VETERINARIA DIWALI - 66367 Santa Catarina

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

C. Pamplona, Puerta Mitras, 66367 Santa Catarina, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8887
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Categories :
City : N.L.

C. Pamplona, Puerta Mitras, 66367 Santa Catarina, N.L., Mexico
Yume owo on Google

Me encanta ❤️? super buena atención. Todo muy bien me encanta llevar a mis niñas ahí a mi perrita siempre llega bien bañada su corte de pelo perfecto Recomendada al 100%
I love ❤️? super good attention. All very well I love taking my girls there my dog ​​always comes well bathed in her perfect haircut 100% recommended
Karen Flores on Google

Cero recomendado lleve a mi gato por una infección y ni lo checaron bien y me salieron que tenía anemia severa cuando no hay esa anemia y lo lleve como dos veces por la infección y no lo dianostiraon a tiempo y pues se murió el gato cero recomendado pecimo servicio iba por algo y te salen con otra cosa
Zero recommended take my cat for an infection and they did not check him well and I found out that he had severe anemia when there is no such anemia and I took him about twice for the infection and they did not tell him in time and because the recommended zero cat died. service went for something and you get something else
Alex Silva on Google

Muy mal servicio nosotros también llevamos a nuestro cachorrito porque no queria comer y batallaba para defecar nadamas orinaba total le hicieron la prueba del parbavirus y le salio negativa y le pusieron suero y que ya estaba bien pero que lo tenian que dejar para checarlo en la noche y hiy que hablamos nos salen que fallecio que se puso malo en la madrugada son unos negligentes tengan cuudado con sus animalitos
Very bad service, we also took our puppy because he did not want to eat and he struggled to defecate, he was urinating completely, they did the test for the parbavirus and it came out negative and they gave him serum and that he was well but they had to leave him to check him at night And hiy, what do we talk about, we get that he died that he got sick at dawn, they are negligent, be careful with their animals
Luis Hernandez on Google

Pesimo servicio, la ultima vez que fui me trataron muy mal a mi perrito, no la recomiendo de echo murio mi cachorro y no me avisaron asta queo fui a visitarlo me dijieron que havia fallecido en la madrugada que se havia puesto mal
Terrible service, the last time I went they treated my puppy very badly, I do not recommend it in fact my puppy died and they did not notify me until I went to visit him they told me that he had died in the early morning that he had gotten sick
Mariana Emege on Google

Pésimo, tienen abierto y no atienden. 15 minutos esperando y gritando para que salga alguien y aún así no salen. Acudí por emergencia y ni siquiera dan la atención. Además MUY SUCIO. Huele mal.
Terrible, they are open and do not attend. 15 minutes waiting and yelling for someone to come out and they still don't come out. I went for an emergency and they don't even pay attention. Also VERY DIRTY. Smells bad.
Hellen y Alfonso Martínez Huerta on Google

No lo recomiendo para ningun tipo de cirugía, tuve una desagradable experiencia, información brindada incompleta, mal carácter de la doctora, la verdad que si pueden llevar a sus mascotas a otra veterinaria aunq salga un poco mas caro haganlo, para que no se arrepientan como yo y tengan que enterrar a su mascota.
I do not recommend it for any type of surgery, I had an unpleasant experience, incomplete information provided, bad character of the doctor, the truth is that if you can take your pets to another veterinarian even if it is a little more expensive, do it, so they do not regret how me and have to bury your pet.
Hanna Hernandez on Google

Muy mal servicio, cero recomendable, lleve a mi perrito y no le dieron la atención que se merece, además que la doctora muy mal carácter la información que me dio toda enojada tuvimos un disgusto, ...(no recomendable)
Very bad service, zero recommended, take my puppy and they did not give him the attention he deserves, in addition to the fact that the doctor very bad character the information that she gave me all angry we had a disgust, ... (not recommended)
Marco Polo on Google

O ética y profesionalismo de la supuesta Dra Gabriela ya que no hay ninguna cédula profesional en el local que demuestre que realmente sea veterinaria. En ese momento de urgencia fueron la opción mas cercana que tuvimos. Pero su forma de actuar solo demostró que solo querían dinero. No les recomiendo llevar a sus mascotas ahí. El local esta en condiciones muy insalubres y apesta. No tiene facilidad de palabra para explicar la situación, se llevo nuestro gatito a una evaluación en la noche y al día siguiente sin ninguna autorización le izo una cirugía, le puso supuestos sueros, le puso supuestos medicamentos, radiografía, ecografía y al día siguiente solo paso la cuenta de mas de $5000, desde que se lo llevo le explicamos que tenia problemas al orinar, al día siguiente lo entrego, siguió con el mismo problema de la vejiga lo volvimos a llevar se lo quedo supuestamente para vigilarlo toda la noche en su casa (no creo que se lo haya llevado) y al día siguiente después de las 10am nos llamo alguien de su local para avisarnos que había muerto. De haber hecho una buena evaluación inicial creo que hubiera recomendado mejor dormirlo y no hacerlo sufrir por 2 días con tanta cirugía.
Or ethics and professionalism of the supposed Dra Gabriela since there is no professional certificate in the place that shows that she is really a veterinarian. At that moment of urgency, they were the closest option we had. But their way of acting only showed that they only wanted money. I do not recommend taking your pets there. The place is in very unsanitary condition and stinks. He does not have a good word to explain the situation, he took our kitten to an evaluation at night and the next day without any authorization he had surgery, he gave him supposed serums, he gave him presumed medications, X-ray, ultrasound and the next day alone He spent the account of more than $ 5000, since he took it to him we explained that he had problems when urinating, the next day he gave it up, he continued with the same bladder problem we took him back he was supposedly to watch him all night in his home (I don't think he took it) and the next day after 10am someone from his local called us to let us know that he had died. If I had made a good initial evaluation, I think I would have recommended it better to sleep him and not make him suffer for 2 days with so much surgery.

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