Veterinaria Dr. Saúl - 25256 Saltillo

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Veterinaria Dr. Saúl

Address :

Blvd. Pedro Figueroa 907A, Real de Peña, 25256 Saltillo, Coah., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8999
Website :
Categories :
City : Coah.

Blvd. Pedro Figueroa 907A, Real de Peña, 25256 Saltillo, Coah., Mexico

Tengo un buen número de mascotas y todas son atendidas por el Dr. Saúl. Excelente atención, una atención humana y de calidad, las instalaciones están limpias y su equipamiento es de primera, cuánta con todos los servicios lo que siempre me ha simplificado la consulta o atención médica.
I have a good number of pets and they are all taken care of by Dr. Saúl. Excellent attention, human attention and quality, the facilities are clean and their equipment is first, how much with all the services which has always simplified the consultation or medical attention.
Tania Ortiz on Google

Excelentes veterinarios, han sacado adelnate a dos fe mis perritas en casos muy graves una de ellas con convulsiones y jamás le volvieron a dar La otra ya muy grave de Piometra con edad avanzada y salio perfecta de la operación. Y ahora con la pérdida de la fuerza es sus patitas traceras a base de medicamentos ella ah vuelto a caminar y tambien le descartaron glaucoma
Excellent veterinarians, they have brought my little dogs down to two faiths in very serious cases, one of them with seizures and they never gave her again The other, already very serious, is Piometra, who is old and came out perfectly after the operation. And now with the loss of strength is her back legs based on medications she has walked again and they also ruled out glaucoma
SeptumOficial. on Google

Llevé aquí a mi gato y nisiquiera la atendió el tan esperado doctor saúl, mandó a su ayudante que no es veterinaria a que lo checara, al parecer a él no le agradan los gatos. Que forma es esa de recibir gente? Dejar en manos de un ayudante una consulta? Me pareció muy mal de su parte, él es el experto como para que relegue funciones.
I took my cat here and the long-awaited doctor Saúl did not even take care of her, he sent his assistant who is not a veterinarian to check it, apparently he does not like cats. What is this way of receiving people? Leave a query in the hands of an assistant? It seemed very bad of him, he is the expert to relegate functions.
Dulce Maria Contreras Tovar on Google

Es una pregunta mi perrita de 6 años , esta en celo y queremos esterilizarla . Se podra operar asi? Gracias
My 6-year-old dog is a question, she is in heat and we want to sterilize her. Can it be operated like this? Thanks
Juan Andrés Vázquez Contreras on Google

Llevé a bañar a mi perrita y me la regresaron con una pata sangrando. Todavía tuvieron el descaro de decir que "era normal" y que luego se le pasaba ???
I took my dog ​​to bathe and they returned her to me with a bleeding paw. They still had the nerve to say that "it was normal" and then it would pass ???
Shy Lobobo on Google

Mi perrita se lanzó del tercer piso, le sacaron rx, según solo dislocada la patita delantera izquierda (no fractura) no me dieron las placas de rx, según tenían que anestesiarla para reacomodarla, solo me la devolvieron vendada, sin férula o yeso, hoy cumplió 3 semanas y la venda se cayó, la pata mal, sin apoyo y totalmente doblada. La lleve a otra clínica le sacan Rx y sorpresa, fractura de muñeca y falanges MAL TRATADA! Ahora debo pagar una nueva cirugía. No vuelvo jamás.
My dog ​​jumped from the third floor, they took her rx, according to only the left front leg was dislocated (no fracture) they did not give me the rx plates, as they had to anesthetize her to rearrange her, they only gave her back to me bandaged, without splint or cast, today It was 3 weeks old and the bandage fell off, the leg was bad, unsupported and totally bent. I took her to another clinic and they took her out of an X-ray and surprise, wrist fracture and badly TREATED phalanges! Now I have to pay for a new surgery. I will never go back.
valeria zt on Google

Excelente servicio y trato a mis perritos. Gracias por siempre atenderlos muy bien y dejarlos muy bellos. Muy recomendable!!
Excellent service and I treat my dogs. Thank you for always serving them very well and leaving them very beautiful. Highly recommended !!
Alejandro Vazquez on Google

Ya van 2 experiencias que tenemos que de llevar las mascotas a un simple baño regresan lastimadas. Esta última mi perrita regresó triste y sin animos. No sé que les hacen ahi. El Doctor no es ni para dar la cara.
There are already 2 experiences that we have to take the pets to a simple bath, they return hurt. The latter my dog ​​returned sad and without spirits. I don't know what they do there. The Doctor is not even to show his face.

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