Temazcal Malinalxochitl de Tere Chezt - 44220 Guadalajara

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Temazcal Malinalxochitl de Tere Chezt

Address :

C. Federico E. Ibarra 1261, La Guadalupana, 44220 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7887
Categories :
City : Jal.

C. Federico E. Ibarra 1261, La Guadalupana, 44220 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Daniel Salcedo angel on Google

Excelente temazcal muy reconfortante ampliamente recomendable
Excellent temazcal very comforting widely recommended
Mary Gonzalez on Google

Excelente temazcal, Muy buen lugar para relajarte y llenarte de energía positiva, 100% recomendable.
Excellent temazcal, Very good place to relax and fill yourself with positive energy, 100% recommended.
Yolanda Eutiquioe on Google

Desde hace ya tres años llegue a este lugar con un monto de problemas familiares, laborales , y de pareja emocionales mi terrible fobia por las serpientes mi problema de olfato que era un poco complicado el captar cual quier olor en fin todo junto no me dejaba estar tranquila conmigo misma no dormía bien y eran solo pesadillas las que solía tener poco a poco fui acercandome mas a este bello lugar y cada vez mas me daba cuenta que me que mi vida mejoraba no fue facíl pero hoy con orgullo digo que he superado mi fobia que mi vida a mejorado que mi familia esta unida yo empezé a cambiar a ver diferente la vida mi propia vida y así todo mi entorno a hído mejorando con segurida les digo que no fue y no ha sido facíl pero si les digo que si se puede que la energia y amor que tiene este hermoso lugar me lo entrego para crear en mi la persona que hoy en dia soy
For three years now, I came to this place with a lot of family, work, and emotional problems as a couple, my terrible phobia for snakes, my smell problem that it was a bit difficult to catch any smell, in short, everything together would not let me be I was calm with myself I did not sleep well and it was only nightmares that I used to have, little by little I got closer to this beautiful place and more and more I realized that my life was improving it was not easy but today I proudly say that I have overcome my phobia that my life has improved that my family is united I began to change to see life differently my own life and so my whole environment has improved for sure I tell you that it was not and it has not been easy but if I tell you that it can That the energy and love that this beautiful place has, I give it to myself to create in me the person that I am today.

Excelente temazcal en plena ciudad, una ceremonia de los pueblos originarios, y una experiencia que vale la pena compartir.
Excellent temazcal in the city, a ceremony of the native peoples, and an experience worth sharing.
Melissa Zimmermann on Google

Somos de Suiza y para mi es mi primero experiencia in México. Me gusta mucjo este ceremonia con este familla. Todo es hizo con corazon. La massaje es muy professional y ella sentí muy bien mis tensión de musculus en mi espalda. La duración de Temetzcal es también largo y es difertido. Gracis para todo
We are from Switzerland and for me it is my first experience in Mexico. I really like this ceremony with this family. Everything is made with heart. The massage is very professional and she felt my muscle tension very well in my back. The duration of Temetzcal is also long and is delayed. Thank you for everything
Carmenza MBenitez on Google

Mi personal experiencia fue increíble y sanadora, ya lo he visitado varias veces, y lo recomiendo altamente, hay calidez, y sobre todo sencillez, mostrando parte de esa cultura mexicana tan llena de cosas positivas, para mi como venezolana fue y sigue siendo una experiencia de calma, sanación, alegria y enriquecimiento cultural.
My personal experience was incredible and healing, I have already visited several times, and I highly recommend it, there is warmth, and above all simplicity, showing part of that Mexican culture so full of positive things, for me as a Venezuelan it was and continues to be an experience of calm, healing, joy and cultural enrichment.
adrian ac on Google

Es el temazcal que he sentido mas fuerte y profundo. Buen ambiente. Estas en buenas manos, confía en el proceso, solo hidratate bien. Muy agradecido por la experiencia.
It is the temazcal that I have felt stronger and deeper. Good atmosphere. You are in good hands, trust the process, just hydrate well. Very grateful for the experience.
kenneth christian on Google

I just want say as you walked in, you feel the energy of this place Tere and her daughter are full of love. The Acupuncture was amazing the high MHz background music help you move the energy all over your body. Highly recommend place. Peace and love many blessings Tere.

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