22 Junta Distrital INE - 09609 Ciudad de México

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Contact 22 Junta Distrital INE

Address :

Av. Carlos Hank González No. 81, 2da Amp Santiago Acahualtepec, Iztapalapa, 09609 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +79
Website : https://ubicatumodulo.ine.mx/
Categories :
City : CDMX

Av. Carlos Hank González No. 81, 2da Amp Santiago Acahualtepec, Iztapalapa, 09609 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Mariana Bautista Rico on Google

El problema de este lugar es que esta muy escondido y dificil de salir de ahi, sacando cita la atencion es rapida y no tuve ningun problema.
The problem with this place is that it is very hidden and difficult to get out of there, making an appointment the attention is quick and I had no problem.
Jose J. J. J. on Google

Super lenta la atención Tarde casi 3 horas solo para medio tramite por vigencia Siempre hay mucha gente
super slow attention It takes almost 3 hours just for half a process due to validity there are always many people
Marco Antonio Vega Cordova on Google

Saque cita para mi madre ,nos atendieron muy bien ,es rápido ,sin complicaciones ,claro tienes que llegar unos minutos antes .
I made an appointment for my mother, they treated us very well, it's fast, without complications, of course you have to arrive a few minutes before.
Deyanira Arizmendi on Google

Yo asistí con cita previa a las 5:00 de la tarde y pase como hora y cuarto después, ya que solo había 2 personas capturando tus datos, la chica policía y quién revisa tus documentos muy amables el horario de cierre es hasta las 8:00pm por qué si la Google as te dice que el horario de cierre es hasta las 3 pero no es asi
I attended by appointment at 5:00 in the afternoon and spent about an hour and a quarter later, since there were only 2 people capturing your data, the police girl and whoever reviews your documents, very kind, the closing time is until 8: 00pm why if Google tells you that the closing time is until 3 but it is not like that
Francisco Hernández on Google

Muy mala atención tardan demasiado tiempo Aunque hayas hecho tu cita por internet y al último no encuentran la ubicación con los comprobantes de domicilio quedas
Very bad attention takes too long Even if you have made your appointment online and at the last they do not find the location with the proof of address, you remain
Ernesto Velasco Zaragoza on Google

Hay algo que quisiera preguntar, porque nadamas citas programadas? Porque no pueden atender sin cita? Porque le dan tanto tiempo entre cita y cita (Entre 25 y 30 minutos)?, Cuántas citas se programan en un horario, por ejemplo 8:00 am? Nadamas 1 cita por hora? Porque si hay entre 3 y 4 personas atendiendo?, Porque no es posible que esas mismas personas atiendan a 3 o 4 personas a la 8:00am y así sucesivamente?. Es algo ilógico que una visita que hice la junta distrital estaba vacía, porque entonces no atienden a personas sin cita, es algo más ilógico que pregonen que la opinión de uno cuenta para que puedan mejorar, si siguen siendo la misma burocracia que tanto perjudica a los que necesitamos de un buen servicio rápido y eficaz sin tantos trámites, que toman como pretexto la pandemia por la que atraviesa el país, siendo que con un buen control todo se puede hacer, con cita y sin cita. Por último quiero mencionar que es pésimo, que digo pésimo, muy malo poder sacar una cita por télefono, porque te dejan esperando hasta una hora, y por si esto fuera poco, no logro concretar nada. En hay les dejo mi punto de vista particular, espero al menos se tome en cuenta y se busque un mejor servicio.
Is there something I would like to ask, why are you just scheduled appointments? Why can not attend without an appointment? Why do they give you so much time between appointments (between 25 and 30 minutes)? How many appointments are scheduled on a schedule, for example 8:00 am? Nothing more than 1 appointment per hour? Why if there are between 3 and 4 people attending ?, Why is it not possible for those same people to serve 3 or 4 people at 8:00 am and so on ?. It is something illogical that a visit I made to the district board was empty, because then they do not serve people without appointments, it is something more illogical for them to proclaim that one's opinion counts so that they can improve, if they continue to be the same bureaucracy that hurts so much to Those of us who need a good, fast and efficient service without so much paperwork, which take as a pretext the pandemic the country is going through, being that with good control everything can be done, by appointment and without an appointment. Finally I want to mention that it is terrible, I say terrible, very bad to be able to make an appointment by phone, because they leave you waiting up to an hour, and as if this were not enough, I cannot specify anything. In there I leave my particular point of view, I hope at least it is taken into account and a better service is sought.

Hasta ahorita el tiempo de espera no es mucho, el problema es que aunque tengas cita programada los van atendiendo conforme van llegando, la atención del personal principalmente del policía muy mala, altanero
Until now, the waiting time is not much, the problem is that even if you have a scheduled appointment, they are attended to as they arrive, the attention of the staff mainly of the very bad, haughty police
Rafael Osorio on Google

Me tocó vivir el despotismo la indiferencia y discriminación por parte de la persona de la seguridad la q está en el escritorio y una tercera q no se de cuál sea su labor Todas ellas mujeres Tuve covid en enero y me afectó un pulmón solo me trabaja uno Desgraciad mente extravié mi credencial Y llegué a pedir información Les comenté de mi situación Por q mi hermano me mandó una remesa a Elektra y poder seguir con el tratamiento de mi pulmón No llevaba cita Y me trataron de lo más despota casi me corren Les pedí su apoyo Les dije q no saqe por por q estaban saturadas las citas Pedí hablar con el jefe del módulo y tampoco me canalizaron Por q el protocolo ya estaba hecho y no podían alterar las citas Pero el miércoles q hicieron paro las mujeres no atendieron a nadie Y todas esas personas no fueron a trabajar o dejaron de hacer sus labores por ir a su cita Entonces ellas si pueden romper el protocolo Y los q llevan cita los atienden media hora después Entonces de w sirve la cita Total lo único fue q me trataron Peor q a los perros callejeros Por q a esos hasta agua les dan Pero así como me trataron Ellas les va a pasar más por y ojalá q sus familiares no pasen por alguna situación o secuelas del covid para q se acuerden de mí Ojalá el presidente tome cartas en esta dependencia y haga cambios al protocolo Q lo manejan a su conveniencia los empleados
I had to experience despotism, indifference and discrimination on the part of the security person who is at the desk and a third who I don't know what his job is all of them women I had covid in January and it affected one lung, only one works for me Unfortunately, I lost my credential. And I came to ask for information I told them about my situation Because my brother sent me a remittance to Elektra and be able to continue with the treatment of my lung didn't have an appointment And they treated me with the most despot they almost fired me I asked for your support I told them not to take out because the appointments were saturated I asked to speak with the head of the module and they did not channel me either Because the protocol was already done and they couldn't alter the appointments But on the Wednesday that they made a strike, the women did not attend to anyone And all those people did not go to work or stopped doing their chores to go to their appointment So they can break the protocol And those who have an appointment attend them half an hour later Then what is the use of the quote Total the only thing was that they treated me worse than stray dogs Because they even give them water But how they treated me It will happen to them more and I hope that their relatives do not go through some situation or sequels of covid so that they remember me Hopefully the president takes action in this dependency and makes changes to the protocol Q handled at your convenience by employees

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