Templo del Alacran - 77500 Cancún

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Templo del Alacran

Address :

Punta Nizuc - Cancún 1835, El Rey, Zona Hotelera, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico

Categories :
City : Q.R.

Punta Nizuc - Cancún 1835, El Rey, Zona Hotelera, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
Christian Grand on Google

Alicia Strada on Google

Ruinas pequeñitas con linda vista
Little ruins with a nice view
Francisco Silva on Google

Very nice viene especial at night. Muy hermosa vista en especial en la noche. Durante el día puede tomar unas fotos impresionantes hacia el mar.
Very nice comes special at night. Very beautiful view especially at night. During the day you can take some stunning photos towards the sea.
José Luis Campos De la torre on Google

El dia de ayer dedique un par de horas de la mañana tratando de llegar a este lugar, aclaro! No soy originario de Cancún asi que me costo un poco mas de trabajo. Segui las instrucciones de google maps,las cuales me llevaron a la locacion de un Hotel,pregunte sobre la entrada a el templo y me dijieron que aunque estaba cerca de el hotel, la entrada principal no era por ahi que tenia que ir a rodear, entrar por playa Marlin, y caminar por la orilla de la playa. Hize lo especificado y despues de al fin llegar, el lugar estaba cerrado, no se que tipo de construccion estan haciendo el caso es que no pude entrar. Me comenta la gente q son unas ruinas muy pequeñas, al final eso no es lo q me importaba yo solo queria y tenia la intension de conocerlas. Me sorprende que nadie este encargado de avizar o de estructurar bien una guia para los turistas que quieran ir a visitar. En fin! Mis esfuerzos no valieron la pena.
Yesterday I spent a couple of hours in the morning trying to get to this place, I clarify! I am not originally from Cancun so it cost me a little more work. I followed the instructions on google maps, which led me to the location of a Hotel, I asked about the entrance to the temple and they told me that although it was close to the hotel, the main entrance was not there that I had to go around, enter Marlin beach, and walk along the shore of the beach. I did what was specified and after finally arriving, the place was closed, I don't know what kind of construction they are doing, the case is that I couldn't enter. People tell me that they are very small ruins, in the end that is not what mattered to me I just wanted and had the intention of knowing them. It surprises me that no one is in charge of planning or structuring a guide for tourists who want to visit. Anyway! My efforts were not worth it.
roberto perez on Google

Maravilloso lugar, desafortunadamente a pesar de que es zona federal protegida esta cerrado al público; para poder acceder es por playa marlín avanzas como 700 metros y hay una entrada que pertenece al hotel Park Royal (a lado hay una entrada que tiene cuerdas de cerrado, puedes acceder por ahí siguiendo las escaleras llegas al templo)
Wonderful place, unfortunately even though it is a federal protected area it is closed to the public; To access it is by marlin beach, you advance about 700 meters and there is an entrance that belongs to the Park Royal hotel (next to it there is an entrance that has closed ropes, you can access there by following the stairs you get to the temple)
ectito MAtrix on Google

Se le da este nombre debido a los restos de una escultura del arácnido que fue encontrada en una de las paredes del templo. El templo se levanta sobre un basamento de paredes verticales con u a escalinata de cuatro peldaños limitada por dos alfardas en forma de dado; en la parte superior se construyo una plataforma que sustenta el templo de una sola cámara a cuyo interior se adsesa a través de tres claros formados por dos columnas;el techo plano que lo cubrio estubo conformado por un arquitable de madera y una serie de morillos colocados uno cerca de otro; los muros muestran una ligera inclinación hacia afuera; el friso queda limitado ente dos cornisas y lo corona un solo plano inclinado. Toda la construcción estuvo estucada y pintada, lo cual en la actualidad, no se conserva algún vestigio. La ubicación cronológica lo sitúa en el período post_clasico Tardío (1200 - 1550 D.C)
It is given this name due to the remains of a sculpture of the arachnid that was found on one of the walls of the temple. The temple rises on a basement with vertical walls with a staircase of four steps limited by two beams in the shape of a dice; In the upper part, a platform was built that supports the temple of a single chamber to whose interior it is adessed through three clearings formed by two columns; the flat roof that covered it was made up of a wooden architrave and a series of andirons placed one close to another; the walls show a slight outward inclination; the frieze is limited between two cornices and is crowned by a single inclined plane. The entire construction was stuccoed and painted, which today, no trace is preserved. The chronological location places it in the Late Post_classic period (1200 - 1550 AD)
Diana Berenice Carrizales Gonzalez on Google

Excelente vista, son unas ruinas muy pequeñas pero es parte de la experiencia llegar ahí, yo llegué caminando por toda la orilla de la playa y el acceso es por ahí mismo, tienes que encontrar unas escaleras , están un poco escondidas
Excellent view, they are very small ruins but it is part of the experience to get there, I came walking along the shore of the beach and the access is right there, you have to find some stairs, they are a bit hidden

Chiquito pero muy lindo, tiene una bella vista a Playa Marlin, puedes entrar por el hotel Royal Park, no cobran
Small but very cute, it has a beautiful view of Playa Marlin, you can enter through the Royal Park hotel, they do not charge

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