Villa Nueva - 68544 Teotitlán de Flores Magón

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Villa Nueva

Address :

Al Norte De La Escuela Primaria N/A, 68544 Teotitlán de Flores Magón, Oax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88
Website :
Categories :
City : Oax.

Al Norte De La Escuela Primaria N/A, 68544 Teotitlán de Flores Magón, Oax., Mexico
Jose Nava on Google

Agustin Diaz on Google


Arturo HS on Google

Muy Tranquilo, y la gente muy amable, la neblina es un espectaculo
Very Quiet, and very friendly people, the fog is a spectacle
Javier Sánchez on Google

Es hermoso visitar a mi pueblo!
It is beautiful to visit my town!
Clarisa Pérez Camargo on Google

El anochecer es profundo e increíble; se aprecian con claridad los luceros celestes. Las madrugadas suelen tener el vaho místico de la neblina. Se cosecha localmente lo necesario para subsistir. Las montañas que se aprecian poseen matices fríos (azulado verdoso) se respira la honda tranquilidad de un pueblo arraigado en costumbres descendientes de la lengua náhuatl.
The dusk is deep and incredible; Celestial stars are clearly visible. Early morning they usually have the mystical fog of mist. What is necessary to survive is harvested locally. The mountains that are appreciated have cold nuances (greenish bluish) breathes the deep tranquility of a town rooted in customs descended from the Nahuatl language.
Abraham Valencia on Google

Es el pueblo de mis suegros, como no me va gustar, es ideal para despejarte del ajetreo de la ciudad
It is the town of my in-laws, as I am not going to like it, it is ideal to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city
Candido Sanchez on Google

I like this place it is beautiful.

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