Templo Católico de San Pablo Villa de Mitla - 70430 San Pablo Villa de Mitla

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Contact Templo Católico de San Pablo Villa de Mitla

Address :

Reforma S/N, Centro, 70430 San Pablo Villa de Mitla, Oax., Mexico

Categories :
City : Oax.

Reforma S/N, Centro, 70430 San Pablo Villa de Mitla, Oax., Mexico
Gerardo Alonso Robledo Reynoso on Google

Increíble como se mezcla la iglesia con la zona arqueológica, hacen una combinación perfecta.
Incredible how the church mixes with the archaeological zone, they make a perfect combination.
Jennyfher Good Luck on Google

Hermosa parroquia en cantera rosa que resalta su belleza con fondo de un cielo azul, Esta junto a las zona arqueológica de Mitla La muy famosa "ciudad de los muertos" Es una increíble vista.
Beautiful parish in pink quarry that highlights its beauty against the background of a blue sky, It is next to the archaeological zone of Mitla The very famous "city of the dead" It is an incredible sight.

Hermoso templo católico construido con cantera rosa, consta de una sola torre y una nave. Al parecer está construida sobre un basamento prehispánico. Lo impresionante de éste sitio es que está rodeado de vestigios arqueológicos de la cultura zapoteca. Su atrio es amplio con capillas posas en sus esquinas y las tradicionales "letras" de MITLA. El interior conserva un bello retablo barroco dorado. No puedes perderte esta visita.
Beautiful Catholic temple built with pink quarry, it consists of a single tower and a nave. Apparently it is built on a pre-Hispanic basement. The impressive thing about this site is that it is surrounded by archaeological remains of the Zapotec culture. Its atrium is wide with chapels posed in its corners and the traditional "letters" of MITLA. The interior preserves a beautiful golden baroque altarpiece. You cannot miss this visit.
Samira MF on Google

El templo católico se construyó dentro de la zona arqueológica de Mitla, hay espacios que prácticamente rozan uno con otro. En el atrio de ubican las cuatro capillas abiertas y aún vemos las lápidas que en otro momento nos dejan ver el pasado uso como cementerio.
The Catholic temple was built within the archaeological zone of Mitla, there are spaces that practically rub against each other. In the atrium the four open chapels are located and we still see the tombstones that at another time let us see the past use as a cemetery.
Luis Torres on Google

Es una iglesia bonita. Hay muchos lugares para comer ahí cerca. En semana santa hacen las festividades de esas fechas y llega mucha gente. Es interesante ver restos de la zona Arqueológica en el patio de la iglesia. Un lugar que tienes que visitar en em corazón de Mitla si vienes de visita.
It is a nice church. There are many places to eat nearby. During Holy Week they celebrate the festivities of those dates and a lot of people come. It is interesting to see remains of the Archaeological zone in the courtyard of the church. A place that you have to visit in the heart of Mitla if you come to visit.
Thayne T on Google

Them tearing down older temples and cultures and even using those very same stones to build their own selfish power and glorification just reminds me of what happened to all the people who God speaks to- it really destroyed us all. Deeply. Immensely. To the point kings and queens would grovel for a few pesos while their children forget what kind of bloodthirsty God really is and tell themselves God loves them while the river runs black and putrid if it runs at all. Look into the water, it reflects. Look at what was stolen from everyone downstream just like the stones in this church's walls! The water it is not clear, but murky and dark- it smells. There are no baptisms in the river, only poisonings. Tossed down the steps of heaven you still shall be. If it were not for your stealing from others, what would you be? Would this church of THIEVES still stand at all?
Mirosław Siemieniuk on Google

Very simple but effectife design. Simplicity to the max. I have just watched here the ceremony of baptism of kids.
Robert Chomicz on Google

The oldest church of Mitla is located squarely in the center of the ancient Zapotec ruins which provided the building material for the church. The interior is the usual Mexican single nave, with no side isles construction. However, the exterior reveals the three dome vaulting with each of the domes being a different size and the middle one being much smaller than the others. The effect is a striking and unusual look. The church is free to enter and there is a small plaza in front of it where you can have a seat and relax in the shade provided by a few trees.

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