Vivento - Zapopan

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Vivento

Address :

Calle Oyamel Pte., Luna Bosque, Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8889
Categories :
City : Jal.

Calle Oyamel Pte., Luna Bosque, Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
Lupita Sanchez on Google

Casas familiares
Family houses
ruben dario ibarra hernandez on Google

Fraccionamiento muy exclusivo casas con detallados muy bonito excelente para vivir
Very exclusive subdivision houses with very nice details excellent to live
Manuel duran on Google

Si piensas comprar casa con ésta constructora, te recomiendo lo pienses dos veces, compré casa y los detalles que han ido saliendo no son atendidos, y no somos los únicos con éste problema, son muchas casas con éstos problemas, y continúan saliendo los detalles... Terrible experiencia.
If you plan to buy a house with this construction company, I recommend you think twice, I bought a house and the details that have been coming out are not taken care of, and we are not the only ones with this problem, there are many houses with these problems, and the details continue to come out. .. Terrible experience.
luzelen100 on Google

No se que paso que quitaron la caseta de vigilancia, ahora todo mundo pasa como Juan por su casa, que bueno que no compre casa ahi.
I do not know what happened that they removed the guardhouse, now everyone passes like Juan by his house, it is good that he does not buy a house there.

Casas bellísimas con roofgarden en una excelente zona. La solución a los vicios ocultos que llegan a tener se da y todo entra en garantía por parte de la inmobiliaria.
Beautiful houses with roofgarden in an excellent area. The solution to the hidden vices that come to have is given and everything comes under warranty from the real estate.
Christian Peña on Google

La constructora no coopera en temas de seguridad del fraccionamiento. Y eso que aún le faltan casas por vender
The construction company does not cooperate in matters of security of the subdivision. And that he still has houses to sell
karen zuleyda barajas cortez on Google

No compren aquí! Las casas son nuevas y ya se están derrumbando por humedad, quisieron ahorrar material y las construyeron sobre lodo, no hay concreto bajo el piso, las paredes se caen y lo peor que no responden a las quejas, las casas todas están en reparaciones que no terminan, y los encargados nunca dan la cara, si piensan comprar pregúnten a cualquier vecino su opinión, todos queremos que alguien nos atienda y todos se esconden, es la peor inversión que pueden hacer
Do not buy here! The houses are new and are already collapsing due to humidity, they wanted to save material and built them on mud, there is no concrete under the floor, the walls fall and the worst thing that does not respond to complaints, the houses are all in repairs that are not They finish, and those in charge never show their faces. If you are thinking of buying, ask any neighbor your opinion, we all want someone to attend us and everyone hides, it is the worst investment they can make.
Nayeli Durán on Google

PREGUNTA A LOS VECINOS ANTES DE COMPRAR FUGAS DE GAS ETC. detalles terribles en la casa que no son atendidos a tiempo, y que tienes que estar tras de ellos para que sean atendidos y estos si bien te va serán atendidos en 2 a 3 meses después. Claro siendo tú el dueño de la casa quien tienes que estar tras de ellos rogándoles y buscándolos. Es terrible experiencia por un costo que pagas en una casa "nueva", tengan cuidado, no compren aquí. Ya que sera desperdiciado tu dinero. Los detalles siguen saliendo y los que se acumulen,fugas de gas, fugas de agua, muros chuecos, puertas caídas, mal pintado etc A cualquier vecino que preguntes te dirán el montón de problemas que han salido en cada una de sus casas. No te guíes solo por mi comentario, visita el coto y habla con cualquier dueño de casa.
ASK NEIGHBORS BEFORE BUYING GAS LEAKS ETC. Terrible details in the house that are not taken care of on time, and that you have to be after them to be taken care of and these although they will be taken care of in 2-3 months later. Of course you are the owner of the house who have to be behind them begging and looking for them. It is terrible experience for a cost you pay in a "new" house, be careful, do not buy here. Since your money will be wasted. The details keep coming out and those that accumulate, gas leaks, water leaks, crooked walls, fallen doors, poorly painted etc. Any neighbor you ask will be told the heap of problems that have come up in each of their houses. Do not be guided only by my comment, visit the preserve and talk to any homeowner.

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