Centro Veterinario Terranova - 44620 Guadalajara

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Centro Veterinario Terranova

Address :

Plaza Terranova Plus, Av Terranova 495-local 7, Terranova, 44620 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +78
Categories :
City : Jal.

Plaza Terranova Plus, Av Terranova 495-local 7, Terranova, 44620 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Krmen Manjarrez on Google

Médicos muy preparados, atentos. Solidarios con el dolor de los peluditos y con mucho tacto para explicar. Explican a detalle, realizan estudios pertinentes y muestran interés por el animalito.
Very prepared, attentive doctors. In solidarity with the pain of the furry ones and with a lot of tact to explain. They explain in detail, carry out relevant studies and show interest in the little animal.
Fernanda De la Huerta on Google

Muy conscientes, he llevado a muchos de mis rescates y he tenido muy buena experiencia, sobretodo con el veterinario Adrián y la veterinaria Maca!
Very conscientious, I have taken many of my rescues and I have had a very good experience, especially with the veterinarian Adrián and the veterinarian Maca!
Grecia Lopez on Google

Lleve a mi gatito muy enfermo lo diagnosticaron por un la enfermedad en sus glóbulos rojos, le producio una anemia severa, debido a la hemobatonella, ellos me lo salvaron ♥️es un centro veterinario bastante completo cuentan con los aparatos y el conocimiento para el diagnóstico de nuestros peludos, es un centro veterinario de calidad. Saludos a todo el personal. ♥️
I took my very sick kitten, they diagnosed him with a disease in his red blood cells, he suffered severe anemia, due to hemobatonella, they saved him ♥ our furry, is a quality veterinary center. Greetings to all the staff. ♥ ️
Aurora Moreno on Google

no me gusta dejar malas reviews en negocios, pero la verdad es que quedé un poco molesta por la atención que me dieron. llevé a un gatito que rescaté (creía que era niña), la doctora me preguntó si era niño o niña y ni siquiera revisó ni confirmó el género del gatito, pero muy confidentemente sí me dijo que la esterilizada me saldría en $4,200. pedí que desparasitaran al gatito, y le aplicaron un producto tópico que me dijeron que iba a servir para sus pulguitas y para el estómago. me cobraron $1,708.50, por la desparasitada y la prueba de sida/leucemia. en ese momento no pensé nada malo porque creía que era normal eso (nunca he tenido una mascota). por otras razones, el gatito no se pudo quedar en mi casa, y mi amiga que lo adoptó lo llevó con otro veterinario y lo primero que le dijo fue que era él, no ella (lo que no me pudieron confirmar aquí), y el desparasitante que le dieron no servía más que para las pulgas, ¿qué tal que el gatito hubiera tenido algo más y por no darle el medicamento correcto le hubiera pasado algo? me hizo enojar mucho ésto porque no me cobraron tres pesos como para que no le dieran la medicina que le correspondía, ni poderme decir bien el género del gatito. cero los recomiendo si quieren llevar a sus gatos.
I don't like to leave bad reviews on business, but the truth is that I was a little upset by the attention they gave me. I took a kitten that I rescued (I thought it was a girl), the doctor asked me if it was a boy or a girl and she did not even check or confirm the gender of the kitten, but very confidently she told me that the sterilized one would cost me $ 4,200. I asked them to deworm the kitten, and they applied a topical product that they told me would work for their fleas and their stomach. They charged me $ 1,708.50, for the deworming and the AIDS / leukemia test. at that moment I didn't think anything bad because I thought that was normal (I have never had a pet). For other reasons, the kitten could not stay at my house, and my friend who adopted him took him to another vet and the first thing she told her was that it was him, not her (which they could not confirm here), and the The dewormer that they gave him was only useful for fleas, what if the kitten had had something else and something would have happened to him for not giving him the correct medicine? This made me very angry because they did not charge me three pesos so that they did not give him the medicine he was entitled to, nor to be able to tell me the gender of the kitten correctly. Zero recommend them if they want to take their cats.
Jessica Pamplona on Google

Pésimo servicio, te encargan procesos innecesarios para cobrarte más. Lleve una muestra de mi perrita me dijeron que me hablaría pará darme resultados, no me hablaron entonces yo hable y ya habían perdido mi muestra. Me pidieron que llevara nuevamente muestra. Y encima esta carisimo.
Terrible service, they charge you with unnecessary processes to charge you more. I took a sample from my dog, they told me they would talk to me to give me the results, they didn't talk to me so I spoke and they had already lost my sample. They asked me to bring a sample again. And on top of that, it's very expensive.
Veronica Ramirez on Google

Lleve a mi cachorro a la veterinaria para su última vacuna.. noté que no se sentía bien y lo volví a llevar a la veterinaria, ya no quería comer y me dijeron que era porque estaba mudando dientes... volví a ir y me dijeron que era salmonela... volví a ir y me dijeron que tenía un metal en el estómago... estaba ya muy débil que murió antes de que lo intervinieran ? Te extraño Cheeto ??
I took my puppy to the vet for his last vaccination ... I noticed that he was not feeling well and I took him back to the vet, he no longer wanted to eat and they told me it was because he was shedding teeth ... I went back and they told me that it was salmonella ... I went back and they told me that he had a metal in his stomach ... he was already very weak that he died before they intervened ? I miss you Cheeto ??
fernando estrada on Google

Pésima atención. Llamé para confirmar cita para unos estudios, me dicen que solo me presente y no necesito nada. Al llegar a tiempo me dicen que si necesito la receta del estudio (simple química sanguínea). Le pido me haga una receta ya que ellos tienen el expediente de mi mascota y ya había ido varias veces, me dice que no puede y ya, sin ganas de ayudar y que debí haber preguntado antes (cosa que hice). Si no tiene actitud de servicio dedícate a otra profesión Macame. Para no regresar a éste lugar. Están avisados.
Terrible attention. I called to confirm an appointment for some studies, they tell me to just show up and I don't need anything. When I arrive on time they tell me if I need the prescription for the study (simple blood chemistry). I ask him to write me a prescription since they have my pet's file and I had already been several times, he tells me that he can't and that's it, without wanting to help and that I should have asked before (which I did). If you don't have a service attitude dedicate yourself to another profession Macame. To not return to this place. They are warned.
Paty Gutierrez on Google

It is a good place, but their prices are higher than any other places I've been to in the city. There are better places that are way less expensive.

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