Verificentro TC 810 - 55770 Carpio

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Verificentro TC 810

Address :

Av. Via Real 21, 55770 Carpio, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9989
Categories :
City : Méx.

Av. Via Real 21, 55770 Carpio, Méx., Mexico
Ana A on Google

En el mes de Enero realicé cambio de placas por lo que acudí en ese mismo mes a realizar mi verificación a este Centro, me dijeron que me correspondía hasta mayo ya que tenía terminación 9, ingenuamente les creí, y ayer que acudí con mi automóvil me dicen que tenía que pagar una multa de más de 1,900, obviamente me moleste no saben ni conocen el reglamento y por su ineptitud tuve que pagar esta multa.
In the month of January I made a change of license plates so that same month I went to carry out my verification at this Center, they told me that I was due until May since it had completion 9, naively I believed them, and yesterday when I went with my car I They say that I had to pay a fine of more than 1,900, obviously it bothers me that they do not know the regulations and because of their ineptitude I had to pay this fine.
Lilian Díaz on Google

No acudan a este verificentro, es un descaro la manera en la que abusan de su función. Ni siquiera hacen la prueba y resulta que tu auto nunca pasa sino aceptas el brinco. No tiren su dinero ni permitamos que sigan abusando de los que queremos hacer las cosas bien.
Do not go to this verification center, the way in which they abuse their function is shameless. They don't even do the test and it turns out your car never passes if you don't take the jump. Don't throw your money away or allow them to continue abusing those of us who want to do things right.
Jorge Ayala on Google

Se tardan en atender. Aunque las líneas estén vacías. Le buscan cualquier detalle para que les des mordida. Pero convéncete por ti mismo.
They take time to respond. Even if the lines are empty. They look for any detail for you to bite them. But convince yourself.
Lucía Hernández on Google

Ojalá hubiera revisado las opiniones antes de ir a ese verificentro. Todo muy mal, ni siquiera pude entrar al baño porque la señora de limpieza no deja entrar, me corrió con gritos y malas caras. Los trabajadores te corren cuando estás esperando el resultado de tu auto cuando ni siquiera uno puede ingresar a la sala de espera ya que la señora de limpieza no deja entrar. Los trabajadores son todos jóvenes(y según la esperanza está en la juventud) se la pasan en el chisme en vez de estar trabajando, tratan mal a los autos . Me dejaron esperando mucho tiempo para que al final me dijeran que mi auto no pasaba la verificación cuando días anteriores lo llevé a servicio. Inventan mil cosas para que uno crea que realmente tu auto está mal y te dicen que la ayuda está en $250 para que tu auto pase. Qué feo y triste vivir en un país tan corrupto. Por favor, lean los comentarios y no vayan a ese verificentro. Seamos mayoría los honestos y no se unan a la corrupción.
I wish I had checked the reviews before I went to that checker. Everything was very bad, I couldn't even get into the bathroom because the cleaning lady wouldn't let me in, she ran me off with screams and bad faces. The workers kick you out when you are waiting for your car result when not even one can get into the waiting room as the cleaning lady won't let you in. The workers are all young (and according to the hope is in the youth) they spend their time gossiping instead of working, they treat the cars badly . They left me waiting for a long time to finally be told that my car did not pass the verification when I took it to service days before. They invent a thousand things so that one believes that your car is really bad and they tell you that the help is $250 for your car to pass. How ugly and sad to live in such a corrupt country. Please read the comments and don't go to that checkpoint. Let's be the most honest and don't join the corruption.
Anahi Lopez Guzman on Google

No vengan a este verificentro, aunque los carros estén bien, siempre le sacan algo nuevo para pagar "la ayuda" $250, lastima que antes de venir no vi los comentarios, ahora entiendo porque ni gente tienen, el proceso es igual para todos, tienen que esperar 10-15 min. Pará volver a pasar y por arte de magia tu carro ya está verificado, a la primera con 250 extra. Pésimo servicio.
Do not come to this verification center, even if the cars are fine, they always get something new to pay "the help" $250, it's a shame that before I came I didn't see the comments, now I understand why not even people have them, the process is the same for everyone, they have to wait 10-15 min. Stop going back and magically your car is already verified, the first time with 250 extra. Terrible service.
Claudia Mercado on Google

No lleven su auto ahí, lo rechazaran aunque traigas diagnóstico de agencia, el primer rechazo lo regresé a más agencia pensando que no le habían hecho bien el servicio, sin embargo, lo revisaron y lo pre verificaron, la segunda vez tampoco pasó diciendo que porque no lo había rodado lo suficiente y cuando fui a otro verificentro me indicaron que no podían hacerle la prueba porque casualmente no lo habían sellado y firmado, regrese con ellos y sin ni siquiera conectarlo pasó mágicamente. No lo llevan o pagarán más que lo que corresponde.
Do not take your car there, they will reject it even if you bring an agency diagnosis, the first rejection I returned to another agency thinking that they had not done the service well, however, they checked it and pre-verified it, the second time it did not happen saying that because I hadn't shot it enough and when I went to another verification center they told me that they couldn't do the test because coincidentally they hadn't stamped and signed it, I went back to them and without even connecting it, it magically happened. They do not carry it or they will pay more than what corresponds.
Elihu Oregon on Google

Es una porquería de Verificentro, te piden dinero para que te pacen tu auto aunque sea modelo reciente, con la excusa de que la inspección visual no pasa. Son unos rateros. Se tardan mucho tiempo para pasarte, mi cita era a las 8 de la mañana y pase hasta las 8:40.
It's crap from Verificentro, they ask you for money to get your car repaired even if it's a recent model, with the excuse that the visual inspection doesn't pass. They are thieves. They take a long time to pass you, my appointment was at 8 in the morning and I passed until 8:40.
Javier Gomez on Google

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