Zona Arqueológica de Teotihuacán puerta 5 - Zona Arqueológica de Teotihuacán puerta 5

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Contact Zona Arqueológica de Teotihuacán puerta 5

Address :

55829 Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 55829
Categories :
City : Méx.

55829 Méx., Mexico
Eduardo Velarde on Google

Muy impresionante el lugar como punto arqueológico, recomendaría pagar el tour guiado ya que los datos históricos le brindan mucho más valor al recorrido. (Los tours están disponibles en español e inglés) Actualmente no se puede subir a las pirámides del sol y la luna. Hay bastantes vendedores ambulantes dentro de la zona arqueológica, sobre todo en calzada de los muertos. Costos por adulto $85 pesos.
The place is very impressive as an archaeological site, I would recommend paying for the guided tour since the historical data gives much more value to the tour. (The tours are available in Spanish and English) Currently it is not possible to climb the pyramids of the sun and the moon. There are quite a few street vendors within the archaeological zone, especially on the Calzada de los Muertos. Costs per adult $85 pesos.

Alguna vez en la vida se tiene que visitar este lugar arqueológico único en el mundo, con sus atractivos más icónicos como lo son la “pirámide” del sol y la luna, así como la calzada de los muertos. Si quieres alguna artesanía recomiendo que valores precios con los diferentes vendedores ya que cambian los precios y no te dejes engañar por personas que intentan vender supuestas piezas originales!!!
Sometime in your life you have to visit this unique archaeological site in the world, with its most iconic attractions such as the "pyramid" of the sun and the moon, as well as the road of the dead. If you want some crafts, I recommend that you value prices with the different vendors since prices change and do not be fooled by people who try to sell supposed original pieces!
Os Ramirez on Google

La Zona Arqueológica de Teotihuacan es espectacular, cuenta con varias entradas y varios estacionamientos. Es recomendable llegar temprano como a las 9 por el sol. Su recorrido completo con los museos dura al rededor de 3 horas. Cuenta con un restaurante interior pero al rededor de la zona arqueológica hay un sin fin de restaurantes. Es recomendable llevar agua y dinero para comprar artesanías, sombrero para el sol y filtro solar, gafas obscuras. Los domingos la estrada es gratuita. Afortunadamente pronto ya no será posible subir a las pirámides para su protección.
The Archaeological Zone of Teotihuacan is spectacular, it has several entrances and several parking lots. It is advisable to arrive early as at 9 because of the sun. Your complete tour with the museums lasts around 3 hours. It has an interior restaurant but around the archaeological zone there are endless restaurants. It is advisable to bring water and money to buy handicrafts, a sun hat and sunscreen, and dark glasses. On Sundays the entrance is free. Fortunately soon it will no longer be possible to climb the pyramids for your protection.
Peter gab on Google

It’s a must if you come to Mexico City. Drive is about an hour
Santiago Montaña on Google

Incredible, wonderful, easy to get. HIGHLY recommend to take a tour.
Alexochitl Garcia on Google

Honestly is not my favorite archeological spot, I always enter by Puerta 5 because I start my trip in El Templo de Quetzalcoatl and walk all the Calzada de los Muertos, visiting La piramide del sol and La piramide de la luna. Im always in a hurry, but I will really like to hear a little bit more about the history of this place, and the short texts nesr the structures are no longer visible ?
Paul Martin on Google

Fantastic site...pyramids as impressive as Egypt (and I've seen LOTS if pyramids and ruins!). NOTE: since COVID you can no longer climb pyramids. Definitely worth having a guide. Also take or buy a hat and sunscreen (with global warming, Teotihuacàn is sunny and hot almost every day, even in winter). Souvenirs and hats are cheaper at the site entrances than at the tequila tastings/obsidian workahops/restaurants outside the site.
Vassiliy Kalabin on Google

Interesting place. But not that much to see. Better to go with a guide. And take time and reach the end of the walley. With entresting pyramid with heads in the very end.

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