Urban Store Plaza Hilvana - 76178 Santiago de Querétaro

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Urban Store Plaza Hilvana

Address :

Sub ancla 05, Prol. Av. Zaragoza, Las Teresas, 76178 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +877
Categories :
City : Qro.

Sub ancla 05, Prol. Av. Zaragoza, Las Teresas, 76178 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico
Enrique Gómez on Google

Desafortunadamente Muchos locales cerrados. Les mando mucha buena vibra, para que puedan re abrir los que cerraron, que tengan salud, dinero y amor. Que el universo (Díos) acomoda todo.
Unfortunately Many premises closed. I send you a lot of good vibes, so that you can reopen the ones that closed, have health, money and love. That the universe (God) accommodates everything.
Violinista Queretaro on Google

Aunque es muy amplia la plaza, en ciertos puntos uno se siente pequeño por el espacio reducido de los pasillos del segundo nivel. El cine es amplio, por fuera, aunque no pude entrar. Hay muchas tiendas de zapatos, lo cual a mí no me apetece mucho. Ciertamente no ha sido mi plaza preferida pero a su favor la tienda de ropa y el estacionamiento son muy grandes. Y hay una pequeña barbería en el estacionamiento que le da un toque diferente.
Although the square is very wide, at certain points one feels small because of the reduced space of the corridors of the second level. The cinema is wide, on the outside, although I could not enter. There are many shoe stores, which I don't fancy much. It certainly has not been my favorite place but in your favor the clothing store and the parking lot are very large. And there is a small barber shop in the parking lot that gives it a different touch.
Paula Nolasco on Google

Si pudiera poner 0 estrellas a esta tienda Urban Store lo pondría. Pésimo el trato que recibí en esta tienda. Eran las 7 pm cuando ingresé a la tienda para comprar y todo bien (es importante remarcar que la tienda cierra hasta las 8 pm según el horario que manejan) . Cuando dieron las 7:20 una de las vendedoras me llamó de lejos (ni siquiera se acercó a mí) y me dijo de manera muy grosera y déspota que le apurara si quería comprar algo que porque ya iba a cerrar la caja (cuando no estaban ni cerca de la hora de cierre). No sabía si me hablaba a mí o a una chica que estaba viendo ropa detrás de mí porque casi que me gritó a lo lejos. Yo pasé a probarme la ropa para después ir directamente a pagarla y cuando lo quise hacer me dijo (de manera muy pero muy grosera) que ya no me iba a cobrar nada que porque ya había cerrado su sistema y que dejara la ropa y que casi casi que me fuera de la tienda. Recomiendo que cambien el horario de la tienda y pongan que cierra la tienda a las 7:30 pm, porque da esa exactamente la hora y casi te empiezan a correr de la tienda. Ha sido la peor experiencia que he tenido comprando ropa. 0/0 ?
If I could give 0 stars to this Urban Store I would. Terrible treatment I received in this store. It was 7 pm when I entered the store to buy and everything was fine (it is important to note that the store closes until 8 pm according to their hours). When it was 7:20 one of the saleswomen called me from afar (she didn't even approach me) and told me in a very rude and despotic way to hurry up if I wanted to buy something because she was going to close the box (when they weren't there). or close to closing time). I didn't know if she was talking to me or to a girl who was looking at clothes behind me because she almost yelled at me from a distance. I went to try on the clothes and then go directly to pay for them and when I wanted to do so he told me (in a very, very rude way) that he was not going to charge me anything because he had already closed his system and to leave the clothes and that almost I almost walked out of the store. I recommend that you change the hours of the store and put that the store closes at 7:30 pm, because it gives that exact time and they almost start running you from the store. It was the worst experience I've ever had buying clothes. 0/0 ?
Manu Vera on Google

Deplorable el servicio de Urban Store. A las 7 la gerenta (facil de reconocer porque estaba dando las indicaciones sobre las lonas y promociones de la siguiente semana a los gritos), se acerca a los clientes a decirle que se salgan que van a cerrar las cajas, no les importa si estan probandose la ropa, la idea es desocupar rapido y el metodo anticuado de apagar las luces inmediatamente despues de esto funciona para el desalojo, pero dejando el claro que no les importa la seguridad de sus clientes, ni si hay hay niños o personas mayores. Durante toda la pandemia estuvieron asomados en la puerta rogando que la gente entrara y hoy corrieron aproximadamente 30 clientes con esta accion. Logicamente a los encargados y empleados de este lugar no les importa ni el servicio, ni la atencion, ni la buenas practicas, ni el crecimiento de su empresa, Lamentable lo vivido en este nefasto lugar!!!
Deplorable Urban Store service. At 7 o'clock the manager (easy to recognize because she was shouting the instructions about the banners and promotions for the following week), approaches the clients to tell them to leave that they are going to close the boxes, they don't care if they are trying on clothes, the idea is to vacate quickly and the old-fashioned method of turning off the lights immediately after this works for the eviction, but making it clear that they do not care about the safety of their clients, or if there are children or elderly people. Throughout the pandemic they were peeking out the door begging for people to come in and today approximately 30 customers ran with this action. Logically, the managers and employees of this place do not care about the service, or the attention, or the good practices, or the growth of their company, it is unfortunate what they experienced in this disastrous place!!!
Fibonacci Sequence on Google

Plaza pequeña, con un cine de 2 salas, casi todas sus tiendas quiebran o se mudan a otras plazas. El lugar en general está vacío y no es recomendable para ir a pasear(sólo tiene un cajero y es de Bancomer) Los baños están muy limpios, aspecto altamente rescatable y sus instalaciones tienen todas las medidas para gente con capacidades diferentes , en sus dos niveles sin embargo las tiendas son muy poco conocidas, locales y la falta de clientes las hace ver peor con el paso del tiempo la descuidan más....
Small square, with a 2-screen cinema, almost all of its stores go bankrupt or move to other squares. The place is generally empty and it is not recommended to go for a walk (it only has one ATM and it is from Bancomer) The bathrooms are very clean, highly salvageable appearance and its facilities have all the measures for people with different abilities, on its two levels, however the stores are very little known, local and the lack of customers makes them look worse over time they neglect her more....
Karen Shyzel Durán Ariza on Google

Tienen 6 probadores. Y solo uno habilitado para usarlo. Hay tres 'cancelados" por la "pandemia" pero los otros dos perfectamente podrian estar en uso. Hay suficiente gente para que los abran. Uno se tiene que formar hasta por 20 minutos para pasar al probador. Se entiende xq todos nos probamos varias prendas de una sola vez. Es atención al cliente al fin de cuentas.
They have 6 dressing rooms. And only one enabled to use it. There are three 'cancelled' due to the "pandemic" but the other two could perfectly well be in use. There are enough people to open them. One has to stand in line for up to 20 minutes to go to the fitting room. It is understandable why we all try on various garments in one go. It's customer service after all.
Ramírez Pérez Paula on Google

Javier Zenteno on Google

Nice place

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