Tierra Nueva Internacional - 27060 Torreón

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Contact Tierra Nueva Internacional

Address :

Nuevo Torreón, 27060 Torreón, Coah., Mexico

Categories :
City : Coah.

Nuevo Torreón, 27060 Torreón, Coah., Mexico
Michelle Hernandez on Google

eloy joaquin hernandez y toscano on Google

La normatividad de sus funcionarios incuren en delitos federales a combrobar por la Procuraduria General de la Republica respesto al manejo psicologico de la gente disque ayudan y desequilivran a las personas en este caso soy el Dr.toscano esposo de la maestrra DOLORES Garcia Ortega padres de MARILOLIS OCHOA FLORES,no aceptaron hablar con ellos a disque pastor Ivan martinez y su esposa disque pastora Monica Martines que junto a sus seis hijos viven desahogadamente gracias a su negocio de diesmos de la igresia que usan como propios con un enreqecimiento ilicito que lo corrobara la Secretaria de Hacienda y SAT NACIONAL,FEDERAL,ESTATAL Y MUNICIPAL por lo siguiente se seguira una denuncia legal de su proceder con un equipo multidiciplinario de abogados medicos psicologos,psiqiatras y personal de derechos humanos y se corrobara la autoridad que cooresponda los delitos y cosecuencias de ellos,por lo anterior se notificara a la oficina de Atencjion a la ciudadania de la Presidencia de la Republica y determinara delitos que incuren con sustento Jurridico de hechos por lo anterior no saben en que estan metidos retirense de mi familia y eviten repercusion legal ireversible,los peritajes de cada area los determinara nadie sobre la Ley con palancas e inpunidad quedo de USTED. sufragio efectivol no releccion limpiar a mexico de corruptos
The normativity of its officials incurs federal crimes to be checked by the Attorney General of the Republic in response to the psychological management of the people who help and unqualify people in this case I am the Dr.toscano husband of the teacher DOLORES Garcia Ortega parents of MARILOLIS EIGHT FLOWERS, they did not accept to speak with them to Pastor Ivan Martinez and his wife, Pastor Monica Martines, who, together with their six children, live comfortably thanks to their business of the church of the church that they use as their own with an illicit enrichment corroborated by the Secretary of the Treasury and SAT NATIONAL, FEDERAL, STATE AND MUNICIPAL for the following will follow a legal complaint of their proceeding with a multidisciplinary team of medical lawyers, psychiatrists and human rights personnel and corroborate the authority that co-responds to the crimes and consequences of them For the above, the office of Atencjion will be notified to the citizenship of the Presidency of the Repu blica and determine crimes that incriminate with legal support of facts for the above do not know what they are involved withdraw from my family and avoid ireversible legal impact, the expertise of each area will be determined by no one on the Law with levers and impunity remain of YOU. effective suffrage not relection clean mexico from corrupt
Haziel Herrera on Google

The best place..

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