Telmex - 64000 Monterrey

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Telmex

Constitución 1101, Centro, 64000 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
claudio sanchez on Google

Nadie te atiende por teléfono, fueron amables y despidos en la tienda pero creo que perdí mucho tiempo en ir y no debía ser necesario, solo ocupaba el recibo y no me llegó y no lo pude sacar en línea, no me dejó registrar en su página, muy estresante, por más amables que sean en la oficina es una vuelta que no debía ser necesario, pésimo servicio por teléfono, puras grabaciones de comerciales, menú confuso, si eso va a pasar cada mes voy a cambiar de compañía.
Nobody answers you on the phone, they were friendly and dismissals in the store but I think I wasted a lot of time going and it should not be necessary, I only took the receipt and it did not arrive and I could not get it online, it did not let me register on its page , very stressful, no matter how friendly they are in the office, it is a return that should not be necessary, terrible phone service, pure commercial recordings, confusing menu, if that is going to happen every month I will change companies.
Alejandro Mariscal on Google

Mui amables las Personas que atienden me resolvieron
Very kind the people who attend they resolved me
Ramon Garza on Google

Muy Buen servicio. Pero no tienen servicio para municipio de García N. L. En. Ol vista bella mal.
Very good service. But they do not have service for the municipality of García N. L. En. Ol sight beautiful bad.
Rodolfo Alanis on Google

Me asombraron super bien atendido rápido y eficiente,,, en físico por que en app o línea no se pudo hacer nada
They amazed me, super well attended, fast and efficient ,,, physically because nothing could be done in the app or online
Artour Picks on Google

Tienen el letrero de abierto 24 hrs, pero la ubicación no es recomendable hacer pagos en la noche. Es el mejir lugar para hacer contratos y comprar televisores, computadoras, celulares, tienen la mejir asesoría para negocios y quienes quieren cobrar con tarjeta, tienen planes muy competitivos. Tienen muchis cajeros para hacer el pago de recibos pero suelen descomponerse.
They have the sign open 24 hrs, but the location is not advisable to make payments at night. It is the best place to make contracts and buy televisions, computers, cell phones, have the best advice for businesses and those who want to charge with a card, have very competitive plans. They have many ATMs to pay bills but they tend to break down.
Gerardo Castañeda on Google

Actualizacion: me escribieron aqui un mensaje, que despues lo borraron cuando no me pudieron solucionar. El mensaje decia que le mandara mensaje a la cuenta de twitter, y no sirvio de nada. Lo unico es que me ofrecieron contactarme con el departamento de soporte, que son quienes me dicen un horario y no van. Llame a totalplay y hoy mismo me van a instalar servicio. Telmex sigue sin venir el tecnico. Mañana a primera hora voy a entregar el modem y cancelar. Un asco de empresa telmex Buen servicio de internet. Peor servicio posible en soporte tecnico. Jamas contraten esto. Son sin duda alguna los mas cinicos y mentirosos con quienes me ha tocado tener contacto. Me quedo sin internet, y me dan 72 horas para ir a arreglarlo. Despues de las 72 voy a local, y me dicen que me lo cortaron por adeudos. Adeudos que ellos mismos me confirmaron que no existian, era un error de ellos. Me mandan a llamar a atencion al cliente por telefono, me cuelgan 3 veces previo a darme solucion. Me dicen que quedara restablecido mi servicio en 1 hora. No quedo. Me dicen que iran a las 12 pm a arreglarlo un tecnico. No fue. Llamo, me dicen que maximo a las 4 pm. No fue. Vuelvo a llamar, que no se acababa el dia sin que fueran. No fueron. Vuelvo a llamar, que al dia siguiente 9 am estan ahi. No fueron. Que maximo 12 pm. No fueron. Llegaron a la 1 pm. Despues de arreglarme el problema el tecnico, me comenta "pues trone un cable de fibra optica y salio una vecina tuya a reclamarme que la deje sin internet. Le dije que levantara reporte" y se fue. Pasa 1 semana y media, y de nuevo no tengo servicio de internet. Levanto reporte y me dan un horario de atencion de 9 a 12 pm. No fueron. Vuelvo a ir local, y me dicen (despues de que el dia anterior me dieron horario de atencion), que no me pueden dar. Pero que debe quedar "entre hoy y mañana". Otro dia sin internet. Ya van 7 dias del mes que me estan cobrando sin internet y 3 dias que no he ido a trabajar por creerles que irian en los horarios que me dicen. Ademas que desde el inicio, con excepcion de este ultimo mes, me han estado llegando cargos no reconocidos, por los cuales debo estar llamando todos los meses para que me regresen ese dinero. Desde recargas a saldo a numeros de otros estados, hasta contratacion de 2 cuentas simultaneas de netflix y disney+. Y cuando intento llenar la encuesta de servicio al cliente y ponerles mala calificacion, casualmente siempre me manda error y que no se puede enviar. Osea que solo aceptan buenas calificaciones. Ojala lean esto y no contraten el vergonzoso servicio de telmex.
Update: they wrote me a message here, which they later deleted when they couldn't solve it for me. The message said to send a message to the twitter account, and it didn't help. The only thing is that they offered me to contact the support department, who are the ones who tell me a schedule and they don't go. Call totalplay and today they will install service for me. Telmex still does not come the technician. Tomorrow first thing in the morning I'm going to deliver the modem and cancel. A disgusting Telmex company Good internet service. Worst possible service in technical support. Never hire this. They are without a doubt the most cynical and liars with whom I have had contact. I lose internet, and they give me 72 hours to go fix it. After 72 I go to the local, and they tell me that they cut me off due to debts. Debits that they themselves confirmed to me that they did not exist, it was their mistake. They send me to call customer service by phone, they hang up on me 3 times before giving me a solution. They tell me that my service will be restored in 1 hour. I don't stay They tell me that a technician will go at 12 pm to fix it. It was not. I call, they tell me that at the latest at 4 pm. It was not. I call again, that the day did not end without them going. They did not go. I call again, that the next day at 9 am they are there. They did not go. What maximum 12 pm. They did not go. They arrived at 1 pm. After fixing the problem for me, the technician told me "well, I cracked a fiber optic cable and a neighbor of yours came out to ask me to leave her without internet. I told her to file a report" and she left. A week and a half passes, and again I have no internet service. I make a report and they give me a service schedule from 9 to 12 pm. They did not go. I go back to the local, and they tell me (after they gave me opening hours the day before), that they can't give me. But that should be "between today and tomorrow." Another day without internet. It's already been 7 days of the month that they're charging me without internet and 3 days that I haven't gone to work because I believed they would go at the times they tell me. In addition, since the beginning, with the exception of this last month, I have been receiving unrecognized charges, for which I must be calling every month to get that money back. From balance recharges to numbers from other states, to contracting 2 simultaneous netflix and disney + accounts. And when I try to fill out the customer service survey and give them a bad rating, coincidentally it always gives me an error and that it cannot be sent. So they only accept good grades. Hopefully they read this and don't hire the shameful telmex service.
Eduardo Inostroza Torres on Google

Andy Vill. on Google

Just one more Telmex Store, it has nothing different than any other telecommunications store.

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