Terminal Lineas Unidas - 70900 San Pedro Pochutla

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Terminal Lineas Unidas

Address :

Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas Núm. 85, Centro, 70900 San Pedro Pochutla, Oax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +988
Website : https://www.facebook.com/lineasunidasoficial/
Categories :
City : Oax.

Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas Núm. 85, Centro, 70900 San Pedro Pochutla, Oax., Mexico
Luis Ismael Arenaza-Cruz on Google

Great services and affordable prime is worth the service and promptly takes you to your destination
Shelly on Google

Good fast service to huatulco
Ed Graves on Google

Bus service is great. Getting a seat is a must...and near the front. Banos a not worth the 5 pesos..filthy !!!!!...use the ones across the street or at the large Bus terminal a few doors down.
Elsa, G Mendez on Google

Great service and very comfortable. Please take a sleeping pill before you ride the trip is rough very rough because of its constant 6 hour curves.
Eric Amorim on Google

I bought a ticket at 02:30am, I was waiting for the van for 1 hour and it never came. I had a flight on the same day and had to find another alternative. They didn't call me or anything and they havent reimbursed me yet
Mary DeLoria on Google

Excellent service. We felt very safe driving over the mountains in their buses. Recommended.
Andrea Romero on Google

Comfortable sitting tv was to loud naps on a 5 hour drive was hard to do. But over all clean and felt safe
Alberto Buonocore on Google

DO NOT use this service if you care even a little bit about your life. We had a nightmare trip from Oaxaca to Pochutla with driver RAUL. The road is a mountain road with an infinite amount of tight dangerous turns and the driver drove like a maniac accelerating at every turn instead of breaking, overtaking any other car or truck in blind turns not even knowing whether there was someone coming from the other direction around the turn. A bit less than halfway through the trip, at one of the stops, we talked with an employee of the company and told her that the driver was driving very dangerously, to which even the other passengers (locals) agreed. We asked her to be moved to the later van (there is one every 30 minutes on that route) but we were told it was not possible without paying for another ticket. The girl tried her best talking to the driver and asking him to drive more safely, which only worked for the following 20 minutes or so, on a 6.15 hours trip. Try to avoid this company at all costs and maybe take the 1st class service even if longer and more expensive. If you cannot do that, make sure somehow your driver will not be RAUL.

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