Taxi Tours Riviera Maya - 77714 Playa del Carmen

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Contact Taxi Tours Riviera Maya

Address :

Mundo Hábitat, 77714 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9889
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City : Q.R.

Mundo Hábitat, 77714 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
Thalia Valencia on Google

Solicite mi servicio de tours por whats dos semanas antes aprox. Ya en la Riviera, nos toco la fortuna de que Don Armando nos acompañara en nuestros dos dias de tour. Fue muy amable, puntual, flexible y da seguridad y confianza. Sin duda los volveria a buscar para más días de aventura.
Request my whats tour service two weeks before approx. Already in the Riviera, we were fortunate that Don Armando accompanied us on our two day tour. He was very kind, punctual, flexible and gives security and confidence. I would definitely look for them again for more days of adventure.
Sergio Sánchez on Google

Totalmente recomendable el señor Armando. Hicimos 4 excursiones con él absolutamente maravillosas, en las que se adaptó a nuestras necesidades y gustos, y además, no llevó a lugares preciosos, como el cenote Yax-Muul. Ejecmplo de formalidad y buen precio. Gracias Armando, disfrutamos mucho de las excursiones. Saludos Sergio.
Mr. Armando is highly recommended. We did 4 absolutely wonderful excursions with him, in which he adapted to our needs and tastes, and also did not lead to beautiful places, such as the Yax-Muul cenote. Example of formality and good price. Thanks Armando, we really enjoyed the excursions. Regards Sergio.
Maria Oliveira on Google

Luis ha sido encantador para repetir
Luis has been charming to repeat
Pepe Espinosa on Google

Casi recien llegados de una nueva aventura. Esta vez recorriendo Yucatán y esa perla a punto de exitnguirse que es Holbox. Viaje preparado sin poder "masticarlo" con tranquilidad por cuestiones profesionales y con dudas de si sería un "Déjà vu" por conocer otros lugares en esa porción del mundo. Nada más lejos de la realidad. Gracias al trabajo de Nuria (en España) y de Armando (en México) ha salido todo excepcional. A veces las prisas son las mejores consejeras. Armando hizo todo lo posible porque nos sintieramos cómodos y seguros viajando con el. Siempre generoso en las visitas, esperando pacientemente que las hicieramos a nuestro gusto y las disfrutaramos totalmente. Incluso uniendose a nosotros en alguna. Tanto el como sus colaboradores, especialmente Urias, han conseguido que fueran unas vacaciones absolutamente inolvidables provocando que emerjan deseos reales de repetir con nuevos proyectos en ese país mágico. El tiempo lo dirá. Lugares quedan muchos por conocer allí: Chiapas, D.F., el área Colonial en el centro del país, Bacalar,.......... etc.Ahora solo queda soñar en que en aparezca el momento para repetir la experiencia. Gracias por todo Armando.
Almost fresh from a new adventure. This time touring Yucatan and that pearl about to die that is Holbox. Travel prepared without being able to "chew" it calmly for professional reasons and with doubts as to whether it would be a "Déjà vu" to know other places in that part of the world. Nothing is further from reality. Thanks to the work of Nuria (in Spain) and Armando (in Mexico) everything has turned out exceptional. Sometimes rush is the best adviser. Armando did everything possible to make us feel comfortable and safe traveling with him. Always generous in visits, patiently waiting for us to make them to our liking and fully enjoy them. Even joining us in some. Both he and his collaborators, especially Urias, have made it an absolutely unforgettable vacation, causing real desires to emerge to repeat with new projects in that magical country. Time will tell. There are many places to visit there: Chiapas, D.F., the Colonial area in the center of the country, Bacalar, .......... etc. Now we only have to dream that the moment will appear to repeat the experience. Thanks for everything Armando.
Nat Barra on Google

1000% recomendado! Contacte a Armando desde Chile para realizar 2 excursiones en Riviera Maya, fue lejos la mejor experiencia y elección. Puntual, confiable, muy agradable, paciente. Además llegar primero que los grandes tours a los lugares más visitados, te hace disfrutar cada momento de manera unica. Muchas gracias por todo ?!
1000% recommended! Contact Armando from Chile for 2 excursions in Riviera Maya, it was by far the best experience and choice. Punctual, reliable, very pleasant, patient. In addition, getting to the most visited places first than the big tours, makes you enjoy every moment in a unique way. Thank you very much for everything ?!
Sandriupii Japon on Google

Os recomiendo totalmente al señor Armando , el nos acompaño durante 4 dias completos de tour por la Riviera maya y su trato hacia nosotros fue estupendo y tiene unos precios muy absequibles para todos. No dudeis en poneros en contacto con el no os defraudara es una persona muy amable y formal. Un Cordial saludo desde sevilla.
I totally recommend Mr. Armando, he accompanied us for 4 full days of tour of the Mayan Riviera and his treatment towards us was great and has very affordable prices for everyone. Do not hesitate to get in touch with him, he will not disappoint you, he is a very kind and formal person. Best regards from Seville.
White Rock Developments on Google

Safe for sure. Be sure to drive a hard bargain. They'll drop their price quickly with negotiations.
Ramit Bhalla on Google

Armando is very responsive over WhatsApp. He organized a day tour for a group of us to Chichen Itza and Cobe. Elias was the driver, spoke great English and was a very good host, he kept a close eye on us to ensure we don’t miss out on anything. They had a cold set of water bottles ready for us in the van and was a good safe driver with a good knowledge of the local area. The van was very comfortable, had a nice audio system, great A/C and they gave us a competitive price. Would definitely book with them again. Thank you for making it such a great trip for us!

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