Veterinary Emergency Hospital Borges - 83240 Hermosillo

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Veterinarias Borges – Veterinarias Borges -

Experiencia en procedimientos de profiláxis dental para el cuidado de la salud bucal de tu mascota

Contact Veterinary Emergency Hospital Borges

Address :

C. de los Olmos 50, Fuentes del Mezquital, 83240 Hermosillo, Son., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8888
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City : Son.

C. de los Olmos 50, Fuentes del Mezquital, 83240 Hermosillo, Son., Mexico
Brenda Moreno vasquez on Google

Quiero agradecer las atenciones que requirió mi perro cuando lo llevé al hospital de urgencias de veterinaria Borges. Un trato muy amable y sobre todo muy profesional. Un servicio de profesionales muy atentos y muy serviciales Mi perro a pesar de su gravedad en ka que lo llevamos hoy está sano en nuestra casa y claro muy vigilados por las indicaciones Que nos dieron los médicos. Recomiendo ampliamente al hospital de urgencias médicas Borges xq mi perro no estuviera vivo Dios bendiga a todo el personal .. Un fuerte abrazo y toda mi admiración..
I want to thank the attention my dog ​​required when I took him to the Borges veterinary emergency hospital. A very friendly and above all very professional treatment. A service of very attentive and very helpful professionals My dog ​​despite his seriousness in what we take him today is healthy in our house and of course very watched by the indications What the doctors gave us. I highly recommend Borges emergency medical hospital because my dog ​​was not alive God bless all the staff .. A big hug and all my admiration ..
nardiz elisa on Google

Muchísimas gracias por su gran ayuda! Tramité un certificado de salud a mi perrita para viajar ; cuando llegó el momento de hacerlo la aerolínea me pedía más y más datos para poder abordar. Llamé a eso de las 4:45am y me ayudaron a resolver con mucha amabilidad y rapidez en ese momento de estrés . Por siempre agradecida ! ??? ?
Thank you very much for your great help! I processed a health certificate for my dog ​​to travel; When the time came to do it, the airline asked me for more and more information to be able to board. I called around 4:45 am and they helped me to solve it with great kindness and speed in that moment of stress. Forever grateful! ??? ?
J L on Google

Pésimo diagnostico, no tienen la capacidad de usar el sentido común, todo lo quieren resolver a puros estudios y no llegan a nada. Les cuento que llevamos a una perrita rescatada, después de tenerla en el patio de mi casa a los días después de estar muy bien y de buen animo, claro que en estado de desnutrición pues venía de la calle pero con buen estado de salud, un día amaneció con inflamación en la papada, al verla nos imaginamos que fue una picadura de araña o insecto ya que fue de un día para otro que amaneció así, la llevamos a urgencias en Domingo ya que es el único lugar que atiende 24 horas, de primera instancia nos atendió un Dr. que se veía como practicante de la UVM, nos descarto la posibilidad de picadura, nos sugirió hacer estudios de sangre, lógico salieron mal, después nos sugirieron hacerle estudio para rickettsia y moquillo los dos salieron negativos, después de no ver ningún avance, le hicieron pruebas en sus eses fecales donde localizarón un tipo de bacteria (algo lógico pues viene de la calle pero nada relacionado con el problema principal que era su inflamación en la papada) al día siguiente voy a ver su estado y esta peor que como la dejamos y sin ningún diagnostico claro, solo me dijeron que posibilidad de rickettsia aguda a pesar de que el estudio salio negativo o problemas del sistema inmune, pero seguían descartando cualquier picada de insecto. Después de 1 día de hospitalización y con una cuenta de $3,200 pesos nos sugieren hacer una química sanguínea con costo de $800, que posiblemente era candidata a transfusión de sangre, etc etc etc, la cosa era que se veía el cuento de nunca acabar y tome la decisión de darla de alta voluntaria. Me la lleve con el miedo de que se fuera a morir pero con la esperanza de que alguien me pudiera ayudar, me fui pensando que posiblemente si pudiera ser la posibilidad de picadura cuando me mencionaron lo del sistema inmune pero cosa que ellos descartaron se los vuelo a repetir. Le hable a una amiga que se dedica a rescatar perros en pésimas condiciones, le mande las fotos, de inmediato me dijo creo que es picadura, se la lleve a su casa fuimos por un medicamento para picaduras que se llama cloropidamina y adicional desinflamatorio y vitaminas. Cual fue el resultado? Después de una hora la perrita ya se paraba, la inflamación empezó a bajarse casi de inmediato, hoy amaneció con excelentes avances casi por desaparecer toda la des-inflamación, la perrita ya camina y anda de mejor animo. La verdad que habíamos tenido buenas experiencias otras ocasiones, pero esta vez si se mamaron con su ineficiencia. El dinero que invertimos es de mucha gente que tuvo el buen corazón de ayudar que con muchos esfuerzos apoyaron para salir con un cuentón, la perrita en pésimas condiciones y sin ningun diagnostico claro. Vamos a hacer todo lo posible por que se recompense su falta de ineficiencia ya que no estamos para estar tirando el dinero a la basura. Se cotizan muy alto y los resultados fueron pésimos en algo básico para un especialista y lo esta terimando de resolver una persona con experiencia de calle en esto. la primera foto es cuando la deje, la segunda al siguiente día que me la lleve de borges y la tercera del día de hoy después de que la tratamos nosotros en casa de María Lares, rescatista de perros
Bad diagnosis, they do not have the ability to use common sense, they want to solve everything by pure studies and they do not amount to anything. I tell them that we took a rescued dog, after having her in the patio of my house a few days after being very well and in good spirits, of course in a state of malnutrition since she came from the street but in good health, a day dawned with inflammation in the double chin, when we saw it we imagined that it was a spider or insect bite since it was from one day to the next that dawned like this, we took her to the emergency department on Sunday since it is the only place that attends 24 hours, from In the first instance we were treated by a Dr. who saw himself as a UVM practitioner, he ruled out the possibility of a sting, he suggested that we do blood studies, naturally they went wrong, then they suggested that we do a study for rickettsia and distemper, both came out negative, after not seeing any progress, they made tests in his fecal eses where they located a type of bacteria (something logical since it comes from the street but nothing related to the main problem that was his swelling in the double chin) the next day I am going to see its state and it is worse than how we left it and without any clear diagnosis, they only told me that the possibility of acute rickettsia despite the fact that the study turned out negative or problems of the immune system, but they kept ruling out any insect bite. After 1 day of hospitalization and with a bill of $ 3,200 pesos, they suggest us to do a blood chemistry at a cost of $ 800, which was possibly a candidate for a blood transfusion, etc etc etc, the thing was that the story of never ending and taking the decision to discharge her voluntarily. I took her with the fear that she was going to die but with the hope that someone could help me, I kept thinking that possibly if it could be the possibility of a sting when they told me about the immune system but something that they ruled out I blew them away to repeat. I spoke to a friend who is dedicated to rescuing dogs in terrible conditions, I sent her the photos, she immediately told me I think it is a sting, I took her home we went for a medicine for stings called chloropidamine and additional anti-inflammatory and vitamins . Which it was the result? After an hour the dog stopped, the inflammation began to go down almost immediately, today dawned with excellent progress almost all the de-inflammation disappeared, the dog already walks and walks in a better mood. The truth that we had had good experiences other times, but this time they were sucked with their inefficiency. The money we invest is from many people who had the good heart to help, who with many efforts supported to go out with a story, the dog in terrible conditions and without any clear diagnosis. We are going to do everything possible to make up for your lack of inefficiency since we are not here to be throwing money away. They are priced very high and the results were lousy in something basic for a specialist and it is ending to solve a person with street experience in this. The first photo is when I leave it, the second one the next day that I take it from Borges and the third one today after we treated it in the house of María Lares, dog rescuer
Daniela Cortés on Google

Muy recomendado si tienes la solvencia económica para solventar gastos. Excelente en urgencias, es algo caro pero vale la pena. Tienen muy buen sistema de base de datos, he llevado algunas mascotas ahí y guardan todo su registro, eso se me hace muy bueno. Los MVZ que nos han atendido siempre muy amables y muy detallada sus explicaciones
Highly recommended if you have the financial solvency to cover expenses. Excellent in emergencies, it is somewhat expensive but worth it. They have a very good database system, I have taken some pets there and they keep all their records, that is very good for me. The MVZ who have always attended us are very kind and their explanations are very detailed.
A T on Google

Cuenta de mas de $9,000 pesos. Cuando solo ocupaba pastillas para el dolor. PRUEBA tras PRUEBA tras PRUEBa quw te cobran para que te digan que no es lo que creían siempre y al día siguiente volvían con el mismo cuento de que tenemos que hacerle una prueba porque ahora creemos que tiene esto y tiene que estar en observación con la excusa que se quede más días y seguir sacando $ hasta por el guante que usan, te cobran TODO, hasta el guante que usan y hasta tomarle la presión. Si quieren a sus mascotas y sobre todo a su billetera NO VAYAN aquí. Mi cuenta con un veterinario de buena ética debió haber sido de $2,000 pesos cuando mucho y con el diagnóstico de que no hay nada que hacer para lo que tenía mas que manejar el dolor, te quieren inventar cosas para seguirte exprimiendo la billetera
Account of more than $ 9,000 pesos. When I was only using pain pills. TEST after TEST after TEST what do they charge you to tell you that it is not what they always believed and the next day they came back with the same story that we have to do a test because now we believe that he has this and has to be under observation with the excuse Let them stay for more days and continue to get $ even for the glove they use, they charge you EVERYTHING, even the glove they use and even take their pressure. If you love your pets and especially your wallet, DO NOT GO here. My account with a vet of good ethics should have been $ 2,000 pesos at most and with the diagnosis that there is nothing to do for what I had but to manage the pain, they want to invent things to keep you squeezing your wallet
Inmarantt on Google

Lo recomiendo ampliamente, me gustó el trato y la atención que le dieron a mi gatita, me asusté mucho en el estado en el que la llevé, pensé que moriría. Gracias a ellos hoy ya la tengo de regreso. «Hasta el más pequeño de los felinos es una obra de arte». Leonardo Da Vinci?
I highly recommend it, I liked the treatment and attention they gave my kitten, I was very scared in the state in which I took her, I thought she would die. Thanks to them today I already have it back. "Even the smallest of cats is a work of art." Leonardo Da Vinci?
Luz Maria on Google

Si ocupas una clinica donde tu mascota sera tratada y atendida como todo humano responsable trata a sus mascotas, completamente recomiendo esta clinica. Cuando el veterinario de Phoenix me dio el diagnostico de que la vida de mi mascota estaba en peligro por un tumor en el vazo, immediatamente llame a la Clinica Borges, recuerdo cuando el Veterinario David me escucho con mucho respeto al dolor q ese dia tenia y sin perder tiempo se hizo el plan para viajar de Phoenix a Hermosillo con mi mascota. Llegamos a la cita como fue planeada el vet David ordeno los examenes q faltaban, me explico el proceso de la operacion y del equipo de trabajo. La operacion fue un exito, mi mascota estuvo en la clinica 3 noches, ya que el veterinario sugirio llevarlo a casa por que eso ayudaria su recuperacion. Otra clinica se hubiera quedado con la mascota hasta por una semana $$$, pero ellos no. Cuando me entregaron a mi mascota el lucia muy bien. Regrese a Phoenix, lo lleve con su veterinaria quien entre lagrimas compartiamos la felicidad de que mi mascota estaba con nosotros. La veterinaria me dijo al removerle los puntos, excelente cirugia..y le dije ademas el trato que recibimos fue excelente. No considero que sus precios hayan sido elevados. Mi mascota se ha recuperado de sus problemas de salud y ahora no hay dia q no nos demuestre su felicidad. Esta clinica es servicio completo. My dog needed to get his spleen removed righy away. Immediately, I called to the Borges Clinic and then the Vet David listened to me while in tears I was telling him my dog's diagnosis. There was no time to lose, we traveled from Phoenix to Hermosillo. All the staff is amazing, they care about your pet. The Vet reviewed -again- my dog's medical tests and he performed just the one's that were needed The surgery was successful. My dog stayed hospitalized just for 3 nights because the vet recommended to take him home because he missed us and there was no need for him to spend more time there. When my dog was released, OMG! He looked great and when we made it home, he was so happy. After one week we went with our Vet in Phoenix, she was so happy to see my dog alive, she said that the Vet in Mexico (Clinica Borges) performed an excellent surgery. My dog continued with his treatment and now he can't stop wagging his tail. If your dog's life is at risk because og the crazy prices in US, I would recommend taking your furr baby with the Borges's Clinic (Clinica Borges).
If you occupy a clinic where your pet will be treated and cared for as every responsible human treats their pets, I fully recommend this clinic. When the Phoenix veterinarian gave me the diagnosis that my pet's life was in danger due to a tumor in the vagina, I immediately called the Borges Clinic, I remember when Veterinarian David listened to me with great respect to the pain he had that day and Without wasting time the plan was made to travel from Phoenix to Hermosillo with my pet. We arrived at the appointment as planned, the vet David ordered the exams that were missing, he explained the process of the operation and the work team. The operation was a success, my pet was in the clinic for 3 nights, since the vet suggested taking him home because that would help his recovery. Another clinic would have kept the pet for up to a week $$$, but they didn't. When they gave me my pet he looked very good. I returned to Phoenix, I took him to his veterinarian who, through tears, shared the happiness that my pet was with us. The vet told me when removing the stitches, excellent surgery ... and I also told her the treatment we received was excellent. I do not consider that their prices have been high. My pet has recovered from his health problems and now there is no day that he does not show us his happiness. This clinic is full service. My dog ​​needed to get his spleen removed right away. Immediately, I called to the Borges Clinic and then the Vet David listened to me while in tears I was telling him my dog's diagnosis. There was no time to lose, we traveled from Phoenix to Hermosillo. All the staff is amazing, they care about your pet. The Vet reviewed -again- my dog's medical tests and he performed just the one's that were needed The surgery was successful. My dog ​​stayed hospitalized just for 3 nights because the vet recommended to take him home because he missed us and there was no need for him to spend more time there. When my dog ​​was released, OMG! He looked great and when we made it home, he was so happy. After one week we went with our Vet in Phoenix, she was so happy to see my dog ​​alive, she said that the Vet in Mexico (Clinica Borges) performed an excellent surgery. My dog ​​continued with his treatment and now he can't stop wagging his tail. If your dog's life is at risk because og the crazy prices in US, I would recommend taking your furr baby with the Borges's Clinic (Clinica Borges).

Dr. Borges and his staff are WONDERFUL and he saved my dogs life and my sanity!!!!!! I LOVE all of you!!!! I highly recommend this hospital, the drive from San Carlos to Hermosillo is worth the trip!!!

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