The Pets Boutique VIP - 39897 Acapulco de Juárez

1.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact The Pets Boutique VIP

Address :

Boulevard de las Naciones 18 local 59, Acapulco Diamante, 39897 Acapulco de Juárez, Gro., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7778
Categories :
City : Gro.

Boulevard de las Naciones 18 local 59, Acapulco Diamante, 39897 Acapulco de Juárez, Gro., Mexico
Alexia Eg on Google

Esta tienda es una completa farsa, nada más contestaron para vender el perro carísimo y no nos entregaron documentación ni el pedigree que prometieron, no contestan y no cuidan a los perros, se vomitan y están enfermos todos. CUIDADO.
This shop is a complete farce, they just answered to sell the expensive dog and they did not give us documentation or the pedigree they promised, they do not answer and they do not take care of the dogs, they vomit and they are all sick. WATCH OUT.
Eduardo Ramirez on Google

Mucho cuidado compramos una perrita supuestamente taza de te en 12,000.00 el pasado Agosto del 2018 pues resulto que no es esa raza la parrita crecio de manera normal cuando se suponia tendria que quedarse en tamano pequeno, se le adopto y se le quiere y cuida normal pero si tengan cuidado con estos estafadores
A lot of care we bought a dog supposedly cup of tea in 12,000.00 last August of 2018 as it turned out that it is not that race the parrita grew in a normal way when it was supposed to stay in small size, he was adopted and he is loved and cared for normal but if you are careful with these scammers
Carlos Monzón on Google

Tienen a los perritos en jaulas muy pequeñas y con el calor de Acapulco; las jaulas están al paso de la gente, y la única atención que les ponen es para mostrarlos cuando la gente se acerca. No se si tengan permiso para venderlos pero es deplorable la manera en que los tienen.
They have the puppies in very small cages and with the heat of Acapulco; the cages are in step with the people, and the only attention they put on them is to show them when people approach. I do not know if they have permission to sell them but the way they have them is deplorable.
Alex Garcia on Google

recién compre un perro hace 4 días garantizandome que estaba vacunado y al 5 dia esta en veterinario con parvo virus, enfermedad que puede ser letal. además de mentirosos, no contestan mis llamadas y el cachorro corre peligro de morir... me siento completamente abusado y descontento con la tienda. por favor no compren ahí, y comenten si lo leen. Peligro....
I just bought a dog 4 days ago, guaranteeing that it was vaccinated and on the 5th day it is in the vet with parvo virus, a disease that can be lethal. besides being liars, they don't answer my calls and the puppy is in danger of dying ... I feel completely abused and unhappy with the store. please do not buy there, and comment if you read it. Danger....
Jorge Alejandro Chavez Martinez on Google

Tienen a los perritos en pésimas condiciones. Cuando pase por ahi, los animalitos no tenian agua ni comida, estan en una jaula demasiado pequeña y lo unico que tienen son unos cuantos ventiladores. No estan en condiciones para estar. Meteré una demanda en contra del propietario de la tienda y de los trabajadores de la misma para que ese local deje de funcionar y los perritos esten en mejores condiciones. Habia un chihuahua enfermo y en lugar de atenderlo lo tenian en una jaula tapada en una esquina para que no se viera.
They have the puppies in terrible condition. When passing by, the animals had no water or food, are in a cage too small and the only thing they have are a few fans. They are not in condition to be. I will file a lawsuit against the owner of the store and its workers so that the store will stop working and the dogs will be in better condition. There was a sick chihuahua and instead of treating him they had him in a cage covered in a corner so that he would not see himself.
Francisca Rodillo on Google

Compré a mi perro en esta tienda y además de horrible estado en el que tienen a todos los animales, mi perro venía desnutrido, deshidratado y con parásitos que no se los hemos podido quitar con desparasitantes. Dudamos de la veracidad de las vacunas porque no estaban firmadas y además nos vendieron a nuestro perro por pedigree y luego nos dimos cuenta que el tipo de raza no figura dentro de las de pedigree (Chihuahua cabeza de venado). Hubiera comprado a mi perrito fuera como fuera, pero pagamos un precio altísimo que no correspondía ni al estado de mi mascota ni a su pedigree. Deberían clausurar este lugar para parar con el maltrato animal y la estafa a las personas que compramos ahí.
I bought my dog ​​in this store and in addition to the horrible state in which they have all the animals, my dog ​​was malnourished, dehydrated and with parasites that we have not been able to remove with dewormers. We doubted the veracity of the vaccines because they were not signed and they also sold our dog to us by pedigree and then we realized that the type of breed is not included in the pedigree (Chihuahua deer head). I would have bought my puppy no matter what, but we paid a very high price that did not correspond to the state of my pet or its pedigree. They should close this place to stop animal abuse and scams to the people who buy there.
Marie Schneider on Google

If it wa possible to give 0 stars I would. The sold me a sick dog that their vet signed as healthy. We returned the next day and said the dog wasn't eating or drinking properly and their "licences vet" said it was normal and told us to give a little honey and let her sleep. She died that night. We returned in the morning to the store and the owner, refused to honour the 1 year Heath guarantee. We have since found out they sell sick pets on a regular basis. Stay away from this store. It's owner is downright criminal and it's in house vet obviously has no love for her animals. Shameful.
Laura Arriaga on Google

Im sitting 20 feet away from this so called "pet store". Ive read the reviews beforehand and could not believe what i saw. This mall is actually pretty decent, with its name brand stores i.e., guess, gucci, billabong etc. And this store is an eye sore. The animals are in really bad shape. No food, barely any water, out in the sun with open top cages and sick. I really wanted to buy a puppy for my won but had to hold back with all my might, even though i wanted to save at least one pup. The only way to save these animals is to not buy anything from here. The owner or the lady who run this place looks like a drug addict. Without the mask on she looks like a crackhead. Stay away from here.

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