Travel's Life - 72810 San Andrés Cholula

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Contact Travel's Life

Address :

Calle 8 Nte 409, Santiago Xicotenco, 72810 San Andrés Cholula, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +79
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City : Pue.

Calle 8 Nte 409, Santiago Xicotenco, 72810 San Andrés Cholula, Pue., Mexico
Alexandre Plt on Google

Yesica Giraldo on Google

Sarah Müller on Google

Nunca me había pasado algo así, tengan mucho cuidado con esa agencia de verdad! Lo que intentan es sacar su propio beneficio sobre todo y no se demuestran comprensivos ni complacientes ante una situación particular: Quise irme con ellos de viaje y lamentablemente 2 horas antes de la salida me enfermé bastante mal y no pude irme ya. Debido a mi situación y porque era la noche ya no encontré a nadie que se pudiera ir en mi lugar. Al final se negaron a devolverme ni un peso de la cantidad bastante alta que les habia pagado con antelación, con el argumento de que al final se quedaba vacio mi lugar. En general se podría entender ese argumento pero en una situación tan particular como la mía me parecía muy ignorante y nada más enfocado en meterse el dinero en su propio bolsillo. A parte hubieran podido ofrecerme que solo se tendría que cubrir la parte del bus (fue su argumento principal) y que el resto se devolvería, pero nada. Mucho cuidado, una vez que tengan tu dinero lo agarran fuerte y pase lo que pase no te lo van a devolver, ni un peso y con argumentos poco entendibles. Qué lástima aprovecharse de la gente de esa forma!
Something like this had never happened to me, be very careful with that real agency! What they try is to get their own benefit on everything and they do not show themselves sympathetic or complacent in a particular situation: I wanted to go with them on a trip and unfortunately 2 hours before departure I got sick quite badly and could not leave now. Because of my situation and because it was night I no longer found anyone who could go in my place. In the end they refused to give me back a weight of the amount quite high that I had paid them in advance, with the argument that in the end my place was empty. In general, this argument could be understood, but in a situation as particular as mine, I thought it was very ignorant and nothing more focused on putting money in your own pocket. Besides, they could have offered me that only the part of the bus would have to be covered (it was their main argument) and that the rest would be returned, but nothing. Be very careful, once they have your money they grab it tight and whatever happens they will not return it, nor a weight and with little understandable arguments. Too bad to take advantage of people that way!

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