Travel agency Lalo Ecotours - 70934 Brisas de Zicatela

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Travel agency Lalo Ecotours

Address :

Av. Del Morro S/N, Marinero, 70934 Brisas de Zicatela, Oax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
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City : Oax.

Av. Del Morro S/N, Marinero, 70934 Brisas de Zicatela, Oax., Mexico
Raul Diaz on Google

Muy amable todo el personal Desde quien nos atendió vía telefonica hasta los Guias 100% recomendado
Very friendly all the staff From the person who attended us by phone to the Guides 100% recommended
Lucero Peña on Google

No sólo fue un servicio impecable, la atención fue espectacular , nos tocó Eve como guía y es excepcional, maneja increíble la información y el inglés, siempre pendiente de cualquier duda o situación. El costo va de acuerdo a lo que te ofrecen, sin duda lo recomiendo y ya sé a que agencia regresar para la próxima
Not only was it an impeccable service, the attention was spectacular, we had Eve as a guide and it is exceptional, it handles incredible information and English, always aware of any doubt or situation. The cost goes according to what they offer, I definitely recommend it and I know what agency to return to next
Gonzalo Salvador on Google

Primeramente comento precios, nos costó el tour por la laguna de manialtepec, con atardecer y hoguera en la playa más baño con bioluminiscencia, 800 pesos por persona. El atardecer realmente es increíble, y el regreso a la laguna manialtepec verdaderamente bonito pensando que vuelves de noche, sin luz y todo rodeado de naturaleza, claramente el guía va con una linterna para ir iluminando el camino, pero cuando la apaga viene la magia. Cuando se llega a la laguna y si tienes suerte de ver la bioluminiscencia es algo que no se puede explicar, es verdaderamente increíble, si no hay luna el día que vayáis, es muchísimo mejor. En ningún momento sentimos que nos habían engañado vendiendonos algo que luego no te ofrecen o muestran, eso es un punto a favor para ellos. En la laguna hay cocodrilos, haced caso al guía en todo lo que os indique. Verdaderamente fue una experiencia muy bonita y agradable con ellos.
First I comment on prices, the tour of the manialtepec lagoon cost us, with sunset and bonfire on the beach plus a bath with bioluminescence, 800 pesos per person. The sunset is really incredible, and the return to the manialtepec lagoon truly beautiful thinking that you return at night, without light and all surrounded by nature, clearly the guide goes with a flashlight to illuminate the way, but when he turns it off, the magic comes. When you get to the lagoon and if you are lucky to see the bioluminescence it is something that cannot be explained, it is truly incredible, if there is no moon the day you go, it is much better. At no time did we feel that they had cheated us by selling us something that they did not offer or show you later, that is a plus point for them. In the lagoon there are crocodiles, pay attention to the guide in everything he tells you. It was truly a very nice and pleasant experience with them.
Jose Baltazar Ruiz on Google

La atención es buena, el transporte adecuado. Pero los precios se me hacen altos para lo que se ofrece (350-900). Bioluminicencia y atardecer $500. Solo bioluminicencia 350. Debes llevar ropa para nadar y toalla.
The attention is good, adequate transportation. But prices are high for what is offered (350-900). Bioluminescence and sunset $ 500. Only bioluminescence 350. You must wear swimming clothes and a towel.
Myriam Lopez Perez on Google

La atención respecto a información que nos brindó Marilyn acerca de los tours fue muy buena. Ella es muy amable y te explica detalladamente los recorridos que ofrecen. Los precios de los tours no son elevados ya que además del recorrido te recogen y devuelven en tu lugar de hospedaje. Toda la explicación y la atención que ofrecen durante el tour es muy buena, tienen un gran dominio de información y son muy amables. En mi caso contrate un paquete de tour que incluía liberación de tortugas, recorrido Laguna de manialtepec, atardecer con fogata y nadó en la bioluminiscencia por 700 pesos. Fue un recorrido increíble.
The attention regarding information that Marilyn gave us about the tours was very good. She is very friendly and explains in detail the tours they offer. The prices of the tours are not high since in addition to the tour they pick you up and return you at your place of lodging. All the explanation and attention they offer during the tour is very good, they have a great domain of information and are very friendly. In my case, I hired a tour package that included the release of turtles, Laguna de Manialtepec tour, sunset with a fire and swam in the bioluminescence for 700 pesos. It was an amazing tour.
Marvin Jaunet on Google

Bonjour , je viens clairement de me faire arnaquer par cette agence . Le prix était de 350 et il est passé a 600 au moment de payer . Il y'a certainement eu un malentendu, mais c'était pas du tout honnête . La personne n'a pas voulu reconnaître le prix négocié sur la discussion WhatsApp que j'ai gardé en preuve . A fuir
Hello, I have clearly just been scammed by this agency. The price was 350 and it went to 600 when paying. There was definitely a misunderstanding, but it wasn't honest at all. The person did not want to recognize the price negotiated on the WhatsApp discussion which I kept in evidence. To flee
Ivanna Tice on Google

Al principio cuando nos vendieron el viaje todo bien! Eso si se esperan para decirte que no hay devoluciones hasta después de que pagas y son cero flexibles con eso, me vendieron un tour y al final solo lo dieron a medias, una de la personas que iba al tour se intoxicó la noche anterior y yo quise regalarle el boleto a otra persona del viaje en lugar de que pagara el suyo ya que no había devoluciones y al final no me dejaron hacerlo! Y si no estaba de acuerdo pues no iba y no me devolvían el dinero! Súper mal servicio en ese aspecto!! Jamás volveré a comprar un tour con ellos por obvias razones! Y ojalá esto sirva para que alguna persona no caiga en la estafa que es esta “empresa” At the beginning when they were selling us the tickets for a tour they were very nice and after we made the payment that when they told us there’s no refund under any circumstances… that upset me a lot because they know that they’re doing of course, they sold us a tour with more that one activity and they didn’t take us to all the places they advertise, also a person that was going to the tour in our group got food poisoning the night before so as I thought they didn’t want to give us the money back and when I tried to give it to another person in the group they said that was no allowed and if I didn’t like it I could just not go to the tour but of course they were not giving me a cent back!! I would never recommend this tour place, please be careful with this scam! Hopefully I will prevent someone to fall for this!
At first, when they sold us the trip, everything was fine! That is if they wait to tell you that there are no refunds until after you pay and they are zero flexible with that, they sold me a tour and in the end they only gave it half, one of the people who went to the tour got intoxicated the night before and I I wanted to give the ticket to another person on the trip instead of paying for theirs since there were no refunds and in the end they didn't let me do it! And if I didn't agree, then I didn't go and they didn't give me my money back! Super bad service in that aspect!! I will never buy a tour with them again for obvious reasons! And hopefully this will help someone not fall for the scam that this "company" is. At the beginning when they were selling us the tickets for a tour they were very nice and after we made the payment that when they told us there's no refund under any circumstances… that upset me a lot because they know that they're doing of course , they sold us a tour with more that one activity and they didn't take us to all the places they advertise, also a person who was going to the tour in our group got food poisoning the night before so as I thought they didn' t want to give us the money back and when I tried to give it to another person in the group they said that it was not allowed and if I didn't like it I could just not go to the tour but of course they were not giving me a cent back!! I would never recommend this tour place, please be careful with this scam! Hopefully I will prevent someone to fall for this!
Cindy Joly on Google

Personne qui gère l´agence malhonnête. Après contact avec elle pour connaître les prix, une négociation commence pour fixer un prix ou l´on tombe d'accord sur 350 pour le paquet 2 au lieu de 600 pesos. Nous acceptons alors se disant que c´est un bon prix. Nous faisons le tour et une demi heure avant la fin du tour elle envoie un message pour dire que c´est finalement 600 : déjà très malhonnête. Et au moment de payer on nous réclame 600 par personne alors qu´on avait accepté pour 350. Au téléphone la personne est malhonnête, en boucle et ne laisse pas parler ou essayer de trouver un compromis ou une excuse pour un malentendu peut être...? Dans tous les cas malhonnêteté et une folle derrière un écran. A FUIR
Person who manages the dishonest agency. After contacting her to find out the prices, a negotiation begins to fix a price where we agree on 350 for package 2 instead of 600 pesos. We accept then saying that it is a good price. We go around and half an hour before the end of the tour she sends a message to say that it is finally 600: already very dishonest. And when paying we are asked for 600 per person when we had accepted for 350. On the phone the person is dishonest, in a loop and does not let people talk or try to find a compromise or an excuse for a misunderstanding maybe.. .? In any case dishonesty and a madwoman behind a screen. TO FLEE

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