TECNO SERVICIO - 45100 Zapopan

1/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Calle Ramón Corona 276B, Zapopan, 45100 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Jal.

Calle Ramón Corona 276B, Zapopan, 45100 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
Manuel Guillen on Google

Me uno a las voces de descontento con esta empresa ya que a mi me estafaron con mi refrigerador cobrándome $7,200 por un supuesto cambio de sensores ( que nunca me dieron los anteriores) y que funciono un par de dias y al solicitar la garantia no han regresado despues de mas de una semana a pesar de innumerables llamadas telefonicas y citas en las que me han dejado plantado.
I join the voices of dissatisfaction with this company since they cheated me with my refrigerator charging me $ 7,200 for an alleged change of sensors (which the previous ones never gave me) and that it worked a couple of days and when requesting the guarantee they have not returned after more than a week despite countless phone calls and appointments that have plagued me.
Erika Sanchez on Google

PESIMO SERVICIO.. es decir mucho, es incomprensible como este tipo de empresas de servicio operan con total impunidad en nuestra ciudad y que los ciudadanos estemos a merced de este tipo de compañias, me han hecho dos citas en la semana haciendome cancelar mis compromisos y nos e han presentado.. falta de profesionalismo absoluto..
PESIMO SERVICIO .. that is to say a lot, it is incomprehensible how this type of service companies operate with total impunity in our city and that citizens are at the mercy of this type of company, they have made me two appointments a week making me cancel my commitments and they have presented us .. lack of absolute professionalism ..
María Fé Garzón Rentería on Google

Un asco!! Ernesto Estrada y el pseudo dueno Carlos Bautista con unos ladrones, me cobraron 2400 por arreglar mi lavadora y nada que funciona ni dan la cara ninguno de los dos.
A disgust !! Ernesto Estrada and the pseudo owner Carlos Bautista with some thieves, they charged me 2400 for fixing my washing machine and nothing that works, neither face neither of them.
Guadalupe Borbolla on Google

Igual que muchos tengo 3 días esperando vengan por mi refrigerador y hacer válida la garantía me cobraron 2,200 y esta exactamente igual, levantare denuncia en la profeco ojalá hagan lo mismo y terminar con este tipo de cosas.
Like many I have 3 days waiting to come by my refrigerator and validate the guarantee charged me 2,200 and it is exactly the same, I will file a complaint in the prophecy I hope to do the same and finish with this kind of thing.
Carlos Aldana on Google

Es incomprensible como SAMSUNG trabaja con una empresa tan espantosa como esta. Todo mal, cero profesionalismo, mal servicio, mala presentación, es más, ni siquiera diagnosticaron bien el problema. Cualquiera por Mexicaltzingo son mejores que éstos.
It is incomprehensible how SAMSUNG works with a company as horrible as this. Everything wrong, zero professionalism, poor service, poor presentation, what's more, they didn't even diagnose the problem well. Anyone by Mexicaltzingo are better than these.
Minerva Leon on Google

Lamentablemente he recibido un pesimo servicio. Me dijeron que mi lavadora estaba lista para usarse, que ya estaba reparada. Pague por el servicio y resulta que no le hicieron NADA. Mi lavadora sigue con la falla que tenia. Como ya les pague por el servicio, pues ni sus luces. Hace 2 dias que me estan prometiendo venir para hacer valida la garantia y nadie se aparece. Ya habia recibido servicio de esta empresa con otros equipos y no me habian quedado tan mal como esta vez. Aqui sigo esperando que un tecnico haga un espacio para atenderme. Ya no les urge puesto que el servicio ya esta pagado. Ya no soy prioridad como cliente. Por favor tengan cuidado. Mi consejo es que no paguen hasta que de verdad comprueben que arreglaron sus aparatos.
Unfortunately I received a terrible service. They told me that my washing machine was ready to use, that it was already repaired. Pay for the service and it turns out they did NOTHING. My washing machine continues with the fault I had. As I already paid them for the service, well, not even their lights. 2 days ago they are promising to come to validate the warranty and nobody shows up. I had already received service from this company with other teams and I had not looked as bad as this time. Here I am still waiting for a technician to make a space to assist me. They no longer need them since the service is already paid. I am no longer a priority as a customer. Please be careful. My advice is that they do not pay until they really verify that they fixed their devices.
Adriana Garcia Valencia on Google

Pongo la estrella solo para que me deje poner mi comentario. Super mal quedados, informales, me cobraron 2,200 de mi lavadora y no funcionó, con mucha presión de llamadas regresaron por la pieza y de ahí pa'l real un suplicio y el colmo es que los empleados que van a tu casa dicen que ellos no son responsables de que funcionen los equipos, eso es responsabilidad del "los del taller" pedí mi factura y las que contestan el teléfono solo se echan la bolita una a la otra. En fin, espero poner mi queja el próximo lunes en PROFECO y recuperar la pieza y mi dinero. Mucho, mucho cuidado en contratar sus servicios.
I put the star just to let me put my comment. Super bad, informal, they charged me 2,200 of my washing machine and it did not work, with a lot of pressure from calls they came back for the piece and hence a real torture and the last straw is that the employees who go to your house say they don't They are responsible for the operation of the equipment, that is the responsibility of the "those in the workshop" I asked for my bill and those who answer the phone only throw the ball to each other. Anyway, I hope to put my complaint next Monday in PROFECO and recover the piece and my money. Very, very careful to hire their services.
santiago vergara on Google

Ni calificación merecen, quedo mal la lavadora no funcionan en todos los ciclos, y desde la semana pasada me han dejado plantado para que vengan a revisar y hacer valida la garantía de mi reparación, y cuando solicito hablar con el supervisor me lo niegan, o que esta ocupado o que llega mas tarde ¿que sigue? ¿denuncia ante profeco? ¿les tienen respeto a sus clientes?
They do not deserve qualification, the washing machine is not working properly in all cycles, and since last week they have left me planted so that they come to check and validate the guarantee of my repair, and when I request to speak with the supervisor they deny me, or What is busy or what comes later? Do you complain to a prophecy? Do they have respect for their customers?

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