Cervecería Gusto Culposo - 78000 San Luis

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cervecería Gusto Culposo

Address :

Avenida Universidad 145, Centro Historico, 78000 San Luis, S.L.P., Mexico

Categories :
City : S.L.P.

Avenida Universidad 145, Centro Historico, 78000 San Luis, S.L.P., Mexico
Leo Pereria on Google

Excelente lugar, con varios ambientes para tomar cervezas artesanales..Pedimos una ámbar, de carácter! Alitas y pizzas sin salsa de tomate...estilo pastor y estilo caramelo... lo mejor, el postre, unos deditos de chocolate semi-amargo fritos al momento con nieve. Los Populares tequeños de chocolate! Promos entre semana...
Excellent place, with several environments to drink craft beers .. We ordered an amber, with character! Wings and pizzas without tomato sauce ... shepherd style and caramel style ... the best, dessert, some semi-bitter chocolate fingers fried at the moment with snow. The popular chocolate tequeños! Weekday promos ...
Luis Adolfo Olivier Pérez on Google

Un excelente lugar para degustar deliciosas cervezas Artesanales de altura. Hay tres niveles donde el último tiene una hermosa vista pues es una terraza, hay también platillos y botanas para acompañar tu cerveza. También hay opciones de bebidas sin alcohol, así como coctelería. Te recomiendo la cerveza Pale-Alé si quieres algo que no esté muy amargo y que no caiga pesada, pero si te inclinas más por la cerveza con cuerpo y con un sabor delicioso e imponente, te recomiendo una Portter. Le robo una estrella pues cuando fui no había papás a la francesa, eso es imperdonable en un lugar de chelas. Jajaja por lo demás todo muy a gust y bien.
An excellent place to taste delicious high-altitude craft beers. There are three levels where the last one has a beautiful view as it is a terrace, there are also dishes and snacks to accompany your beer. There are also non-alcoholic beverage options, as well as cocktails. I recommend the Pale-Alé beer if you want something that is not too bitter and not heavy, but if you are more inclined towards a full-bodied beer with a delicious and imposing flavor, I recommend a Portter. I stole a star because when I went there were no French fries, that is unforgivable in a place of chelas. Hahaha otherwise everything very comfortable and good.
Esparta Films MX on Google

El lugar es bonito y está ubicado en uno de los puntos más emblemáticos del centro histórico en cuanto a lo que bares y lugares para tomar un trago tranquilamente respecta: Aranzazú y el jardín de San Francisco. En esta ocasión solo pedimos unas quesadillas de pastor las cuales estaban decentes y con buen sabor, sin que sean nada del otro mundo. Vimos pasar recurrentemente platos con hamburguesas, que a juzgar por el pan (aparentemente artesanal) y la presentación, me atrevería a decir que probablemente estén buenas. La cerveza comercial, si bien es de la más chafa (Tecate Light, Carta Blanca y XX Lager) maneja buen precio para la zona, esto es $35 (hablamos de pesos mexicanos) cuando se trata de esas cervezas comerciales nacionales y me parece que $70 cuando se trata de su cerveza artesanal de la casa bajo el mismo nombre del lugar: cerveza "Gusto culposo", la cual es muy buena por tener una esencia de sabor prácticamente igual al de la cerveza Siete barrios, que es probablemente la mejor cerveza artesanal del país y emblemática del estado de San Luis Potosí, nombre que alude a los 7 barrios tradicionales del centro histórico cuyas Iglesias dice la leyenda se encuentran conectadas entre sí, a través de túneles subterráneos y en donde dicen que se llegaron encontrar esqueletos de fetos presumiblemente abortados por monjas qué se habían embarazado de sacerdotes de las iglesias mencionadas de cada barrio. Sí, en San Luis Potosí la gente es como en Guanajuato: mochos, conservadores y persignados de derecha, pero que se creen españoles primermundistas open mind baby. Con eso ya no hay pierde en cuanto a la calidad de su cerveza de la casa, pero se podría alegar hasta cierto punto cierto plagio de receta (no soy maestro cervecero ni mucho menos sé elaborar cerveza, pero de que soy catador y conocedor de cervezas artesanales e internacionales, lo soy). La parte negativa, pero no de todo enjuiciable porque eso ya es asunto de quién lleva la administración, lo cual supongo deberían ser los dueños (quiénes por cierto tienen carnicerías allá por Nereo Rodríguez Barragán, de ahí que la carne de sus platillos debería estar chida), fue que los chavos y chavas que atendían lugar estaban más hechos bolas que la musculatura de Arnold Schwarzenegger en los años 70's. Sí bien tenían actitud servicial y buena, y andaban trabajando como hormigas africanas en época de calor, entre la distribución del local que pareciera no ser práctica para efectos de la cocina y llevadera de bebidas, y la afluencia de sábado por la noche, sucedía lo que cualquier lugar de servicios debería tratar de evitar con el estoicismo de un espartano: que el comensal sea quien tiene que andar cazando al mesero para pedirle algún alimento o bebida. En general se trata de un lugar bastante agradable en el corazón del Ventro Histórico. El 50% del lugar digamos que se encuentra al aire libre lo cual en temporadas de frío puede ser un tema por la volatilidad extrema de el clima de nuestra capital. Su ambiente es familiar y lo digo porque vi familias enteras consumiendo en el lugar, así como parejas (y prospectos de pareja) que pasaban su rato romántico (y otras no tanto porque a lo mejor se veían bien distintos en el Tinder), al igual que en el espacio del primer piso pude ver algunos señores se esos con pinta de administrativos eternamente enamorados de las oficinistas jóvenes de su chamba disfrutando del fútbol, y sin embargo el ambiente se mantenía como de restaurant bar decente. Si regresaría.
The place is beautiful and is located in one of the most emblematic points of the historic center in terms of bars and places to have a quiet drink: Aranzazú and the San Francisco garden. On this occasion we only ordered some pastor quesadillas which were decent and tasted good, without being anything to write home about. We repeatedly saw dishes with hamburgers, which judging by the bread (apparently handmade) and the presentation, I would dare to say that they are probably good. The commercial beer, although it is the most cheap (Tecate Light, Carta Blanca and XX Lager) has a good price for the area, this is $35 (we are talking about Mexican pesos) when it comes to those national commercial beers and it seems to me that $70 when it comes to their craft beer from the house under the same name of the place: "Gusto culposo" beer, which is very good for having an essence of flavor practically the same as Siete barrios beer, which is probably the best craft beer of the country and emblematic of the state of San Luis Potosí, a name that alludes to the 7 traditional neighborhoods of the historic center whose churches, according to legend, are connected to each other, through underground tunnels and where they say that skeletons of fetuses were presumably found. aborted by nuns that they had gotten pregnant from priests of the churches mentioned in each neighborhood. Yes, in San Luis Potosí people are like in Guanajuato: mochos, conservatives and right-wing persigns, but they think they are first world Spanish open mind baby. With this, there is no longer any loss in terms of the quality of their house beer, but it could be alleged to a certain extent a certain plagiarism of the recipe (I am not a brewmaster, much less do I know how to make beer, but I am a taster and connoisseur of beers artisanal and international, I am). The negative part, but not all prosecutable because that is already a matter of who runs the administration, which I suppose should be the owners (who by the way have butcher shops there by Nereo Rodríguez Barragán, hence the meat in their dishes should be cool ), was that the boys and girls who attended the place were more balls than Arnold Schwarzenegger's muscles in the 70's. Although they had a helpful and good attitude, and they were working like African ants in the hot season, between the distribution of the premises that seemed to be impractical for cooking purposes and bearable for drinks, and the influx of Saturday night, what happened that any place of services should try to avoid with the stoicism of a Spartan: that the diner is the one who has to chase the waiter to ask for some food or drink. Overall, it's a pretty nice place in the heart of Ventro Histórico. Let's say 50% of the place is outdoors, which in cold seasons can be an issue due to the extreme volatility of the climate in our capital. Its atmosphere is familiar and I say this because I saw entire families consuming in the place, as well as couples (and prospective couples) who spent their romantic time (and others not so much because maybe they looked very different on Tinder), as well as that in the space on the first floor I could see some gentlemen who looked like administrators eternally in love with the young office workers of their job enjoying soccer, and yet the atmosphere remained like a decent restaurant bar. If I would return.
Gigi Escalantr on Google

Deliciosa comida, agradable lugar, buena vista
Delicious food, nice place, good view
El Paco Letras on Google

Excelente el mesero Francisco que habla idiomas es culto educado y muy simpático.
The waiter Francisco who speaks languages ​​is excellent, educated and very nice.
Psic. Gabriel Glz. on Google

El lugar está muy bonito, la vista de terraza es buena; la música ambiental es buena. Los costos son algo elevados, lo único malo es el servicio, tardan mucho. En el caso personal pedí una pizza y 15 minutos después me dijeron que no había, pero las servían en varias mesas que llegaron después que yo ?. Finalmente tardan mucho en atender. Pero vale la pena si solo quieres sentarte y platicar
The place is very nice, the terrace view is good; ambient music is good. The costs are somewhat high, the only bad thing is the service, it takes a long time. In my personal case, I ordered a pizza and 15 minutes later they told me there was none, but they served it to several tables that arrived after me ?. Finally they take a long time to attend. But it's worth it if you just want to sit and talk
Cynthia Rojas on Google

Good food and drinks but not the best service.
Kevin Ballantine on Google

It was a nice place inside. Some of the staff seemed pretty busy on their cell phones. There was a moment where all of our glasses were empty. We ordered two two-for-one baskets of boneless wings, one with Buffalo, one with Mango Habanero, and the other were just two orders of BBQ. We received two baskets of Mango Habanero and 2 baskets of Buffalo. The child in our party has a gastrointestinal issue and cannot eat spicy foods. Her parents were too nice and did not bring up the issue. They fed their daughter elsewhere. That being said, both the Buffalo and Mango Habanero had great flavors. The stuffed mushrooms were delicious as well. One of the things that struck me about the place was their selection of "Artisan Beers." Unfortunately, the only beers available from their selection was the Blonde and the Porter. Would have really liked to try the Dunkel, as I never had that style of beer before. The Blonde and the Porter we're both pretty tasty, otherwise. This place has a lot of potential, it just needs that little extra attentive service from the staff to get it over the hump. Otherwise, a decent place nice good views.

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