Temazcal Tradicional - 68140 Oaxaca de Juárez

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Temazcal Tradicional | Masajes Antiestrés - Temazcaltradicional.com


Es un baño prehispánico que se generalizó entre las culturas de mesoamérica y cuyos vestigios más antiguos se hayan en las zonas arqueológicas de Palenque en México y Piedras Negras en Guatemala.

Su uso a través de la historia ha sido tanto terapéutico como ritual y ceremonial. Su practica sobrevive en la actualidad gracias a la tradicion oral de las distintas comunidades indigenas de mexico.

Su nombre de raíz nahualt significa "Casa de Vapor" (Temaz= vapor, Calli=casa)

El temazcal es una estructura cerrada de pequeñas dimensiones en la cual se introducen piedras porosas previamente calentadas al rojo vivo a las cuales se les vierte una infusion de plantas medicinales para producir vapor. el vapor que desprende el agua y las hierbas significa la destrucccion de los pecados, las piedras calientes de temazcal representan la matriz de la mujer, el origen de la vida, posee connotaciones espirituales, es un encuentro entre la madre tierra y los humanos.


El temazcal que nosotros ofrecemos esta construido a base de adobe, barro y piedras de rio y es calentado con leña pára conjuntar los cuatro elementos de la naturaleza: tierra, agua, aire y fuego. Una vez terminado el ritual de fuego y agua, al salir del temazcal se tiene la sensacion de haber vuelto a nacer.

Los bañistas permanecen quietos, callados y relajados. Se ramea y se ahuma al bañista antes de entrar al temazcal para despojarlo de energias negativas para luego entrar de espalda al temazcal. Cuando sale del temazcal toma una ducha con agua a temperatura ambiente y entonces recibe un masaje terapeutico, que dura una hora, por personal con amplia experiencia.


Se sabe que el temazcal actua depurando las vias respiratorias y el aparato digestivo, tonificando la piel, disminuyendo el estrés y la angustia, asi como tambien mejora la circulacion sanguinea, ayuda a bajar de peso, calmar molestos colicos premestruales y dolores que surgen despues del parto, desintoxica el cuerpo, ayuda en los problemas oseos y musculares, atraves del calor del baño y las propiedades curativas de las distintas plantas medicinales que en él se utilizan.

Basta entrar al temazcal para reconocerle cualidades de orden espiritual. La relajación que la experiencia genera incita a la introspeccion, la reflexion, la atencion plena y hasta una dilatada percepcion del transcurrir del tiempo. Sus caracteristicas son singulares y excepcionales, su estudio no puede mas que favorecer y enriquecer el conocimiento profundo de la sabiduria popular que es fundamental para nuestra historia y nuestra particular apreciacion de las cosas.


Contact Temazcal Tradicional

Address :

Priv. Villa Alta 151, Estado de Oaxaca, 68140 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
Website : http://temazcaltradicional.com/
Categories :
City : Oax.

Priv. Villa Alta 151, Estado de Oaxaca, 68140 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico
Lindatx Lindatx on Google

Yes, go an experience a massage while in Oaxaca. This is the best. Comforting welcome and serene setting inside.
Jim Spooren on Google

Great place for a nice relaxing experience. Very friendly staff and a good massage at the end.
Gregory L. on Google

Incredible experience! Thank you for sharing this incredible tradition with us! The hostesses were very kind and welcoming. I would highly suggest this experience.
Alexandra Nazarova on Google

The only thing that bothered me...they lock you inside hot temazcal.... what if smth happend and we burn to death there ?! They shouldn't lock you
Ashley Mauerhofer on Google

My two friends and I were visiting from Toronto, Canada and were looking for a more traditional and authentic Temezcal experience. We most certainly got that with Temezcal Tradicional! When we arrived, we were greeted by the owner. After the initial greeting, we were brought into the change room to take off our clothes and put on white robes around us in preparation for the ceremony. The owner had an English speaking female shaman named Rosia, come to take us through the ceremony. One by one we went through an initial cleansing process before going into the main chamber. Once we were all in, we went through a series of cleansing and healing rituals using indigenous music, steam, chanting, dancing, wet herbs and massing movements that we mainly performed on ourselves. Rosia was very communicative and always made sure we were comfortable and that we had the option of leaving the chamber at any time if we were too warm or overwhelmed. Warm tea and water were provided as we were in the chamber as well as aloe vera that we used to massage in our skin. Our total time in the chamber was around 45 mins to 1 hour. Once we were finished, we were led to the change room where we took a pretty cold shower to rinse off. We then were given some tea and rested for a few minutes in the main living room. Then one by one we were brought into the dark massage room for a 1 hour massage which was very nice. We wrapped everything up by getting dressed and the owner called us a taxi. She was very lovely and we had a conversation in broken English and Spanish using Google Translator. Overall we thoroughly enjoyed our experience and HIGHLY recommend this Temezcal experience for anyone looking for something that is less touristy and more authentic. :)
Ngoc Le on Google

We enjoyed the temazcal very much. The hostess was nice and spoke enough English for us to understand what to do. It has a cozy and local vibe. Would recommend if you want to do something different. Recommended!
Mary Treinen on Google

A wonderful, relaxing and informative experience. Antioneta and her colleagues do a great job of both informing you of the relevance of the tamazcal traditions and making you feel comfortable and relaxed. Would highly recommend this experience and will be returning regularly.
Andrew Graves on Google

Wonderful 2 hour experience; a traditional Temazcal ceremony combined with a full body massage at the end. Recommended for a relaxing afternoon or evening.

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