Veracruz Mexican Red Cross Delegation - 91918 Veracruz

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Cruz Roja: Sede Nacional -

Todos los días la Cruz Roja Mexicana es protagonista de una historia en la que la vida triunfa.

Somos parte de un gran movimiento humanitario global, cuyo corazón y motor es la pasión por servir a los demás.

La historia de la Cruz Roja está hecha de muchas historias de personas que, en las situaciones más extremas y dolorosas, salvan vidas - y con ello - nos recuerdan que lo mejor del ser humano brilla aún en los tiempos más obscuros.

La Cruz Roja Mexicana existe porque todos podemos ser héroes. Tú puedes serlo al donar y apoyar esta gran causa humanitaria. Lo somos al apoyar a los Voluntarios en situaciones de desastres naturales, lo somos cuando no miramos a otro lado frente a la tragedia y llamamos a la Cruz Roja.

Aquí encontrarás muchas maneras de sumarte a la gran causa humanitaria de la Cruz Roja Mexicana.

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Contact Veracruz Mexican Red Cross Delegation

Address :

Av. Salvador Díaz Mirón 1698, Salvador Díaz Mirón, 91918 Veracruz, Ver., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +99
Website :
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City : Ver.

Av. Salvador Díaz Mirón 1698, Salvador Díaz Mirón, 91918 Veracruz, Ver., Mexico
rick hunter on Google

yo fui a un estudio de colangioresonancia previo habia ido a uno anterior particular muy fifi por cierto . caro...!!!. y el joven no se si tecnico o medico que la verdad la manera gentil y educada con toda la explicacion sin tecnicismos de manera clara y precisa me oriento me asistio. estoy satisfecho. felicito mucho a ese servicio se que la gente jama estara conforme por que o todo lo quiere gratis o ven la salud como un gasto en lugar de una inversion. pero los felicito. si quiero hacer una observacia... su señorita de recepcion que no recuerdo su nombre que esta en el turno de tarde noche. es muy apatica y con un trato no muy adecuado. pero de ahi en adelante el resto . mis felicitaciones ademas de que estan ejerciendo muy bien las medidas de bioseguridad y de seguridad en el control de la entrada.
I went to a previous cholangioresonance study, I had gone to a previous one, very fifi by the way. expensive...!!!. And the young man does not know if technical or medical that the truth the gentle and educated way with all the explanation without technicalities in a clear and precise way, he assisted me. I am satisfied. I congratulate that service very much. I know that people will never agree because they either want everything for free or they see health as an expense instead of an investment. but I congratulate you. If I want to make an observation ... your lady at the reception that I do not remember her name who is on the late night shift. She is very apathetic and with not very adequate treatment. but from then on the rest. my congratulations besides that they are exercising very well the biosecurity and security measures in the control of the entrance.
lilly bormann on Google

Pésimo servicio, en pandemia han hecho de esta institución un negocio sin limites, inmoral, sin escrúpulos, niegan servicio aunque se pague por el, insólito que esta institución se niegue atender ciudadanos extranjeros, lejos está del objetivo para lo que fue creada. Esta fue mi experiencia, ojalá a alguien más le sirva, y cuando lleguen a tu comunidad a solicitar donativos para la Cruz Roja, este tu conciencia tranquila al decirles que no. Terrible service, in a pandemic they have made this institution a business without limits, immoral, unscrupulous, they deny service even if it is paid for, unusual that this institution refuses to serve foreign citizens, it is far from the objective for which it was created. This was my experience, I hope someone else will find it useful, and when they come to your community to request donations for the Red Cross, keep your conscience clear when you say no.
Terrible service, in a pandemic they have made this institution a business without limits, immoral, unscrupulous, they deny service even if it is paid for, unusual that this institution refuses to serve foreign citizens, it is far from the objective for which it was created. This was my experience, I hope someone else will find it useful, and when they come to your community to request donations for the Red Cross, let your conscience be clear when you say no. Terrible service, in a pandemic they have made this institution a business without limits, immoral, unscrupulous, they deny service even if it is paid for, unusual that this institution refuses to serve foreign citizens, it is far from the objective for which it was created. This was my experience, I hope someone else will find it useful, and when they come to your community to request donations for the Red Cross, keep your conscience clear when you say no.
Raymundo Martínez on Google

Cuando trabajé hace tiempo ahí en mantenimiento tuve un accidente, me lastime un dedo y fui a urgencias, me pusieron 3 puntos pues de inmediato la Jefa de admisión hospitalaria ordenó al personal que Yo page la curación y el material e hizo que me descontaran vía nómina tuve que pagar como $300.00 ? se supone que la Cruz Roja recibe material donado,mobiliario, y cantidades estratosféricas de dinero??? del gasto público y privado eso sin contar las colectas, consultas, análisis y estudios.?
When I worked there for a long time in maintenance I had an accident, I hurt my finger and went to the emergency room, they gave me 3 points because immediately the Head of Hospital Admission ordered the staff that I pay for the healing and the material and had them deduct me via payroll I had to pay about $ 300.00 ? the Red Cross is supposed to receive donated material, furniture, and stratospheric amounts of money??? from public and private spending, not counting the collections, consultations, analyzes and studies.?
Angel Montes on Google

Presta excelente atención a la hora que vayas, pero además tienen médicos familiares y especialistas durante el día, con precios muy muy accesibles y médicos reconocidos y con experiencia. El trato es humano y profesional, ojalá hubieran más clínicas como estas. El problema es el estacionamiento, pero ya está el centro comercial el Portal, y puedes estacionar ahí y caminar un par de cuadras.
Pay excellent attention when you go, but they also have family doctors and specialists during the day, with very affordable prices and recognized and experienced doctors. The treatment is human and professional, I wish there were more clinics like these. The problem is parking, but the Portal is the mall, and you can park there and walk a couple of blocks.
Simona Huerta on Google

Súper costoso ir, fui por qué tenía vómito y diarrea y la doctora me puso 1 inyección de bonafosina y la consulta me cobraron $850 pesos y aparte tratan a uno como rateros porque te escoltan hasta la caja para pagar y no se quitan de atrás tuyo hasta que ven que pagaste, es la inyección más cara que e pagado
It was very expensive to go, I went because I had vomiting and diarrhea and the doctor gave me 1 bonafosine injection and the consultation charged me $850 pesos and apart from that they treat you like thieves because they escort you to the cash register to pay and they don't get out of your back until They see that you paid, it is the most expensive injection that I have paid
Citlali Ramírez on Google

Fui a consulta general y el costo era de $50 cuando le comenté a la Dra. que me ardía la garganta y tos eventualmente como hace 1 mes, y que probablemente se debía a mi alergia, me mandó al área de vías respiratorias (el costo fue de $250) para que me dijeran que efectivamente era mi alergia; PÉSIMO SERVICIO sólo buscan sacarte dinero, es comprensible lo de la Pandemia pero existen otras enfermedades.
I went to general consultation and the cost was $ 50 when I told the Dr. that my throat burned and eventually cough like 1 month ago, and that it was probably due to my allergy, she sent me to the respiratory tract (the cost was $ 250) to be told that it was indeed my allergy; AWFUL SERVICE they only seek to get money from you, the Pandemic is understandable but there are other diseases.
Arisai CaMe on Google

Pésimo servicio, la recepción de ayer en la tarde un asco, se pone al tu por tu con la gente, la seudo doctora no quiso atender a mi hija que porque venía muy malita y ni siquiera la reviso, solo al verla me dijo ay que canalizarla, ni le checo la garganta, ni nada... En fin pague y según hasta dentro de 3 días regresarán el dinero porque no la pudieron atender.... Si hubiera menos una estrella se las ponía.?
Terrible service, the reception yesterday afternoon was disgusting, she puts you on your own with the people, the pseudo doctor did not want to attend to my daughter because she was very sick and I did not even check her, just when she saw her she told me oh what channel her, I don't even check her throat, or anything... In the end, I paid and depending on whether they would return the money in 3 days because they couldn't attend to her.... If there was less one star, she would put them on.?
Antonio Leyva Meneses on Google


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