Unlimited Vacation Club UVC - Unlimited Vacation Club UVC

2.7/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Unlimited Vacation Club UVC

Address :

77569 Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8979
Postal code : 77569
Categories :
City : Q.R.

77569 Q.R., Mexico
Neroude Germain on Google

Martin Guzman on Google

Martha Leticia Barba Morales on Google

beatriz perez barragan on Google

Pésimo servicio, tres horas para alquilar un auto, que horror.
Terrible service, three hours to rent a car, what a horror.
Vivian Adriana Gonzalez Cortes on Google

Dan pésimo servicio, se anuncian que solo te quitarán dos horas para mostrarte el servicio y son hasta 6 horas que no te reponen, te prometen cosas que no son ciertas y por una cantidad exagerada de dinero, a la hora de firmar el contrato lo cancele porque no especificaron cosas que para mi si son importantes para ellos no, no los recomiendo para Nada no se enganchen con esta agencia
They give terrible service, they announce that they will only take two hours to show you the service and it is up to 6 hours that they do not replace you, they promise you things that are not true and for an exaggerated amount of money, at the time of signing the contract I cancel it because they did not specify things that for me are important to them no, I do not recommend them for Nothing do not get hooked with this agency
Henrry Becerra on Google

La madre de las estafas!!! Mi esposa y yo compramos una membrecia el año pasado miemtras vacacionabamos en el hotel Dream Onyx en Punta Cana,RD. Fuimos ofrecidos este paquete vacacional por una de las representantes y luego fue el manager quien se sento con nosotros explicando todo los beneficios que supuestamente ibamos a tener (todos los cuales resultaron ser falsos) Pensando que estabamos comprando un buen plan vacacional, firmamos el contrato, ingenuos de que seria una de las peores deciciones que hemos tomado. Pagamos $5500.0 dolares de down payment ese mismo dia. Una de las cosas que mas nos gusto de lo que el manager nos exploco es que una anualmente tendriamos un credito de $2000.0 para vacacionar en cruceros mientras pagaramos $300.0 de activacion. Tres meses despues cuando planeabamos reservar nuestro primer crucero usando esos $2000.0 de reward que ya estaban disponible, nos encontramos la sorpresa de que todo lo que nos habian ofrecido era mentira. De esos $2000.0 solo se podia usar un 65% o sea que tenia que pagar el fee de activacion de $300.0 (que tambien nos informaron que ya habia subido a $400) mas casi la mitad de el monto total. Algo totalmente diferente de lo que me habian dicho en Dominicana. Insultados con la situacion llamamos a servicio al cliente y le explicamos lo que sucedia, y su respuesta fue que tenia que escribir un correo a un departamento de calidad y que ellos serian los que me ayudarían. Escribimos el correo y pasaron los dias y munca nos llamaron, volvimos a llamar y otro correo fue enviado, y aun nadie se comunico conmigo. Ya molestos por el mal trabajo decidimos no hacer ningun pago hasta que no se resolviera el problema. Cada vez que me llamaban para cobrar (PORQUE PARA ESO SI ME DIARIO) le informaba que necesitaba que se cominicaran conmigo para resolver el problema , ellos supuestamente hacian notas y me decian que alguien me iba a llamar, lo cual nunca pasaba. Hasta que ya decidimos ni a ellos responderles si al final solo querian cobrar sin importar si uno habia sido estafado. Asi pasaron tres meses y solo se comunicaban intentado recolectar las mensualidades pero nadie jamas se cominico para enmendar el pesimo trabajo que habian tenido con nosotros. Fue hoy que ya decidimos acabar con esto y resolverlo de una vwz por todas que llamamos a la representate Ruth Valadez, quien ya previamente habia mandado correos amenazandonos con que nos iban a reportar al Buro de Credito. Al igual que la compania para la que trabaja, Ruth solo intento sacarnos el dinero, aun despues de explicarle todo, su unica respuesta era que para que un representante se comunicara con nosotros debiamos pagar el saldo pendiente(saldo que estaba pendiente por su mal trabajo porque nuestra intencion nunca fue no pagar sino que cumplieran lo que de un principio nos habian prometido) para que un representante se comunicara con nosotros. Ya a este punto no nos sorprendio semejante falta de respeto y descaro por parte de UVC, que lo unico que hacen es ofrecer y ofrecer mentiras que al final no cumplen y usan a las personas. Perdimos tiempo y dinero al confiar en ellos pero si escribo este review es para evitar que ellos sigan estafando a mas personas porque eso es lo unico que saben hacer. Jamas visitaremos ningun hotel de la cadena AMResorts !!!!!!!!! Mi dinero solo me lo roban una sola vez.
The mother of scams!!! My wife and I purchased a membership last year while vacationing at the Dream Onyx hotel in Punta Cana, DR. We were offered this vacation package by one of the representatives and then it was the manager who sat down with us explaining all the benefits that we were supposed to have (all of which turned out to be false) Thinking that we were buying a good vacation plan, we signed the contract, naive that it would be one of the worst decisions we have ever made. We paid $5500.0 dollars of down payment that same day. One of the things that we liked the most that the manager explained to us is that one year we would have a credit of $2000.0 to vacation on cruises while we paid $300.0 for activation. Three months later when we were planning to book our first cruise using that $2000.0 reward that was already available, we were surprised that everything we had been offered was a lie. Only 65% ​​of those $2000.0 could be used, that is, they had to pay the activation fee of $300.0 (which they also informed us had already risen to $400) plus almost half of the total amount. Something totally different from what they had told me in the Dominican. Insulted by the situation, we called customer service and explained what was happening, and their response was that I had to write an email to a quality department and that they would be the ones to help me. We wrote the email and the days passed and they never called us, we called again and another email was sent, and still no one contacted me. Already annoyed by the bad work, we decided not to make any payment until the problem was resolved. Every time they called me to collect (BECAUSE THAT'S WHY I DAILY) I informed them that I needed them to contact me to solve the problem, they supposedly made notes and told me that someone was going to call me, which never happened. Until we decided not even to answer them if in the end they just wanted to charge regardless of whether one had been scammed. Thus, three months passed and they only communicated trying to collect the monthly payments but no one ever communicated to make amends for the lousy job they had had with us. It was today that we decided to put an end to this and resolve it once and for all that we called the representative Ruth Valadez, who had previously sent emails threatening us that they were going to report us to the Credit Bureau. Like the company she works for, Ruth only tried to get the money out of us, even after explaining everything to her, her only response was that for a representative to contact us we had to pay the outstanding balance (balance that was outstanding due to her bad work because our intention was never not to pay but to fulfill what they had initially promised us) so that a representative could communicate with us. At this point, we were not surprised by such a lack of respect and impudence on the part of UVC, that all they do is offer and offer lies that in the end do not comply and use people. We lost time and money by trusting them but if I write this review it is to prevent them from scamming more people because that is the only thing they know how to do. We will never visit any hotel of the AMResorts chain !!!!!!!!! My money is only stolen once.
Me Ow on Google

Horrible experience

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