Tu casa - Cocinas integrales - 72410 Puebla

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Contact Tu casa - Cocinas integrales

Address :

C. 25 Sur 2502-local D, Los Volcanes, 72410 Puebla, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7797
Categories :
City : Pue.

C. 25 Sur 2502-local D, Los Volcanes, 72410 Puebla, Pue., Mexico
eduardo turubiarte on Google

Ale Uroza on Google

La atención en un principio es buena, hay puntualidad por parte de la persona encargada para tomar las medidas, el presupuesto que solicitamos al principio fue de formica pero el que nos dieron y nos sugirieron fue de granito, indicándonos que: no se raya, no se mancha, no se infla y dura años! siendo esta una buena inversión! por lo que nos decidimos por esta piedra. Se acordó que la entrega se haría de manera formal, pero únicamente terminaron el trabajo y jamas me entrego.Cuando empezamos a utilizar la cocina, nos dimos cuenta de que el granito absorbe muchísimo el agua, dejando mancha, y se me ocurrió freír y todo el aceite que llega a brincar, traspasa la piedra dejándola manchada en negro. si algo le cae y no limpias a la voz de ya! en segundos traspasa el granito dejándolo totalmente manchado del color que es el liquido que se cae, se le menciono este tema al personal , pero literal me dijeron que no sabia cocinar, y que tenia que limpiar de inmediato, después que era por el color de la piedra pues es blanca, después que como no podía tener cuidado con la piedra pues es delicada negándome que el no me había comentado que no se mancharia, le pedí que por favor investigara con su proveedor de granito, pues yo lo hice con otras personas encargadas de cocinas integrales y me decían que bien trabajada no tiene por que hacer eso, finalmente no SOLUCIONARON NADA, solo llevaban a una persona para limpiar y ahí le dejaban, sin monitorear lo que efectivamente estaba pasando, hasta que finalmente nos dijo que "le hiciéramos como quisiéramos", pues el no iba a cambiar nada y punto, su actitud y sus comentarios pésimos y de mal gusto a ponerse a gritar peor que verdulero, pues nos indicaba que la culpa era nuestra y si tenia esa actitud era por nuestra culpa, pero como no íbamos a llegar a la desesperación si simplemente NO SOLUCIONABA NADA! Para mi no es una cocina funcional mas que de exhibición, al día de hoy la plancha siempre se ve sucia!!!la verdad quede bastante molesta e insatisfecha, nos cansamos y dejamos el tema por la paz, A mi punto mientras no haya problema para el son de lo mas serviciales pero una vez teniéndolos, su actitud es realmente pésima no son para nada empaticos con los clientes, no niego que tengan buenos trabajos pero lamentablemente me toco ser la mínima probabilidad y no, no hacen nada, al menos yo, no tuve garantía de su trabajo.
At first the attention is good, there is punctuality on the part of the person in charge to take the measurements, the budget that we requested at the beginning was made of Formica but the one they gave us and they suggested was made of granite, indicating that: it is not scratched, no stains, does not inflate and lasts for years! being this a good investment! so we decided on this stone. It was agreed that the delivery would be done in a formal way, but they only finished the work and I never gave myself in. When we started to use the kitchen, we realized that the granite absorbs a lot of water, leaving a stain, and it occurred to me to fry and everything the oil that jumps through the stone, leaving it stained black. if something falls and you do not clean the voice of now! In seconds it goes through the granite leaving it totally stained with the color that is the liquid that falls, I mentioned this issue to the staff, but they literally told me that I did not know how to cook, and that I had to clean immediately, after it was because of the color of The stone is white, then as I could not be careful with the stone because it is delicate, denying me that he had not told me that it would not stain, I asked him to please investigate with his granite supplier, because I did it with other people in charge of integral kitchens and they told me that well worked, they do not have to do that, finally they SOLVED ANYTHING, they only took a person to clean and left him there, without monitoring what was actually happening, until finally he told us that "him we would do as we wanted ", because he was not going to change anything, period, his attitude and his terrible comments and in bad taste to start screaming worse than greengrocer, because he indicated that it was our fault and if he had That attitude was our fault, but how could we not despair if it just DIDN'T SOLVE ANYTHING! For me it is not a functional kitchen but an exhibition kitchen, to this day the iron always looks dirty !!! the truth is quite annoying and unsatisfied, we get tired and leave the subject for peace, at my point as long as there is no problem For him they are the most helpful but once they have them, their attitude is really bad, they are not at all empathetic with the clients, I do not deny that they have good jobs but unfortunately I have to be the least probability and no, they do nothing, at least I , I had no guarantee of his work.

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