Veterinaria Pets Life & Care Suc. Soli - 64102 Monterrey

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Contact Veterinaria Pets Life & Care Suc. Soli

Address :

Av. Cabezada 10701-l12, Barrio Acero, 64102 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8779
Categories :
City : N.L.

Av. Cabezada 10701-l12, Barrio Acero, 64102 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Dr. House on Google

Buena atención, buen trato. Solo si sentí que dieron más diagnósticos para cobrar un más. Fuera de ahí mi perro todo bien y sano.
Good attention, good treatment. Only if I felt they gave more diagnoses to charge more. Out of there my dog ​​all good and healthy.
Ana Maria Valles Yañez on Google

Lleve mi gatito me atendió una mujer no se si veterinaria, llegó gritándole a los demás empleados muy molesta y trató muy muy violenta a mi gatito como le pedí abrazar a mi gatito me corrió y por última grosería me gritó gato se le muere en el camino no va a llegar a otra veterinaria
I took my kitten, I was attended by a woman, I do not know if a veterinarian, she came yelling at the other employees very annoyed and treated my kitten very very violently as I asked her to hug my kitten she ran at me and for the last rudeness she yelled at me ... her cat was at her he dies on the way he will not get to another vet
Aarón Martínez on Google

Llevo a mi perrita aquí desde su primera desparacitación. El trato es bueno, las vacunas están a un precio razonable y el médico veterinario sabe atender muy bien a las mascotas, se nota que sabe lo que hace. El único detalle fue el grooming, la primera vez que le tocó baño a mi perrita pasaron por ella a mi domicilio, una hora después la regresan y se notaba muy desorientada y con un olor muy fuerte a la loción que usan terminando su baño. Les pregunté que si duermen a los perros al momento de bañarlos pero me respondieron que no. La segunda vez que le tocó baño le pusieron menos loción (ya que yo les dije) pero notamos que sus orejas estaban sucias, no se las lavaron. Ya no quise mandarla una tercera vez y preferí llevarla con otra persona. Los precios son accesibles.
I have brought my dog ​​here since her first deworming. The treatment is good, the vaccines are reasonably priced and the veterinarian knows how to take good care of pets, it shows that he knows what he does. The only detail was the grooming, the first time my dog ​​had a bath, they passed by her to my home, an hour later they returned her and she felt very disoriented and with a very strong smell to the lotion they use when finishing their bath. I asked them if they sleep the dogs at the time of bathing them but they said no. The second time he had a bath they put less lotion on him (since I told them) but we noticed that his ears were dirty, they didn't wash them. I no longer wanted to send it a third time and preferred to take it with someone else. The prices are accessible.
Carolina Coronado on Google

Mi perrito acaba de ser internado en esta veterinaria por parvovirus, pero hoy que lo visité se veía bastante estable, muy bien atendido y con calefacción (hace frío hoy). El personal bastante profesional y trato digno para las mascotas.
My puppy has just been admitted to this vet for parvovirus, but today that I visited him he looked quite stable, very well cared for and heated (it is cold today). Quite professional staff and decent treatment for pets.
arnoldo torres on Google

Muy mal servicio, nada recomendable, no dan informes, se tardaron 2 días para tomar una radiografía,
Very bad service, nothing recommended, they do not give reports, it took 2 days to take an x-ray,
Andrea Lisseth Diaz Torres on Google

SOLAMENTE TE SACAN DINERO, si buscas que tu mascota fallezca es el lugar correcto, recomiendo la VETERINARIA MARISCAL
ONLY YOU GET MONEY, if you are looking for your pet to die it is the right place, I recommend the VETERINARIA MARISCAL
Igiv on Google

Pésimo trato, lleve a mi gata a que le hicieran un eco por una “supuesta bolita” que tenía en el abdomen, me dijeron que la tenía que dejar un rato con ellos, regresé y mi gata estaba muy asustada y con olor a orina. Fui a reclamar y todos se hicieron locos, HASTA SE ENOJARON CONMIGO. Nunca volveré a ese lugar y ni lo recomiendo, solo sacan dinero.
Terrible treatment, I took my cat to have an echo done for a "supposed ball" that she had in her abdomen, they told me that I had to leave her with them for a while, I came back and my cat was very scared and smelled of urine. I went to complain and everyone went crazy, THEY EVEN ANGRY WITH ME. I will never go back to that place and I don't even recommend it, they just take money.
Kassandra Ruiz on Google

No lo recomiendo, consulte a mi perro la semana pasada porque tenía una bolita resultó que era inflamación muscular, le hicieron varios exámenes radiografías y todo y solo me dieron una pastilla para desinflamar la bolita no era nada grave mi perro estaba bien le recetaron por 7 días pero resulto que mi perro se puso muy mal el mismo día que termino las pastillas lo lleve a otra veterinaria y me dijeron que las pastillas que le dieron fueron muy fuertes que la dosis era demasiado para el, le provoco reventara una úlcera y murió hoy ?????
I do not recommend it, I consulted my dog ​​last week because he had a lump, it turned out to be muscle inflammation, they did several x-rays and everything and they only gave me a pill to reduce the swelling, it was nothing serious, my dog ​​was fine, they prescribed him for 7 days but it turned out that my dog ​​got very sick the same day I finished the pills I took him to another vet and they told me that the pills they gave him were very strong that the dose was too much for him, it caused him to burst an ulcer and he died today ?????

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