Veterinaria Estetica Sahuaro - 83178 Hermosillo

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Veterinaria Estetica Sahuaro

Address :

Av. de los Yaquis 1318, Camino Real, 83178 Hermosillo, Son., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +87
Categories :
City : Son.

Av. de los Yaquis 1318, Camino Real, 83178 Hermosillo, Son., Mexico
Pamela Montes on Google

Todos los que atienden ahí son evidentemente foquemones.. Cero con fianza..
All those who attend there are evidently jibes .. Zero with confidence ..
Héctor Salazar on Google

Lleve a vacunar a mi perrito. Después de todas sus vacunas al corriente, contrajo parbovirus y murió. Probablemente, por la mala calidad de los medicamentos que le inyectó, el animalito no tuvo defensas. Esta persona nunca dio la cartilla de vacunación debido a que según él, la imprenta le quedó mal. Tampoco puso las etiquetas de las vacunas en los recibos (lección aprendida). No gasten su tiempo y dinero en esa veterinaria. No comprometan la vida de sus mascotas.
Take my puppy vaccinated. After all her vaccinations were up to date, she contracted parbovirus and died. Probably, due to the poor quality of the medications he injected, the little animal had no defenses. This person never gave the vaccination card because, according to him, the printing press was bad for him. He also did not put the vaccine labels on the receipts (lesson learned). Don't waste your time and money on that vet. Do not compromise the life of your pets.
javier yanke on Google

Buen servicio fácil ubicación atención personalizada.
Good service easy location personalized attention.
Fatima Acosta on Google

Muy mala atención, tengo 3 días que quiero ir por mi perrita que deje internada, y no me la han entregado porque no la han bañado, siendo que ya llevo días avisando que iría por ella, muy poco profesionales de su parte, dónde reciben a los perritos es prácticamente una mesa, que de seguro no la sanitizan. Muy mala higiene, no recomiendo
Very bad care, I have 3 days that I want to go for my dog ​​that I leave hospitalized, and they have not given her to me because they have not bathed her, being that I have been warning for days that I would go for her, very unprofessional on their part, where they receive the dogs is practically a table, which surely does not sanitize it. Very poor hygiene, I do not recommend
web cam on Google

A cabo de hablar para hacer cita y respondió el responsable (voz de borracho), me dijo espéreme un minuto y se quedó dormido. Se escuchaban los ronquidos ? no es juego es real..
After talking to make an appointment and the person in charge answered (drunk voice), he told me wait a minute and fell asleep. The snoring was heard ? it's not a game it's real ..
Alexis Castro on Google

No me dio confianza. Llevé a mi perrito por irritación en sus partes, la persona que me atendió iba a inyectarle medicamento sin siquiera revisarlo antes y me dió un diagnostico de lo que tenía sin siquiera ver cómo tenía sus partes. Antes de inyectarle le comenté si no iba a revisarlo. Lo revisó y al verlo cambió su diagnóstico diciéndome que tenía un hongo muy contagioso, que lo iba a dejar internado y me dio un presupuesto un poco elevado de cuánto me saldría todo el tratamiento. Me fui de ahí espantada porque creí que realmente mi perrito estaba muy mal, pero no me dio la confianza de dejarlo. Me fui a otra clínica veterinaria y mi perrito está bien, solo es irritación y no es para nada contagioso. Le recetaron desinflamatorio, antibiótico y un spray.
It didn't give me confidence. I took my dog ​​for irritation in his parts, the person who attended me was going to inject him with medicine without even checking him before and gave me a diagnosis of what he had without even seeing how he had his parts. Before injecting him I told him if I was not going to check it. He reviewed it and when he saw it, he changed his diagnosis, telling me that he had a very contagious fungus, that he was going to be hospitalized, and he gave me a somewhat high budget of how much all the treatment would cost me. I left there scared because I thought my puppy was really bad, but he didn't give me the confidence to leave him. I went to another vet clinic and my puppy is fine, it's just irritation and it's not contagious at all. They prescribed an anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and a spray.
sebastian carbajal on Google

lleve a mi perro hace 4 meses, una vez que llegue estuve tocando la puerta y no abrían estuve 20 minutos esperando y seguían sin abrir; ya cuando entre les pedí un baño y corte de cabello me hicieron un par de preguntas que no tuvieron nada que ver (me hicieron perder tiempo) el punto aquí era solo un baño y ya. Al irme del lugar esperaba su llamada para saber si estaba listo pero no recibí nada, ya al anochecer me vi obligado a regresar. Solo para que me dijeran que no estaba listo, le faltaba mas corte (en las patas) me lo tuve que llevar si o si por problemas personales que tenia 8 horas desperdiciadas. NO LO RECOMIENDO
I took my dog ​​4 months ago, once I arrived I was knocking on the door and they did not open I was 20 minutes waiting and they were still unopened; And when I asked for a bath and a haircut between them they asked me a couple of questions that had nothing to do with it (they made me lose time) the point here was just a bath and that's it. When I left the place I waited for his call to see if he was ready but I did not receive anything, and at dusk I was forced to return. Just to be told that it was not ready, it lacked more cut (on the legs) I had to take it if or if due to personal problems I had 8 hours wasted. I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT
sanalona vj on Google


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