"The Big Dog" CLÍNICA VETERINARIA - 66647 Cd Apodaca

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Castaño 767, Jacarandas, 66647 Cd Apodaca, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8988
Categories :
City : N.L.

Castaño 767, Jacarandas, 66647 Cd Apodaca, N.L., Mexico
Angel González De La Rosa on Google

Fuimos de madrugada por una emergencia, e inmediatamente en lugar de atender a mi mascota, nos hablo del dinero, además que nos cobro súper caro las inyecciones que al final no le hicieron nada y termino muriendo mi cachorrita. Consultamos la situación con otro veterinario y nos dijo que los medicamentos y las dosis no debieron ser utilizadas y que debió ser internada. Dos posibilidades: O se aprovechó de la situación y solo nos sacó dinero o simplemente no sabe.
We went early in the morning for an emergency, and immediately instead of taking care of my pet, he told us about the money, besides that he charged us super expensive injections that in the end did nothing and I ended up dying my puppy. We consulted the situation with another veterinarian and he told us that the medications and doses should not have been used and that he should be admitted. Two possibilities: Either he took advantage of the situation and just took out money or just doesn't know.
Bruno Killer knots on Google

Excelente atención prestada por el veterinario y excelente trato con la mascota. Llevé a mi gato y lo revisó muy bien antes de tomar decisiones y lo atendió de inmediato, se está recuperando muy bien. Me atendió de urgencia a las 12 de la media noche y 100% accesible para atendernos. En mi experiencia, todo ha ido muy bien!
Excellent attention given by the veterinarian and excellent treatment with the pet. I took my cat and he checked it very well before making decisions and he attended immediately, he is recovering very well. He attended me urgently at 12 midnight and 100% accessible to assist us. In my experience, everything went very well!
juanita avila on Google

El primer día que la lleve en busca de otra opinión sobre mi perrita, me dijo que en el otro veterinario me habían mentido y que no tenía el virus, dos días después la lleve nuevamente porque había vuelto a decaer y me dijo que había que internarla porque siempre si tenía la enfermedad. Además de que me cobró muchísimo dinero... Me gaste casi $4000 y me agregaba medicamentos a la receta sin siquiera preguntarme.
The first day I took her in search of another opinion about my dog, she told me that in the other veterinarian they had lied to me and that I didn't have the virus, two days later I took her again because I had decayed again and she told me that she had to be admitted because always if he had the disease. In addition to that he charged me a lot of money ... I spent almost $ 4000 and added medications to the recipe without even asking.
Luna Ximena Gonzalez Flores on Google

Muy buen servicio del veterinario Aarón Trujillo, mi perrita Beagle se hinchó muy feo de la cara, traía una alergia muy fuerte, nos atención a pesar de no tener cita y ser muy tarde ya en la madrugada, eso es amor a su profesión.
Very good service from the veterinarian Aarón Trujillo, my Beagle dog had a very ugly swelling in her face, she had a very strong allergy, he took care of us despite not having an appointment and being very late at dawn, that is love for her profession.
Enanitos HG on Google

Lleve a mi perro por picadura de un insecto, le tomo la temperatura y dijo que tenía fiebre a 39°, (la temperatura normal de un perro es de 38 - 39). Me dijo que tenía arritmia cardiaca (las picaduras de insectos ni alergias producen dicha arritmia) según le inyectaria el antídoto por alacrán y antídoto por araña, cosa que no tenía síntoma de ser piquete ninguno de esos, un primo veterinario que no estaba disponible me recomendó dexametasona (se inyecta según el peso, edad y la gravedad de los síntomas en el perro) nunca pesó al perro ni me pregunto cuanto pesaba, el perro nunca tuvo temblores, no iba cabizbajo, no perdió el apetito, no había síntomas de picadura grave y me quería cobrar 3,900 más la consulta. Le pedí que solo le inyectará la dexametasona y confíe en que lo hizo y después mi primo me dijo que cuanto le puso, cosa que no supe contestar por que nunca me pidió el peso y sospecho que le puso suero, agua o sabrá dios que le habra puesto. Según ese disque veterinario lo que me recomendó mi familiar veterinario solo era cuando la hinchazón era por un golpe y ya me aclararon que no, también es para alergias y picaduras. No lo recomiendo, no lo lleven con el, si de verdad esta grave su animalito, con el es seguro que muere.
I took my dog ​​for an insect bite, I took his temperature and he said he had a fever of 39 °, (the normal temperature of a dog is 38 - 39). He told me that he had cardiac arrhythmia (insect bites or allergies produce said arrhythmia) as I would inject the antidote for scorpion and antidote for spider, which had no symptoms of being a bite either of those, a veterinary cousin who was not available recommended me dexamethasone (injected according to the dog's weight, age and severity of symptoms) never weighed the dog nor did I wonder how much he weighed, the dog never had tremors, was not crestfallen, did not lose appetite, there were no symptoms of severe bite and he wanted to charge me 3,900 more for the consultation. I asked him to only inject the dexamethasone and trust that he did it and then my cousin told me how much he put on it, which I did not know to answer because he never asked me for the weight and I suspect that he gave him serum, water or God knows what would have put. According to that veterinary record, what my veterinary family member recommended to me was only when the swelling was due to a blow and they already clarified that no, it is also for allergies and stings. I do not recommend it, do not take it with you, if your animal is really serious, with it it is sure that it dies.
CHRIS Silver on Google

Exelente servicio, lleve a mi cachorra Zahora la cual ya había llevado con otros veterinarios pero ninguno la había diagnosticado correctamente!! Fue muy amable, respetuoso y mi perrita se recuperó a los pocos días de sus tratamientos c:
Excellent service, I took my puppy Zahora which I had already taken to other veterinarians but none had diagnosed her correctly !! He was very kind, respectful and my dog ​​recovered within a few days of her treatments c:
오인 on Google

자연의 신비함이 숨어있는 맥시코의 아름다운 명소입니다 한번쯤 찿아봐되 조을듲하네요 좀 멀긴멀지만 주변에 멋진 선인장들과 석회석산의 조화속에 동굴속 비겨은 감탄이 절로나옵니다 5천만년의 아름다움을 보십시요
It is a beautiful spot of Mexico where the mystery of nature is hidden. Looks at it once, but it's a little farther. In the vicinity of the wonderful cactuses and limestone mountains, you can admire the splendor of the caves. See the beauty of 50 million years.
Anahy Torres on Google

Excelente veterinario. Lleve a mi perrito Wicho en la madrugada, y lo atendió sin problema alguno. En unas horas mi perrito se veía mucho mejor. Lo recomiendo demasiado, muy buena atención a las mascotas.
Excellent vet. I took my little dog Wicho at dawn, and he looked after him without any problem. In a few hours my puppy looked much better. I highly recommend it, very good care for pets.

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