Vialli Grupo Inmobiliario - 76120 Santiago de Querétaro

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Vialli -

Querétaro Business Park Torre I
Avenida Antea 1088 Torre 1 Piso 1-A,
Col. Jurica, Santiago de Querétaro, Qro. CP. 76120

Contact Vialli Grupo Inmobiliario

Address :

Avenue Antea 1088 Torre 1 Piso 1, Jurica, 76120 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +997
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City : Qro.

Avenue Antea 1088 Torre 1 Piso 1, Jurica, 76120 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico
Francisco Fernandez de Cevallos O. on Google

Sus oficinas me parecieron muy bonitas. Las personas con las que estuve, fueron muy amables. Éxito.
I found its offices very beautiful. The people I was with were very kind. Success.
jair heymann on Google

Casas muy bonitas, pero la atención postventa es un asco, tengo mas de 1 año con problemas en mi casa y han pasado como 6 supervisores, y no se diga de la Gerente de postventa, si van a comprar aquí revisen sus casa con lupa.
Very nice houses, but the after-sales service is disgusting, I have more than 1 year with problems in my house and 6 supervisors have passed, and not to mention the After-sales Manager, if you are going to buy here, check your house with a magnifying glass.

Muy mala atención no recomiendo para nada esta empresa cambian las cuotas de mantenimiento a su gusto, y en especial muy mal trato de uno de los directivos LUCAS MACHUCA, pésimo servicio.
Very bad service, I do not recommend this company at all, they change the maintenance fees to your liking, and especially very bad treatment from one of the managers LUCAS MACHUCA, terrible service.
Christian Salgado on Google

Que lamentable es que un Grupo reconocido tenga tan mal servicio POSTVENTA, leo aquí que es un mal común, desprestigian al grupo y sobre todo las ganas de comprar con ustedes. Coincido con los comentarios de arriba, en Querétaro hay mucha oferta de vivienda, si usted está buscando casa, mejor piense dos veces antes de eligir VIALLI.
How unfortunate it is that a recognized Group has such poor AFTER-SALES service, I read here that it is a common evil, they discredit the group and above all the desire to buy with you. I agree with the comments above, in Querétaro there is a lot of housing available, if you are looking for a house, you better think twice before choosing VIALLI.
María José Salcedo on Google

Un asco el servicio postventa!! Las casas por fuera son muy bonitas, pero si tienes problemas no hay nadie que te resuelva o se tardan meses en solucionar... de haberlo sabido y con la gran oferta de casas que hay en Querétaro, yo no volvería a comprar aquí...
Disgusting after-sales service !! The houses on the outside are very nice, but if you have problems there is nobody to solve you or it takes months to solve ... if I had known and with the great offer of houses in Querétaro, I would not buy here again. .

Nesfasta empresa, te dicen una fecha y nunca cumplen, no tienen seriedad, tenemos 4 meses pidiendo que arreglen la luminaria y aún nada que la arreglan, el agua de la piscina siempre helada porque no prenden la caldera para no pagar etc etc. Nunca jamás volvería a comprar con ellos
Nesfasta company, they tell you a date and they never comply, they are not serious, we have 4 months asking to fix the luminaire and still nothing to fix it, the water in the pool is always cold because they do not turn on the boiler so as not to pay etc. etc. I would never ever buy from them again
Monika Lara on Google

Si bien venden casas con buen diseño el servicio de post venta es pésimo. En el condominio nos han dejado sin agua sin avisar, nuestra casa ha tenido muchos detalles que se pudieron evitar con una buena supervisión. No recomiendo comprar aquí.
Although they sell houses with good design, the after-sales service is terrible. In the condominium they have left us without water without warning, our house has had many details that could be avoided with good supervision. I do not recommend buying here.
Claudia Flores on Google

No recomendaría que la gente compre las casas de Vialli. Me han dejado muy desilusionada porque he tenido muchos problemas con la casa y el área de postventas. Espero que mi reseña sirva a las personas y se eviten problemas futuros como los que yo he tenido y tengo actualmente con Vialli. Al inicio nos trataron muy bien a mi y a mi esposo. La verdad es que el diseño de las casas está bonito y te emociona tener una casa así, pero ya cuando dimos el enganche empezaron nuestros problemas. Primero, corrieron o renunció mi asesor de ventas entonces nunca me asignaron otro que me asesorara. Por lo tanto no nos daban la información completa y mi esposo y yo teníamos que estar preguntando para sacar la info porque ellos no te dicen nada. Siempre nos avisaban de firmar o pagar un día antes y si les reclamábamos del porqué no nos avisaron con tiempo o mínimo que nos explicaran con tiempo los diferentes pagos que teníamos que realizar y las fechas de pago, la respuesta que nos daban siempre era “lo siento” y “tal área es la encargada de haberles dado da información”. Todas las áreas se echaban la culpa, y nunca nadie fue capaz de asumir su responsabilidad (estoy hablando de las áreas con las que tuve contacto y con las que tuve problemas como la área de ventas, de Postventa, tesorería, los arquitectos). Actualmente, mi marido y yo hemos tenido problemas con la casa porque ha tenido desperfectos que nos han arreglado y otros que queremos que nos arreglen ya que cuenta la casa con garantía, pero los arquitectos nunca llegan a la hora ni el día acordado. Uno es quien debe de estar llamando para ver cuando se dignaran a ir a hacer su trabajo (ademas de que no quieren hacer valido la garantía en ciertas cosas porque su garantía es de un día y sus respuestas/excusas son absurdas porque ellos saben de los desperfectos más comunes de las casas y aún así dejan que sucedan). La verdad el trato que nos han dado deja mucho que desear y hemos sentido que no nos toman en cuenta, total ya nos endeudamos por la casa. Mi marido y yo nos hemos quejado pero no hemos visto resultados, creo que no toman en cuenta las quejas porque siguen con sus ineficiencias. Espero que mi experiencia le sirva a la gente y se eviten problemas futuros.
I would not recommend that people buy the Vialli houses. They have left me very disappointed because I have had many problems with the house and the after-sales area. I hope that my review will serve people and avoid future problems like the ones I have had and currently have with Vialli. At the beginning they treated me and my husband very well. The truth is that the design of the houses is beautiful and you are excited to have a house like this, but when we made the down payment, our problems began. First, my sales consultant was fired or resigned then they never assigned me another to advise me. Therefore they did not give us the complete information and my husband and I had to be asking to get the information because they do not tell you anything. They always told us to sign or pay a day before and if we complained about why they did not notify us in time or at least to explain in advance the different payments we had to make and the payment dates, the answer they always gave us was "what I feel ”and“ such area is in charge of having given you information ”. All areas blamed each other, and no one was ever able to assume their responsibility (I am talking about the areas with which I had contact and with which I had problems such as the sales area, After-sales, treasury, the architects). Currently, my husband and I have had problems with the house because it has had damages that have been fixed for us and others that we want to be fixed since the house has a guarantee, but the architects never arrive at the agreed time or day. You are the one who should be calling to see when they will deign to go do their job (besides that they do not want to make the guarantee valid in certain things because their guarantee is one day and their answers / excuses are absurd because they know about the most common house breakdowns and still let them happen). The truth is that the treatment they have given us leaves much to be desired and we have felt that they do not take us into account, we are already in debt for the house. My husband and I have complained but we have not seen results, I think they do not take into account the complaints because they continue with their inefficiencies. I hope my experience serves people and future problems are avoided.

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