Telmex - 60080 Uruapan

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

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Contact Telmex

C. González Ortega 71, La Magdalena, 60080 Uruapan, Mich., Mexico
cristian adalid on Google

Pesimo servicio, despues de dar de baja su servicio por falta de internet pague para poder cancelarlo, por motivos de la contingencia permanecio cerrada la tienda y no pude entregar el modem siendo via telefónica el unico medio en que me podían informar si sus instalaciones estaban operando para poder entregar el producto, posteriormente el medio de contacto via telefónica dejo de atenderme segun por exceso de llamadas asi que hoy me entero que estan en operaciones y acudo a la sucursal el personal me comenta que me reciben el modem sin quitarme los cargos pues solo contaba con 90 dias naturales para entregar el aparato, que poco capacitado tienen a su personal de esta sucursal, me he comunicado despues de varios intentos via telefónica y me comentaron que por los mismos motivos no se pueden poner estrictos pues no es culpa del cliente que sus tiendas estuvieran cerradas, espero esta opinión les sirva de algo y no se dejen ver la cara por gente no capacitada mejor comuníquese via telefónica y traten de resolver sus problemas en tienda son ineficientes.
Terrible service, after canceling your service due to lack of internet, I paid to be able to cancel it, for contingency reasons the store remained closed and I could not deliver the modem, being the only means by which they could inform me if their facilities were operating In order to deliver the product, later the means of contact via telephone stopped serving me according to excessive calls so today I find out that they are in operations and I go to the branch, the staff tells me that they receive the modem without removing the charges because only I had 90 calendar days to deliver the device, which their staff at this branch have little trained, I have communicated after several attempts by phone and they told me that for the same reasons they cannot be strict because it is not the fault of the client that your stores were closed, I hope this opinion will help you and do not let untrained people see your face better contact us via phone and try to solve their problems in store are inefficient.
Luis Guillermo Arellano Sebastian on Google

Mal servicio, llevo más de una semana reportando el servicio y con puras disculpas la contestadora.
Bad service, I have been reporting the service for more than a week and with pure apologies the answering machine.
ADY CHAVEZ on Google

Pésimo servicio y espantoso cuando quieres dar de baja el servicio
Terrible service and horrible when you want to cancel the service
Ricardo Peña Silva on Google

Las cajas para pago bien fluidas. Buena atención, solo por parte de la gerencia mal, tarda mucho en atender y es algo especial la persona.Incrementaron aforo y continua filtro sanitario
Cashiers for payment well fluid. Good attention, only by bad management, it takes a long time to attend and the person is something special. They increased capacity and continuous sanitary filter
Gabriello Solís on Google

Muy bien atienden de buena manera y dan solución al problema
Very well they attend in a good way and solve the problem
Luis Fernando Mendez on Google

Duraron más de 30 minutos en atender una llamada, es increíble su ineficiencia
They took more than 30 minutes to answer a call, their inefficiency is incredible
cesar lazaro on Google

Pésimo servicio. Tengo más de un mes que solicite un cambio de domicilio de mi línea telefónica y hasta el momento no me resuelven absolutamente nada. Sigo pagando mi servicio pero sin darle uso. (057974691 número de reporte)
Terrible service. I have been requesting a change of address for my telephone line for more than a month and so far they have not solved anything for me. I keep paying for my service but without using it. (057974691 report number)
Carlos Santoyo on Google

Customer service sucks

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