Transmisiones Mecatrónicas Periférico - 54050 Tlalnepantla de Baz

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Transmisiones Mecatrónicas Periférico

Address :

Perif. Blvd. Manuel Ávila Camacho 1907, Las Margaritas, 54050 Tlalnepantla de Baz, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +97
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City : Méx.

Perif. Blvd. Manuel Ávila Camacho 1907, Las Margaritas, 54050 Tlalnepantla de Baz, Méx., Mexico
Ludwig Heinrich Hernández Juárez on Google

Atención al 100, pésimo manejo de la información, una reparación bien hecha pero por ocultar información se volvió a dañar mi coche y se justificaron diciendo que ellos vieron otra falla pero como no es su "área" no me lo notificaron. No pienso pagarles una segunda reparación por su falta de honestidad.
Attention to 100, terrible handling of information, a well done repair but for hiding information my car was damaged again and they justified themselves saying that they saw another fault but since it is not their "area" they did not notify me. I am not going to pay you a second repair for your lack of honesty.
cecilia aragon on Google

Buen lugar, gran atención y quede satisfecha con el trabajo. Pude cerciorarme de todas las partes que cambiaron y en la agencia me cobraban 3 veces mas. Lo recomiendo!
Good place, great attention and I was satisfied with the work. I was able to make sure of all the parts that changed and in the agency they charged me 3 times more. I recommend it!
Pedro Sendra Romero on Google

Taller serio y recomendable, me resolvieron mi problema que en otros talleres no pudieron en meses. Solamente se tardaron 2 días mas de lo prometido pero cumplieron.
Serious and recommended workshop, they solved my problem that in other workshops they could not in months. It only took 2 more days than promised but they delivered.
francisco pinzon on Google

Pesimo lugar. Tengan mucho cuidado, me querian cobrar 30 mil pesos (escrito de su puño y letra) por una reparacion de transmision, me negue, investigue solo un poco sobre los codigos que arrojo el escaneo y resulto ser un arnes sucio. Y me costo 1500 pesos. Aguas que son bien tranzas. Les comparto el diagnostico no vaya a ser que lo nieguen. Saludos
Terrible place. Be very careful, they wanted to charge me 30 thousand pesos (written in their own handwriting) for a transmission repair, I refused, I investigated just a little about the codes that the scan showed and it turned out to be a dirty harness. And it cost me 1500 pesos. Waters that are well traces. I share the diagnosis with you, lest you deny it. Greetings
Claudio Hernández on Google

Pésima experiencia, dejaron mi coche peor de lo que lo lleve. El trato del "Ingeniero" déspota y muy grosero, Nada recomendable. El dueño no da la cara NO LLEVEN SUS AUTOS AHI.
Bad experience, they left my car worse than I took it. The treatment of the despotic and very rude "Engineer", Not recommended. The owner does not show his face. DO NOT TAKE YOUR CARS THERE.
Filler Heavy Sand on Google

NO LLEVEN SUS AUTOS A ESTE "TALLER", por favor no cometan el mismo error que yo, me robaron $60,000 en una "reparación" en mi transmisión, la cual volvió a fallar al termino de su garantía, he llevado mi camioneta a otro taller y me comentaron que me cambiaron componentes originales de mi transmisión por componentes compatibles más hechizos, y que había componentes muy duros debido a que no se habían cambiado desde agencia, no hicieron su trabajo, me estafaron y navegan con bandera de buen taller, ¿Quieren una recomendación? No vayan a este taller, no tiren su dinero a la basura.
DO NOT TAKE YOUR CARS TO THIS "WORKSHOP", please do not make the same mistake as me, $ 60,000 was stolen in a "repair" on my transmission, which failed again at the end of its warranty, I have taken my truck to another workshop and they told me that they changed original components of my transmission for compatible components plus spells, and that there were very hard components because they had not been changed from the agency, they did not do their job, they scammed me and they sail under the flag of a good workshop, do you want a recommendation? Don't go to this workshop, don't throw your money away.
Ricardo Beltran on Google

Pésima experiencia, trabajos de muy mala calidad y nada de ética profesional, todo lo disfrazan de amabilidad, te cotizan SIN SABER EL VERDADERO PROBLEMA (FALLO), casualmente tu transmisión vuelve a fallar al término de su garantía (3 meses). Definitivamente no regresaría, no se dejen llevar por sus "más de 50 años de experiencia". Como consejo busquen y evalúen varios talleres, no siempre el escaparate de un gran taller es lo mejor...
Terrible experience, very poor quality work and no professional ethics, everything is disguised as kindness, they quote you WITHOUT KNOWING THE REAL PROBLEM (FAILURE), coincidentally your transmission fails again at the end of its guarantee (3 months). Definitely would not return, do not get carried away by his "more than 50 years of experience". As advice, look for and evaluate various workshops, not always the showcase of a large workshop is the best ...
Javier Ibarra on Google

Pésimo lugar para llevar tu auto a reparar, trabajo mal hecho y excesivamente caro, dejan el carro lleno de grasa por dentro y por fuera, mal armado no se hacen responsables de las piezas que dañan al desarmar y armar. El dueño Carlos Flores es un patán déspota que no sabe tratar al cliente, no acepta el reclamo de sus trabajos mal hechos y daños que ocasiona su personal, hace rabietas como niño chiquito abusa de que es una persona mayor de edad para gritarle al cliente y agredirlo verbal y físicamente sin tener la razón. Un soporte de caja de velocidades tiene un costo en la agencia de $1,500 te lo quieren vender en $3,500 Voy a levantar una queja en Profeco. No lleven su carro a este lugar!!!
Terrible place to take your car to repair, work poorly done and excessively expensive, they leave the car full of grease inside and out, poorly assembled, they are not responsible for the parts that are damaged when disassembling and assembling. The owner Carlos Flores is a despotic lout who does not know how to treat the client, does not accept the claim of his poorly done work and damage caused by his staff, throws tantrums like a small child, abuses the fact that he is an adult to yell at the client and verbally and physically assaulting him without being right. A gearbox support costs $1,500 at the agency, they want to sell it to you for $3,500 I'm going to file a complaint with Profeco. Do not take your car to this place!!!

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