Xplora mexico - 06760 Ciudad de México

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Contact Xplora mexico

Address :

Av. Insurgentes Sur 540, código 2, Roma Sur, Cuauhtémoc, 06760 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +87
Categories :
City : CDMX

Av. Insurgentes Sur 540, código 2, Roma Sur, Cuauhtémoc, 06760 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
sinue de la cruz on Google

Muy buen servicio para los qué buscan alguna agencia para poder viajar, te atienden muy bien y te ayudan con todas las dudas qué tengas, además de que durante el viaje están al pendiente de qué la pases bien y el personal del staff muy agradables y amables en todo momento, en verdad que vale mucho la pena viajar con ellos, sobre todo que los paquetes que manejan no se me hacen caros en comparación con otros servicios qué he visto, altamente recomendable.
Very good service for those who are looking for an agency to be able to travel, they take care of you very well and help you with all the doubts you may have, in addition to that during the trip they are waiting for you to have a good time and the staff are very nice and friendly At all times, it is really worth traveling with them, especially that the packages they handle are not expensive compared to other services that I have seen, highly recommended.
Karla Ivonne Guerra on Google

Pésima agencia. Me avisaron un día antes que el viaje se cancelaba, eso fue en enero. He tratado de comunicarme por diferentes vías y solo me bloquearon de redes sociales, de su teléfono de atención a cliente. El único teléfono que tengo activo es de la señorita Abigail y ya ni siquiera toma llamadas y mensajes. Me deben el reembolso de un viaje de 5 personas. Es una empresa falta de seriedad, lo único que pedimos es que nos reembolsen nuestro dinero y que tomen nuestras llamadas y no solo nos bloqueen para no dar seguimiento y respuesta. Dejo parte de las ultimas conversaciones donde se ve claramente que simplemente no contestan. Y la otra foto, donde se muestra como simplemente dejaron de contestar y me bloquearon.
Terrible agency. They told me a day before that the trip was canceled, that was in January. I have tried to communicate in different ways and they only blocked me from social networks, from their customer service phone. The only phone I have active is Miss Abigail's and she doesn't even take calls and messages anymore. They owe me the reimbursement for a trip of 5 people. It is a company that lacks seriousness, the only thing we ask is that they refund our money and that they take our calls and not only block us from giving follow-up and response. I leave part of the last conversations where it is clearly seen that they simply do not answer. And the other photo, where it is shown how they simply stopped answering and blocked me.
Miguel Santos on Google

A mi me estafaron de la misma manera, estoy buscado la forma de que se realicen los procesos con la persona debida dicen que siguen estafando si el deposito sale a Abigail Aguilar no lo hgas o perderas tu dinero!!!!!
They scammed me in the same way, I am looking for a way to carry out the processes with the right person, they say that they continue to scam if the deposit goes to Abigail Aguilar, do not do it or you will lose your money !!!!!
Ronald Añez on Google

Son unos ladrones le robaron $14,000 a mi novia. Nunca viajen con ellos no sirven para nada. Y de paso les escribes y no te responden. Los voy a demandar por hdp.
They are thieves who stole $ 14,000 from my girlfriend. Never travel with them they are useless. And by the way you write to them and they don't answer you. I'm going to sue you for hdp.
Ana Hernández on Google

Amigos. No viajen nunca con ellos, su servicio es una basura. A mi me robaron más de 14 mil pesos, al final me dijeron que no me metieron en la lista y que yo no iba a poder viajar, me ofrecieron devolverme mi dinero y ahora no me responden las llamadas ni los mensajes ????
Friends. Never travel with them, their service is rubbish. They stole more than 14 thousand pesos from me, in the end they told me that they did not put me on the list and that I was not going to be able to travel, they offered to return my money and now they do not answer my calls or messages ????
Iris Quezada on Google

Son unos estafadores, pague por un viaje $36,000 que sería en enero el cual nunca hicieron y tampoco regresaron el dinero, deberian de dar la cara y regresarnos a todos lo que nos pertecene "rateros" deberiamos de unirnos todos y hacer algo para que paguen por todo lo que han robado y seguramente siguen haciendolo. Unámonos!!! Como hacemos para unirnos y dar con estos lacras a como de lugar?
They are scammers, I paid $ 36,000 for a trip that would be in January which they never made and they did not return the money, they should show their faces and return to all of us what belongs to us "thieves" we should all unite and do something so that they pay for everything they have stolen and surely continue to do so. Let's unite !!! How do we unite and find these blemishes anywhere?
Mónica Hernández on Google

La peor agencia, qué falta de profesionalidad. No responden las llamadas, no te devuelven el dinero y NO se comprometen a armar los grupos para que viajes, ¡un vil robo! Ponen mil pretextos para no contestar, y los viajes que si (medio) logran armar, son súper de mala calidad, los transportes, los tours, los agentes. Nunca viajen con ellos a menos, que se quieran arriesgar a perder su dinero. Pésima atención, pésima agencia, pésimo seguimiento y UN ROBO.
The worst agency, what a lack of professionalism. They do not answer the calls, they do not return your money and they do NOT promise to set up the groups for you to travel, a vile robbery! They put up a thousand pretexts for not answering, and the trips that they (half) manage to put together are super poor quality, the transport, the tours, the agents. Never travel with them unless you want to risk losing your money. Bad service, bad agency, bad follow-up and ONE THEFT.
Sang Jae on Google

Tuve dos viajes +-decentes con ellos, pero el último que era al Chepe, me dijeron el mismo día que hubo una viajera contagiada de covid, que se iba a retrogradar, confiaba en Abigail Aguilar.. Hoy ya ni me responden y he visto que nos han estafado igual a varios
I had two +-decent trips with them, but the last one was to Chepe, they told me the same day that there was a traveler infected with covid, that she was going to retrograde, she trusted Abigail Aguilar... Today they don't even answer me and I've seen that we have been scammed like several

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