Centro Escolar Cedros - Hacienda de Guadalupe Chimalistac

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Centro Escolar Cedros

Address :

Tecoyotitla 364, Ex, Hacienda de Guadalupe Chimalistac, 01050 Ciudad de México, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 01050
Website : https://www.colegios-cedros-yaocalli.mx/cedros
Categories :
City : Ciudad de México

Tecoyotitla 364, Ex, Hacienda de Guadalupe Chimalistac, 01050 Ciudad de México, Mexico
Fernando Mancha on Google

La verdad muy decepcionante secundaria los profesores son muy barcos.
The truth is very disappointing secondary teachers are very boats.
L.M. P.T. on Google

La escuela es fantástica, tiene profesores muy valiosos. Hay profesores de las mentes mas brillantes. Yo diría que, en general, es un ambiente formador de carácter en lo que a alumnado representa, e incomparable en instalaciones.
The school is fantastic, it has very valuable teachers. There are teachers of the brightest minds. I would say that, in general, it is a character-forming environment in which it represents students, and incomparable in facilities.
María Inés Almagro Ruschke on Google

El colegio cedros, no solo es el mejor colegio para niños y adolescentes, en el colegio cedros de forman hombres seguros de si mismos y seguros de que en un futuro ellos serán grandes emprendedores. Con sus sistema trilingüe ellos tienen la oportunidad de aprender español, inglés y francés, lo cual ayuda al desarrollo. Recomendado 100%
The cedars school is not only the best school for children and adolescents, in the cedars school they form self-confident men and sure that in the future they will be great entrepreneurs. With their trilingual system they have the opportunity to learn Spanish, English and French, which helps development. Recommended 100%
Maria Ruschke on Google

Excelente modelo educativo y de formación integral y humana aparte de instalaciones de vanguardia y gran profesorado. Mi familia creó aquí amistades para toda la vida.
Excellent comprehensive and humane educational and training model apart from state-of-the-art facilities and great teachers. My family created lifelong friends here.
Alvaro Sanchez Ortiz on Google

Es un gran colegio, están renovando constante su modelo académico. Mis hijos son felices y los están preparando para afrontar los retos del futuro, con un sentido de responsabilidad humana, fundamentada en virtudes.
It is a great school, they are constantly renewing their academic model. My children are happy and they are preparing them to face the challenges of the future, with a sense of human responsibility, based on virtues.
Pablo Paz Doval on Google

orgulloso de ser exalumno de este colegio, definitivamente grandes experiencias y anécdotas.
proud to be a former student of this school, definitely great experiences and anecdotes.
George Arturo Sports on Google

Muy buen colegio, con buenos deportes, profesores, etc.
Very good school, with good sports, teachers, etc.
Maria Rosa Molina on Google

All boys catholic school run by the Opus Dei. On Elementary and junior High Scholl level the academic level is not very good. The teacher, all men, are very dedicated.

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