Temple of Santa Veracruz - 50000 Toluca de Lerdo

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Contact Temple of Santa Veracruz

Address :

Portal 20 de Noviembre 113, Centro, 50000 Toluca de Lerdo, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77
Categories :
City : Méx.

Portal 20 de Noviembre 113, Centro, 50000 Toluca de Lerdo, Méx., Mexico
Pedro Mulia on Google

El Templo de la Santa Veracruz es una capilla edificada a partir del 13 de diciembre de 1753. Aquí se venera al Señor de la Santa Veracruz o Cristo Negro de la Santa Veracruz, es una imagen muy venerada en Catemaco junto con la Virgen del Carmen; el Cristo Negro ocupa el altar mayor de la capilla, flanqueado por el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y el de María. El Templo de la Santa Veracruz es de los lugares mas representativos en Toluca junto con el la Iglesia de San José "El Ranchito" para las ceremonias religiosas de eventos sociales como bodas y XV años, por lo que te recomiendo si quieres hacer una ceremonia social en esta lugar de mucha demanda, apartes la fecha con mas de seis meses de anticipación, claro que los costos son más elevados que en cualquier otro templo religioso, pero su arquitectura te dejara maravillad@, y te aseguro tendrás unas fotos espectaculares de tu evento. Horarios de oficina: de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 13:00 y de 16:00 a 19:00 horas. Misas: lunes a viernes de 7:30, 8:30 y 19:00 horas. Sábados sujeto a ceremonias sociales Domingos 7:30, 8:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30 y 19:00 horas.
The Temple of Santa Veracruz is a chapel built on December 13, 1753. Here is venerated the Lord of Santa Veracruz or Black Christ of Santa Veracruz, is a very venerated image in Catemaco along with the Virgin of Carmen; the Black Christ occupies the main altar of the chapel, flanked by the Sacred Heart of Jesus and that of Mary. The Temple of Santa Veracruz is the most representative places in Toluca along with the Church of San José "El Ranchito" for religious ceremonies of social events such as weddings and XV years, so I recommend if you want to make a social ceremony in this place of great demand, you set aside the date more than six months in advance, of course the costs are higher than in any other religious temple, but its architecture will leave you amazed, and I assure you will have some spectacular photos of your event . Office hours: from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Masses: Monday to Friday from 7:30, 8:30 and 7:00 p.m. Saturdays subject to social ceremonies Sundays 7:30, 8:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 1:30 and 7:00 p.m.
Compartiendo experiencias on Google

Que bonita e imponente iglesia! Está muy bien cuidada, se ve preciosa de noche.. Que historia en cada pared..
What a beautiful and imposing church! It is very well maintained, it looks beautiful at night. What a story on every wall..
Jose Davila on Google

Renato García on Google

Beautiful in the inside... Not so much in the outside
José Vilchis on Google

It's a hidden gem. More light would show it better
Jorge Isaac Garcia on Google

Alma RS on Google

Is a beautiful church but it need some maintenance in the outside walls
Erik Macias on Google

A very nice church with lots of paintings and religious art. The mass was good, it was a wedding. There's lots of lighting and it's right in the center of town. There's a parking lot right next to the church so there's no problem finding a parking spot.

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