Yuga Embellecimiento Automotriz - 93320 Poza Rica de Hidalgo

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Yuga Embellecimiento Automotriz

Address :

Av Argentina 805, 27 de Septiembre, 93320 Poza Rica de Hidalgo, Ver., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +78978
Website : https://www.facebook.com/Yugapoza/
Categories :
City : Ver.

Av Argentina 805, 27 de Septiembre, 93320 Poza Rica de Hidalgo, Ver., Mexico
Eduardo Roman on Google

Muy mal servicio y cobran bien más vale llevar el carro al lavadero de la esquina
Very bad service and they charge well, it is better to take the car to the laundry on the corner
Cristian Gonzalez on Google

Al parecer realizan el encerado y la hidratación de plásticos con productos de mala calidad, ya que casi no duran. Además al realizar la limpieza de interior y retirar asientos se me extravió un pequeño plástico y unas cabeceras, las cuales si me regresaron. Fue un pésimo trabajo, no dejaron todo en orden. El precio está muy bien con las promociones, pero les falta mucha calidad en el trabajo.
Apparently they wax and hydrate plastics with poor quality products, as they hardly last. In addition, when cleaning the interior and removing seats, I lost a small plastic and some headboards, which were returned to me. It was a lousy job, they didn't leave everything in order. The price is very good with the promotions, but they lack a lot of quality in the work.
Edgardo Vizcarra Chiquito on Google

Le hize a mi carro un paquete y la versas quedo muy bien
I made a package for my car and you see, it turned out very well
Araceli Mendoza on Google

Una atención muy buena, mi vehículo quedó como nuevo !... La atención es execelente y me brindaron una atención muy buena
A very good attention, my vehicle was like new!... The attention is excellent and they gave me a very good attention
Reclutamiento PozaRica on Google

Buen servicio , aunque a mí me dieron un buen servicio pero he escuchado de amistades de q últimamente el servicio es algo pésimo
Good service, although they gave me a good service but I have heard from friends that lately the service is somewhat lousy
Andrea Navarro on Google

Muy mal servicio, pedí una cita para lavado de interiores a un Aveo 2014 me dijeron que sale en $600 la cita la pactamos a las 10 am, llegue a las 9.30 no había ningún carro, me ofrecieron extender el paquete a uno completo de $1,200 me dijeron que el servicio demoraba entre 4 a 7 hrs. A las 4pm me comunico y me mandan avances de los asientos del carro ya puestos y limpios me comentaron que a las 6 PM quedaba, a las 5.40 llegue por mi auto, espere por qué estaban entregando 2 autos más. Me habla el encargado y me diste que cheque el carro "ya me lo estaban entregando como listo" reviso el carro y los asientos super mojados me dice el encargado que en 2 hr me lo tiene listo o que lo dejara para el siguiente día. A las 7.50 me mandan msj para avisarme que el auto ya estaba listo, voy por el, lo reviso y seguían mojados los asientos y además de eso el mueble trasero estaba quemado, ofrecieron repararlo con un tapicero yo le comenté que ya no podía confiar en el y que necesitaba una garantía que se comunicará con un tapicero y que me dijera como quedaría mi carro, no accedió por qué ya era tarde, entre más pasaba el tiempo surgían más detalles, sacamos el asiento trasero y escurría en agua, quitó los tapetes del piso y tocó la alfombra super mojada y con jabón, y como ya era de noche me apoye con una lámpara y tampoco estaba aspirado el carro, los faros no estaban pulidos y bueno el encargado me dijo que tenía 3 meses trabajando ahí después que 15 y que no me podía pasar a ningún encargado por teléfono por políticas, en fin seguí insistiendo hasta que me comunicaron con un encargado que a decir por como manejo la situación no tiene experiencia alguna dice que tienen 10 sucursales pero a mí parecer no, ya que no cuentan con protocolos para casos como este en fin me dijeron que aunque yo llegue temprano tenían citas por delante y debían cumplir primero con ellas, entonces no me explico por que me pidieron dejar el carro desde la 10 am? cuando el servicio no se iba a dar en ese tiempo, cansada de lo sucedido, les dije que no le iba a pagar por algo mal hecho y quemado que me pagarán ya solo el tapicero, me dijeron que no, que no manejan efectivo, después de un rato de insistir me depositaron $600 los cuales no cubren la tapicería del asiento y mucho menos los daños de su mal servicio. Cabe señalar que en el tiempo que pase ahí 3 clientes inconformes 1 por un asiento mal instalado que se movía por qué algo que le rompieron, otro por su antena que quitaron y no colocaron de nuevo y el último que no le entregaron su carro por qué no les dio tiempo y se lo entregarían al día siguiente. Yo no recomiendo este servicio y alerto a los próximos usuarios que tenga cuidado al contratar a Yuga Poza Rica por qué no tienen ni la mínima idea de lo que hacen. Espero y lean mi comentario y tengan la suficiente moral como para reparar el daño a mi unidad obviamente no en su propio establecimiento ya que no trabajan nada bien.
Very bad service, I asked for an appointment to wash the interiors of a 2014 Aveo, they told me that it costs $600, we agreed on the appointment at 10 am, I arrived at 9:30 there was no car, they offered to extend the package to a complete one for $1,200 They said that the service took between 4 to 7 hours. At 4pm I contacted them and they sent me previews of the car seats already in place and clean. They told me that at 6 PM it was left, at 5.40 I arrived for my car, wait why they were delivering 2 more cars. The manager spoke to me and you told me to check the car "they were already giving it to me as ready" I check the car and the seats are super wet the manager tells me that he will have it ready for me in 2 hours or that he should leave it for the next day. At 7.50 they send me a msg to let me know that the car was ready, I go for it, check it and the seats are still wet and in addition to that the rear furniture was burned, they offered to repair it with an upholsterer I told him that I couldn't trust him anymore he and that he needed a guarantee that he would communicate with an upholsterer and tell me how my car would look, he did not agree because it was already late, the more time passed, more details emerged, we took out the back seat and it drained in water, he removed the mats from the floor and touched the super wet and soapy carpet, and since it was already night I leaned on a lamp and the car had not been vacuumed either, the headlights were not polished and well the manager told me that he had been working there for 3 months after 15 and that they could not pass me to any manager by phone due to policies, in the end I kept insisting until they contacted me with a manager who, to say how I handle the situation, has no experience at all, says they have 10 branches but it seems to me No, since they don't have protocols for cases like this, in short, they told me that even if I arrived early they had appointments ahead of them and had to meet them first, so I don't understand why they asked me to leave the car at 10 am? when the service was not going to be given at that time, tired of what happened, I told them that I was not going to pay them for something badly done and burned that they would only pay me the upholsterer, they told me no, that they do not handle cash, later After insisting for a while, they deposited $600, which does not cover the upholstery of the seat, much less the damage caused by their poor service. It should be noted that during the time that he spent there, 3 dissatisfied customers, 1 because of a poorly installed seat that moved because something was broken, another because of his antenna that was removed and not replaced, and the last one because his car was not delivered, why? He didn't give them time and they would deliver it the next day. I do not recommend this service and I warn future users to be careful when hiring Yuga Poza Rica because they do not have the slightest idea of ​​what they do. I hope and read my comment and have enough morale to repair the damage to my unit, obviously not in their own establishment since they do not work well at all.
Maritza Morales on Google

Lleve mi carro al Servcio, Me dijeron que tardaba de 6 a 8 horas, en total demoraron 12 horas. Debido a la demora le realizaron a mi carro un lavado de Motor de Cortesía. Cuando me entregaron, los asientos seguían algo húmedos pero el problema fue que cascabeleaba el carro y se apagaba, me dijeron que le entro agua a las bujías y que lo tuviera prendido en lo que se evaporaba pero no funciono, Termine llamando a Mi mecánico a las 11 pm porque se me apagaba el carro y Resultó que ya no entraban bien las Velocidades, en vez de entrar primera entra tercera ? Les comenté eso y ya no respondieron.... había visto un par de malas reseñas del lugar y pensé que eran casos aislados pero Termine con una Falla en la caja de cambios la cual funcionaba perfectamente.
I took my car to the service, they told me it would take from 6 to 8 hours, in total it took 12 hours. Due to the delay they gave my car a courtesy engine wash. When they delivered me, the seats were still a little wet but the problem was that the car rattled and turned off, they told me that water got into the spark plugs and that I had it on while it evaporated but it didn't work, I ended up calling my mechanic at 11 pm because my car was turning off and it turned out that the speeds no longer fit well, instead of going in first it goes in third ? I told them that and they no longer responded.... I had seen a couple of bad reviews of the place and I thought that They were isolated cases but I ended up with a failure in the gearbox which worked perfectly.
Alfredo Ruiz Rosas on Google

ME DESCOMPUSIERON MI CARRO Y ME BLOQUEARON CUANDO LES RECLAME Mi esposa llevo el carro, se supone que lo entregaban a las 8 y nos lo dieron a las 10:30, el carro llegó bien, y al retirarnos tuvimos problemas, no pudimos avanzar ni dos cuadras, marcamos y nos dijeron que era porque entro agua en las bujías, que lo dejáramos prendido un rato, que era normal. Pasamos media hora con el carro prendido y nada, dejaron de responder mensajes, tuve que llamar al mecánico, el problema no fueron las bujías, al parecer con el lavado a presión le jodieron las velocidades (no soy mecánico no puedo decir el desperfecto exactamente) pero el carro ya no tiene primera, es un chevy, así que para meter primera tengo que levantar el chicote para reversa y buscar un espacio entre reversa y tercera, porque dónde está primera ahora mete tercera y por eso se apagaba el carro al avanzar, el mecánico fue el que noto eso Mandamos mensaje y para reclamar a la página y visto, lo pusimos en una publicación en FACEBOOK donde promocionan sus servicios y la página de la empresa bloqueo a mi a mi esposa para que no les hiciéramos mala promoción Aparte entregaron el carro con los tapetes aún mojados y no es un auto lavado de 100 pesos es un servicio muy caro para la falta de responsabilidad por sus acciones Ahora sí se atreven a ir, que directamente no lo recomiendo, pónganse pesados con sus recibos porque a mi esposa no le quisieron dar recibo.
THEY BREAKED MY CAR AND BLOCKED ME WHEN I CLAIMED THEM My wife took the car, it was supposed to be delivered at 8 and they gave it to us at 10:30, the car arrived fine, and when we left we had problems, we couldn't go two blocks, we dialed and they told us it was because it came in water in the spark plugs, that we leave it on for a while, which was normal. We spent half an hour with the car running and nothing, they stopped responding to messages, I had to call the mechanic, the problem was not the spark plugs, apparently with the pressure washer they screwed up the speeds (I'm not a mechanic I can't say exactly what the problem was) but the car no longer has first gear, it's a chevy, so to get into first gear I have to lift the whip to reverse and look for a space between reverse and third gear, because where is first gear now it gets into third gear and that's why the car turned off when moving forward, the mechanic was the one who noticed that We sent a message and to claim the page and seen, we put it in a publication on FACEBOOK where they promote their services and the company page blocked my wife so that we would not make them a bad promotion Besides, they delivered the car with the mats still wet and it is not a car wash for 100 pesos, it is a very expensive service for the lack of responsibility for their actions Now they do dare to go, which I do not directly recommend, get heavy with your receipts because they did not want to give my wife a receipt.

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