We Love Burgers Chapalita - 45040 Zapopan

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact We Love Burgers Chapalita

Address :

Av Guadalupe 1655, Chapalita, 45040 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : http://wlb.mx/
Categories :
City : Jal.

Av Guadalupe 1655, Chapalita, 45040 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
D Schmid on Google

La peor hamburguesa que hemos comido. La carne es delgada, no hay lechuga/tomate/pepino, el queso es mínimo, las salsa BBQ es jitomate molido y simplemente no tienen sabor. El restaurante en sí y el servicio es bueno pero la comida es terrible. Worst burger we have ever eaten! Meat is thin, no lettuce/tomato/cucumber, minimal cheese, crumbly sauces and just tasteless. The restaurant itself and the service is good but the food is terrible.
The worst burger we have ever eaten. The meat is thin, there is no lettuce/tomato/cucumber, the cheese is minimal, the BBQ sauce is ground tomato and just has no flavor. The restaurant itself and the service is good but the food is terrible. Worst burger we have ever eaten! Meat is thin, no lettuce/tomato/cucumber, minimal cheese, crumbly sauces and just tasteless. The restaurant itself and the service is good but the food is terrible.
Adan Vera on Google

Servicio atento al llegar. Lugar agradable. Pedimos 2 beyond burger (no consumimos carne), solo tenían 1 por lo que optamos por la opción Buda (portobello). La beyond esta muy cara ($240) ya que no incluye ni siquiera papas. Pedimos ambas hamburguesa SIN lácteos y llegaron con mayonesa. Las bebidas (chela $50) y las guarniciones (papas $65) demasiado caras. Tampoco fueron accesibles ya que quisimos convertir nuestras 2 hamburguesas a combo después de ordenar (agregar papas y bebida) y comentaron que ya no era posible ya que había ingresado al sistema (entendemos que no es obligación, pero, hubiese sido un buen gesto después de las fallas anteriormente mencionadas). Adicionalmente el staff en general muy despreocupados (exceptuando el mesero) por la atención. Fue difícil conseguir a alguien para que nos trajera la cuenta. Todos en el celular. Desafortunadamente no lo recomendaría.
Attentive service upon arrival. Nice place. We ordered 2 beyond burger (we didn't eat meat), they only had 1 so we opted for the Buda option (portobello). The beyond is very expensive ($240) since it doesn't even include potatoes. We ordered both burgers WITHOUT dairy and they came with mayonnaise. The drinks (chela $50) and the side dishes (potatoes $65) are too expensive. They were also not accessible since we wanted to convert our 2 burgers to a combo after ordering (add fries and drink) and they commented that it was no longer possible since they had entered the system (we understand that it is not an obligation, but it would have been a nice gesture after the aforementioned flaws). Additionally, the staff in general very carefree (except the waiter) for the attention. It was difficult to get someone to bring us the bill. Everyone on cell phone. Unfortunately I wouldn't recommend it.
Aza Cortés on Google

La marca está muy bien brandeada, pero nada más, la experiencia es muy X, el menú que te dan impreso es pequeño, no tiene imágenes y está demasiada junta la información. La hamburguesa es de calidad media-baja, nada del otro mundo, el pan dicen que es artesanal pero parece un pan corriente que nada le va a la hamburguesa, se siente muy seco. Pedimos 2 entradas unas papas y camote frito y son algo caro para la cantidad-calidad. El servicio es muy mejorable, se nota falta de experiencia por parte del personal ya que la atención recibida no está al nivel de lo que se paga.
The brand is very well branded, but nothing more, the experience is very X, the menu that they give you printed is small, it does not have images and the information is too close together. The hamburger is of medium-low quality, nothing to write home about, the bread is said to be handmade but it looks like ordinary bread that nothing goes with the hamburger, it feels very dry. We ordered 2 appetizers, some potatoes and fried sweet potatoes and they are somewhat expensive for the quantity-quality. The service could be improved, it shows a lack of experience on the part of the staff since the attention received is not at the level of what is paid.
Jorgef ZaC on Google

Desde mi óptica una hamburguesa con valor agregado. Aderezos fuera de lo ordinario en la ciudad. Las papas preparadas excelentes. .uy bien montado el sitio, y amable el equipo.
From my point of view, a burger with added value. Garnishes out of the ordinary in the city. Excellent prepared potatoes. The site was well set up, and the team was friendly.
Fabiola Rodríguez Vázquez on Google

Buena atención, precios bien, porción y calidad de papas excelente si pides combo. El pan hecho ahí mismo y la carne SUPER SUAVE. no necesitas masticar casi ? esos pepinillos fritos fueron un plus. La hamburguesa de la foto es la clásica con tocino ? y la Pedi en combo de papas y limonada rosa (esa si mo me gustó mucho)
Good service, good prices, excellent portion and quality of potatoes if you ask for a combo. The bread made right there and the SUPER SOFT meat. you don't need to chew almost ? those fried pickles were a plus. The hamburger in the photo is the classic one with bacon ? and the I ordered a combo of potatoes and pink lemonade (I really liked that one)
Arturo Nieto on Google

Muy buenas burgers. Tienen de muchos diferentes tipos... desde Rockefeller hasta con una dona!
Very good burgers. They have many different types...from Rockefeller to a donut!
Mauricio Olmedo on Google

Las hamburguesas deliciosas, sin duda cumplen con su principal promesa. El lugar está bien ubicado y tiene un pequeño cajón de estacionamiento para dos coches. La ambientación del lugar es agradable y lo mantienen muy limpio. El servicio es atento pero, como retroalimentación, notamos que una vez que te toman el pedido te pierden de vista. En lo personal, los precios de las bebidas y entradas me parecieron elevados (nosotros pedimos cervezas, papas a la francesa y unos tenders) y no me pareció que ofrecieran un "algo" que justificase el precio. Eso sí, como dije antes la hamburguesa muy sabrosa. Lo que me sorprendió negativamente es que no aceptan pago con tarjeta. Que no es más que una incomodidad pero igual me causó una muy mala impresión. En general bien, volvería para llevar a alguien que no los conociera.
The delicious hamburgers certainly fulfill their main promise. The place is well located and has a small parking space for two cars. The atmosphere of the place is nice and they keep it very clean. The service is attentive but, as feedback, we noticed that once they take your order they lose sight of you. Personally, the prices of drinks and tickets seemed high to me (we ordered beers, French fries and some tenders) and I didn't think they offered a "something" that justified the price. Of course, as I said before, the hamburger is very tasty. What surprised me negatively is that they do not accept card payment. Which is nothing more than an inconvenience but it still made a very bad impression on me. Overall good, would go back to take someone who didn't know them.
Juan J Jaramillo on Google

Un lugar muy agradable, buen servicio y las hamburguesas buenísimas lo recomiendo.
A very nice place, good service and great hamburgers I recommend it.

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