Zu And Ro. - 57210 Nezahualcóyotl

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Zu And Ro.

Address :

Av Chimalhuacán 120, Estado de Mexico, 57210 Nezahualcóyotl, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88
Categories :
City : Méx.

Av Chimalhuacán 120, Estado de Mexico, 57210 Nezahualcóyotl, Méx., Mexico
Kei Garcia on Google

Dan un pésimo servicio en cuanto a emergencias. Hace 2 años lleve a mi perrito porque recibió un balazo, al llegar con el en brazos (cabe recalcar que era un perro grande y pesado, lo llevábamos entre 3 personas) nos dijeron que teníamos que subirlo al 2do piso y ya arriba nos dijeron que teníamos que bajarlo y ni siquiera dijeron donde, los empleados reaccionaban como si se tratara de un corte de pelo y jamás nos ayudaron al traslado de nuestra mascota, nos tomaron de groseros por preguntar desesperadamente dónde teníamos que dejar al perrito y ya hasta se querían pelear ahí con nuestro perro en brazos y sin atender a la emergencia, no tienen nada de empatia. Cuando lo atendieron dos de las veterinarias que allí laboran PRACTICAMENTE HICIERON NADA, lo tocaron donde era la herida, le hicieron radiografía (la cual otro veterinario me dijo que eso no se debió hacer pues no se alcanza a mirar órganos dañados) le pusieron un tubo en su hocico EL CUAL TAMBIÉN RECALCO LO HICIERON CASI ESTÚPIDAMENTE, le jalaron la lengua horrible y parecían ahogarlo más, fue todo lo que hicieron para decirnos que no se podía hacer nada. SON PÉSIMOS, si pudiera les pondría - 5 estrellas Tengo mucho en mi mente que loki pudo sobrevivir pero por su falta de empatia y profesionalismo no se logro. Espero ya hayan cambiado de veterinarios especialistas y empleados en general, porque la mayoría allí HACEN FATAL SU TRABAJO. En otra ocasión antes de eso también lleve un gatito deshidratado que encontré en la calle y solo le inyectaron un suero y me dijeron que me lo llevara, NI SIQUIERA ME OFRECIERON INTERNAMIENTO O ALGO SIMILAR y tristemente al otro día el gatito se fue a un mejor lugar, como pudieron no saber que ese gatito ya ESTABA MUY MAL, no se como pude volver a confiar en ustedes. NO TRAIGAN AQUÍ A SUS MASCOTITAS SI DE VERDAD LAS AMAN ? Bueno a la mejor los cortes si los hacen bien...
They give a terrible service in terms of emergencies. 2 years ago I took my puppy because he was shot, when he arrived with him in my arms (it should be emphasized that it was a large and heavy dog, we were carrying it between 3 people) they told us that we had to take it to the 2nd floor and they told us that we had to lower it and they didn't even say where, the employees reacted as if it were a haircut and they never helped us move our pet, they took us rude for desperately asking where we had to leave the puppy and they even wanted to fight there with our dog in their arms and without attending to the emergency, they have no empathy at all. When he was treated by two of the veterinarians who work there, they PRACTICALLY DID NOTHING, they touched him where the wound was, they did an X-ray (which another vet told me that this should not be done because it is not possible to look at damaged organs) they put a tube on him in his snout WHICH ALSO RECALCO THEY DID IT ALMOST STUPIDLY, they pulled his horrible tongue and seemed to choke him more, it was all they did to tell us that nothing could be done. THEY ARE AWFUL, if I could I would give them - 5 stars I have a lot in my mind that Loki could survive but due to his lack of empathy and professionalism it was not achieved. I hope they have already changed specialist veterinarians and employees in general, because most of them there MAKE THEIR JOB FATAL. On another occasion, before that, I also brought a dehydrated kitten that I found on the street and they only injected him with a serum and told me to take him away, NOT EVEN THEY OFFERED ME ANYTHING OR SOMETHING SIMILAR and sadly the next day the kitten went to a better Instead, how could they not know that that kitten was already VERY BAD, I don't know how I could trust you again. DO NOT BRING YOUR PETS HERE IF YOU REALLY LOVE THEM ? Well maybe the cuts if they are done well ...
Lisa Jenoseo on Google

Lleve a mi perrito por una fractura, lleve la radiografía y todo pero de tratamiento le querían dar terapia con electrodos, se me hizo raro aparte super super caro, lo lleve a otro hospital rápidamente y me comentaron que era cirugía y lo que querían hacerle en este veterinario no serviría de nada
I took my puppy for a fracture, I took the X-ray and everything but they wanted to give him electrode therapy for treatment, it seemed strange to me apart from being super super expensive, I took him to another hospital quickly and they told me that it was surgery and what they wanted to do to him in this vet would be useless
Adriana Mendoza on Google

Yo solo fui a la estética, lleve a mis 4 perritos y parece que los trataron bien. Eso sí, llegue 9:02 y apenas y alcanzaron lugar. Deben llegar temprano xq no es con cita
I only went to the beauty salon, I took my 4 puppies and it seems that they were treated well. Of course, I arrived at 9:02 and they barely reached a place. They must arrive early because it is not by appointment
Xavo33 Carrillo on Google

Ayer me tocó ver un desagradable incidente hacia un joven k llevaba un perro una trabajadora de la veterinaria se le fue a los golpes e insultos espero k sea una "trabajadora y no una doctora veterinaria " por k sería desagradable k una persona así como ella trate con animalitos parecía un mercado el hospital veterinario inmediatamente agarre a mi gatita y salí de ahí no kisiera k personas así atendieran a mis mascotas espero k el lugar ponga cartas en el asunto por k con esos acontecimientos desagradables por parte del lugar perderán clientes en las colonias aledañas!!
Yesterday I had to see an unpleasant incident involving a young man who was carrying a dog, a veterinary worker was beaten and insulted, I hope she is a "worker and not a veterinary doctor" because it would be unpleasant for a person like her to treat her with little animals it looked like a market the veterinary hospital immediately grabbed my kitten and left there I didn't want people like that to take care of my pets I hope the place puts a dent in the matter because with those unpleasant events on the part of the place they will lose customers in the neighborhoods surrounding!!

El servicio es bueno y la atención también, a mi perro le encanta, lo bañan, cortan el pelo y uñas m cada servicio que le hacen, me agrada y a un muy buen precio
The service is good and the attention too, my dog ​​loves it, they bathe it, cut its hair and nails for every service they do, I like it and at a very good price
gabriela espino on Google

1000% RECOMENDABLE.........!!! Mi tía hace unos meses fue a pedir ayuda a la clínica para el rescate de un perro con fractura de pata izquierda y muy amablemente la apoyaron en el rescate. La cirugía que le realizaron fue todo un éxito. Recomendamos ampliamente el servicio de la clínica, en especial la atención del MVZ Joaquín Rodríguez, excelente doctor y ser humano.
1000% RECOMMENDED..........!!! A few months ago my aunt went to the clinic to ask for help to rescue a dog with a fractured left leg and they very kindly supported her in the rescue. The surgery they performed on him was a complete success. We highly recommend the service of the clinic, especially the attention of the MVZ Joaquín Rodríguez, an excellent doctor and human being.
Elizabeth Vigueras Arriaga on Google

He llevado a mis mascotas (Perros) varias veces y siempre he tenido la atención necesaria. Cuando les toca dentista se hace la cita con anticipación y la hora que te dan es cuando te pasan a la cita. Cabe recalcar que les dan el seguimiento hasta que son dados de alta y no cobran las consultas solo la primera vez y de hay todas las demás que los citen cubren ese presupuesto. Las doctoras y doctores muy amables y empáticos con las mascotas
I have taken my pets (Dogs) several times and I have always had the necessary attention. When it's the dentist's turn, the appointment is made in advance and the time they give you is when they take you to the appointment. It should be noted that they are followed up until they are discharged and they do not charge for consultations only the first time and then all the others that quote them cover that budget. The doctors and doctors very kind and empathic with pets
Rene Cortes on Google

Excelente servicio, cobro justo, sobre todo seguridad para tus mascotas, operaron a mi perrita y con toda la confianza y seguridad se las deje. También bañan a tus mascotas, solo que hay que llegar temprano porque hay mucha gente dado el buen servicio qué dan
Excellent service, fair payment, especially security for your pets, they operated on my dog ​​and with all the confidence and security I leave them. They also bathe your pets, only you have to arrive early because there are many people given the good service they give

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