de mucho tiempo perdido cuando disque me van atender se corta la llamada y X wats no hay ninguna opción para reportar q ya realice mi pago dentro del tiempo y forma y no se refleja pero no dejan de marcar para pedir q realice mi pago ?‍♀️?‍♀️, solo pido un asesor para reportar mi pago, gracias
Terrible service I have been wanting to talk to an advisor for 4 days and nothing, after a long time wasted when I dial they are going to answer the call is cut off and X watts there is no option to report that I have already made my payment within the time and form and it is not reflected but they keep dialing to ask me to make my payment ?‍♀️?‍♀️, I only ask for an advisor to report my payment, thanks
Socorro Hernández Salazar on Google

Tiene un personal de cobranza que no conoce la Ética profesional ni siquiera son licenciados más que personal de call center, los intereses son muy altos, eso si te otorgan el crédito rápido para luego estar acosando por todos lados para que les paguen
It has a collection staff that does not know professional ethics, they are not even licensed more than call center staff, the interests are very high, that is if they grant you the credit quickly and then harass them everywhere to get paid
Ernesto Soto on Google

Ofendieron a mi hija de 9 años, este pasado 6 de Abril del 2022 cuando llamaron de cobranza y le dijieron que si se encontraba el moroso de su padre y que nunca en la vida ella recibiria un beca estudiantil, por lo que es una falta de respeto a la FAMILIA ***TARJETA ENEMIGA *-*-*-*TENGAN CUIADADO !!! NO TRAMITEN ESTA TAJETA * Yo la cancelo hoy mismo Tienen una falta de valores ENORME . . .
They offended my 9-year-old daughter, this past April 6, 2022 when they called collection and told her that if her father's delinquent was found and that she would never receive a student scholarship in her life, so it is a lack of respect to the FAMILY *** ENEMY CARD *-*-*-* BE CAREFUL !!! DO NOT PROCESS THIS CARD * I cancel it today They have a HUGE lack of values. . .
maru gf on Google

Sueltan los créditos a cualquiera persona que está negativamente en buró de crédito. Y cuando te ponen de referencia, cosa que ni autoricé con el deudor y ellos tampoco marcaron para corroborar si la persona es responsable con sus pagos. Es tanto el acoso de ellos hacia mí. No se metan a sacar créditos si no pueden pagarlos.
Loans are released to anyone who is negatively in the credit bureau. And when they put you as a reference, which I did not authorize with the debtor and they did not mark either to corroborate if the person is responsible with their payments. It is so much their harassment towards me. Don't get involved in getting credits if you can't pay them off.

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