Aduana de México - 02670 Ciudad de México

2.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Aduana de México

Address :

Ferrocarril Central S / N, Cosmopolita, Azcapotzalco, 02670 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Categories :
City : CDMX

Ferrocarril Central S / N, Cosmopolita, Azcapotzalco, 02670 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Marycarmen López on Google

Me pidieron que depositara 1500 para la liberacion de mi paquete, ellos se iban a comunicar con DHL para que me lo entregaran, después de depositar me bloquearon, son una basura, por eso el país está como está, desgraciados.
They asked me to deposit 1500 for the release of my package, they were going to communicate with DHL to deliver it to me, after depositing they blocked me, they are garbage, that's why the country is as it is, unfortunates.
Darian on Google

tengan cuidado con dirigirse a este lugar un tal Lic.Martin Mortero me indico que mis productos serian liberados por medio de un pago a la cuenta 557907118546822 se cobrarian el impuesto del servicio tributario , y que mis productos se liberarian en 48 horas ,pero esto no es cierto es un fraude el pago de impuesto se hace por medio de un documento que entrega la aduana y se paga en las oficinas de haciennda no se dejen timar mejor llamen al telefono555588020000 ext.51034 SERVICIO DE ATENCION TRIBUTARIA
Be careful about going to this place, a certain Mr. Martin Mortero told me that my products would be released by means of a payment to the account 557907118546822, the tax service would be charged, and that my products would be released in 48 hours, but this would not It is true, it is a fraud, the tax payment is made through a document delivered by customs and paid at the tax offices, do not get scammed, better call 555588020000 ext. 51034 TAX ATTENTION SERVICE
Sa O Risu on Google

Son un asco de gente. Roban cosas de los paquetes que abren. Se mandarn dos regalos identicos para ninos, uno si llego y otro lo cambiaron por otra cajita dentro del mismo paquete (se tomaron la molestia de envolver otra cosa para aparentar que ahi seguia el regalo). Da risa tipo de gente que trabaja aqui, hasta a los ninos les roban... ridiculos.
They are disgusting people. They steal things from the packages they open. Two identical gifts will be sent for children, one if it arrived and the other was exchanged for another box within the same package (they took the trouble to wrap something else to pretend that the gift was still there). The kind of people who work here are laughable, even children are robbed ... ridiculous.
Elder Neil Hernandez Contreras on Google

Que asco de personal llegas con la mejor intención de que te resuelvan tus dudas y solo te dicen que ahí no llegan paquetes, que llegan contenedores, ya dos meses retenido mi paquete y te pones a pensar en que pais tan bonito pero gente tan asquerosa, una estrella porque no se puede menos
What a disgusting staff you arrive with the best intention of having your doubts resolved and they only tell you that packages do not arrive there, that containers arrive, they have held my package for two months and you start to think about what a beautiful country but such disgusting people, one star because you can not less
roberto baeza on Google

Alejandra Kiester on Google

just tracked my package. Been there since Nov 23, 2020. called them and the phone is not even working. we work hard in this country to send stuff to our love ones and they don't care. So Sad .
Luz Mendez on Google

To all the persons out there never used DHL to send something to Mexico it's not worth it. They charged you almost $300 dollars for your package NOT to get to the state and address. The customs stay with the package and when they feel like it, until they release it...they think we have all the time to pleases them, like they don't care. Their not profesional's that's why the whole country is how it is mess up with these kind of persons. Also you call the the representatives of DHL and they tell you the same thing over and over like they don't even want to deal with it....I think that's not being profesional they don't what there client's to be satisfied with the work there doing around the world. I want my money back I send out package since January 11th 2021 and call to return back and till know has not came back because the Customs have it still in Mexico until they feel like it, they will return it. Please people read the reviews before to ship something any where.
Jackie P on Google

I send my two cousins two inexpensive laptops $300 for both. I paid the US post office $100, but when the merchandise arrived in Mexico “la Duana” charged $170 for my family to receive the package for taxes. This agency is not good at all, I would give it a Negative Star review if I could. BEWARE!

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