Universidad del Sur - 77509 Cancún

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Universidad del Sur

Address :

Av Uxmal 15-Lt.10, 24, 77509 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88777
Website : https://www.universidaddelsur.edu.mx/
Categories :
City : Q.R.

Av Uxmal 15-Lt.10, 24, 77509 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
jorge luis tun sansores on Google

es muy pequeños los pasillos y solo una persona puede pasar al mismo tiempo y con respecto a las aulas están igual te pequeños
The corridors are very small and only one person can pass at the same time and with respect to the classrooms they are still small
Monica REITER on Google

Honestamente es la peor escuela de Cancún, prácticamente solo sirve para comprar un titulo a pagos mensuales, la calidad educativa es bajisima y a los profesores se les obliga por dirección o sistema a aprobar a todos los alumnos, si promedias 5 o menos el sistema te da un 6 automático y aun si hay evidencias para reprobar a un alumno te obligan a pasarlo de una u otra forma. Su plan educativo en el mejor de los casos es pobre y sumamente escaso de información y temas relevantes y actualizados. A esto hay que sumar el hecho de sus cobros inexplicables que aplican sin avisar y cambios de tarifa de forma exorbitante de un momento a otro. Y personalmente hay muchos docentes que dan materias que no tienen nada que ver con su carrera o experiencia, he visto licenciadas en administración hotelera impartiendo materias de teorías psicológicas y psicopatología. Es una escuela que no es para nada recomendable. Solamente hay 2 maestros que valen la pena, el profe David y la profa Veronica de psicología, y no les permiten trabajar de forma adecuada, les ponen muchas trabas.
Honestly, it is the worst school in Cancun, practically it only serves to buy a degree at monthly payments, the educational quality is very low and teachers are required by address or system to approve all students, if you average 5 or less the system gives you an automatic 6 and even if there is evidence to fail a student, you are forced to pass it one way or another. Their educational plan is at best poor and extremely lacking in relevant and up-to-date information and topics. To this we must add the fact of their inexplicable charges that apply without notice and exorbitant rate changes from one moment to another. And personally, there are many teachers who teach subjects that have nothing to do with their career or experience. I have seen graduates in hotel administration teaching subjects in psychological theories and psychopathology. It is a school that is not recommended at all. There are only 2 teachers who are worth it, the teacher David and the teacher Veronica of psychology, and they do not allow them to work properly, they put a lot of obstacles.
Lizbeth Sulub on Google

Una universidad al alcance de los jóvenes con becas académicas para que los jóvenes no dejen de estudiar.
A university within the reach of young people with academic scholarships so that young people do not stop studying.
irle on Google

La universidad tiene buenas instalaciones, la escuela no es patito puesto que el RVOE lo tiene y las cédulas son válidas, lamentablemente no todos los maestros son buenos ?, si acaso 2 o 3 que valen la pena pero también depende de uno ser un poco autodidacta, el tiempo en cursar es muy poco, no se alcanzan a ver muchos temas por lo mismo que es cuatrimestral.
The university has good facilities, the school is not ducky since the RVOE has it and the certificates are valid, unfortunately not all teachers are good ?, maybe 2 or 3 that are worth it but it also depends on one to be a little self-taught , the time to study is very short, you do not get to see many subjects for the same reason that it is quarterly.
Joel Rojas Sanchez on Google

Pienso que es correcto y provechoso que este plantel educativo cobre el 50%de las colegiaturas,ya que el alumnado no las está ocupando, gracias
I think it is correct and beneficial that this educational establishment collects 50% of the tuition fees, since the students are not occupying them, thank you
Elsa Galan Amaro on Google

Me gustó mucho su ubicación, nos trataron muy bien, parece buena opción
I really liked its location, they treated us very well, it seems like a good option
Nicolas Celorio on Google

Excelente escuela, muy buena atención
Excellent school, very good service
Teacher David de la Peña on Google

A university with a lot of tradition which was founded in 1967 in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas and started a campus in Cancún in 2006. Thousands of students have been here and it is a great option to continue with your studies, specially if you work and the schedule is an issue, because they have flexible options for every case. The facilities are comfortable and if you drop by try to visit the cafeteria with a wide variety of options. Even when I studied at another University, I have many friends who graduated from this university and they love it and they are doing great professionally, like accountants, lawyers, etc. :)

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