TAXIS CDMX LA VILLA - Ciudad de México

1.9/5 based on 7 reviews


Address :

07000, Calz de Guadalupe 711, Aragón La Villa(Aragón), Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Categories :
City : CDMX

07000, Calz de Guadalupe 711, Aragón La Villa(Aragón), Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Isabel Cardenas on Google

Sandra Solano on Google

Rosa Isela Banda on Google


Ricardo Vite Ibarra on Google

Podrian decirle a este taxista que respete las entradas de las casas porque lleva horas y sabemos que es de la basilica por el logo que trae, RESPETEN LAS ENTRADAS DE LAS CASAS , SI ASI DA SERVICIO ESTE SEÑOR NO CREO QUE SEA BUEN TAXISTA
You could tell this taxi driver to respect the entrances of the houses because it takes hours and we know that it is from the basilica because of the logo that it brings, RESPECT THE TICKETS OF THE HOUSES, IF THAT IS HOW THE LORD GIVES SERVICE, I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT IT IS GOOD TAXIST
Mashiele Rygds on Google

¡Ojo, son ladrones! El 14 de Agosto del 2020 alrededor de las 2 p.m. se me ocurrió la fatal idea de ocupar un taxi de sitio de la villa, mi viaje fue de la villa a central de norte, por la premura de subirnos se nos pasó revisar el taxímetro y cuál fue nuestra sorpresa, el taxista nos cobró $180 pesos el viaje, para todos los que vivimos en la CDMX sabemos que es un costo excesivo aún siendo de sitio... Cómo iba con familia de Guerrero pensó que también yo lo era, en fin es lamentablemente que lucren y engañen a la gente que viene de otros estados de República Mexicana... Por eso muchas personas dejamos de ocupar este servicio y decidimos ocupar Uber, Didi o Beat... Nunca ocupen este servicio y no solo por el precio, si no por la falta de ética al no encender su taxímetro y no informar al inicio del viaje la tarifa de sitio. ¡Ladrones!
Be careful, they are thieves! On August 14, 2020 around 2 p.m. I came up with the fatal idea of ​​taking a taxi from the town's site, my trip was from the town to central north, due to the haste to get on, we happened to check the meter and what was our surprise, the taxi driver charged us $ 180 pesos the trip, for all of us who live in CDMX we know that it is an excessive cost even though it is a place ... How it was going with Guerrero's family he thought that I was too, in short it is unfortunately that they profit and deceive the people who come from other states of the Mexican Republic ... That is why many people stopped using this service and decided to use Uber, Didi or Beat ... Never use this service and not only because of the price, but because of the lack of ethics when not turning on your meter and not inform at the beginning of the trip the site fee. Burglars!
Ubaldo Elias on Google

Por desgracia tome uno de estos taxis, la persona parecia muy amistosa y durante el viaje nos estuvo platicando sobre los servicios y peligros de agarrar un taxi fuera de una base, todo estuvo bien hasta la hora de pagar, me dijo que eran $280 pesos, por lo que se me hizo muy caro porque unas horas antes habia tomado un taxi seguro de la central norte a la basilica y solo me habian cobrado $73 pesos a lo que le dije que era mucho lo que me estaba cobrando, y segun el era por la seguridad que estaba brindando,porque ya era noche, ya no quise discutir mas y le pague, y con un cinismo dice que los $280 pesos eran por una persona y que faltaban los $80 pesos por mi esposa, nos molestamos mucho y le pagamos dejandoselo a dios por este abuso. Esperemos que mas personas vean estos comentarios y dejen de usar el servicio de esta base de la basilica.
Unfortunately I took one of these taxis, the person seemed very friendly and during the trip he was talking to us about the services and dangers of taking a taxi outside of a base, everything was fine until the time to pay, he told me it was $ 280 pesos, So it was very expensive because a few hours before I had taken a safe taxi from the central north to the basilica and they had only charged me $ 73 pesos to which I told him that he was charging me a lot, and according to him it was for the security he was providing, because it was already night, I did not want to argue any more and paid him, and with a cynicism he says that the $ 280 pesos were for one person and that the $ 80 pesos were missing for my wife, we got very upset and we paid him by leaving it. God for this abuse. Hopefully more people will see these comments and stop using the service of this base of the basilica.

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